Why one should believe in god

Depends on what you're referring to in your post. Are you talking about the Abrahamic god in particular? There are plenty of other gods, some of whom are very different.
Anyhow, I kind of admire Kant's 'critique' of god or whatever, although I only partly undertand it. I think that god is probably a lot of Bs ... lol. But there are a lot of buts, ya know?
Ashura: mostly the part about the 'why one should believe in god'. The "examination of thought to see if or not the athiest perspectives or true or whatever I said there. I don't know what to make of my post, to be entirely honest,- I hope you understand.
Have you ever brought someone to church who went through the whole package and was still a disbeliever, or unsure?

No. I know which church or service to bring them to depending on what they need. I have brought some who remained Jewish, but that's ok. I don't force anyone to do anything. It's their decision.

As far as existabrent's "I think that god is probably a lot of Bs"--hopefully he/she "gets it" before he/she dies and has to face God. Try explaining THAT comment. :eek:

And for Kenny's "It is obvious that man created god because there is no evidence for god." There is no evidence for love either and I still believe in it. :)

There may be more evidence of God than we even realize.

How is one born knowing and understanding the concepts of belief and non-belief and then apply them to a religion?


When I was born I had no belief system. I was taught that. If I had been raised in the jungles of the Amazon, i would have gone my whole life without a a belief system. I would have been as I was born.
...I am a "fisher of men" like the Bible tells me to be. :)

So you are a fisher of men by showing you fellow man the love that Jesus did?? Is that for Americans only, or everyone? I mean, do you do missionary work?
When I was born I had no belief system. I was taught that. If I had been raised in the jungles of the Amazon, i would have gone my whole life without a a belief system. I would have been as I was born.

Exactly, you weren't born a believer OR disbeliever. You weren't aware or understood ANY concepts. And, you might have lived your whole life that way.
So as soon as I met a missionary at the ago of 59, I would have been a man made disbeliever??
Exactly, you weren't born a believer OR disbeliever. You weren't aware or understood ANY concepts. And, you might have lived your whole life that way.

Which is why all cultures have been without religion, with only a few theistic types here and there.:rolleyes:
Which is why all cultures have been without religion, with only a few theistic types here and there.:rolleyes:

And, it certainly does demonstrate there is only one god in which all are aware, with one single message for all ingrained into everyones soul. :rolleyes:
And, it certainly does demonstrate there is only one god in which all are aware, with one single message for all ingrained into everyones soul. :rolleyes:

Sure it does, there an idea of one above the all, even where they have polytheistic beliefs.:)
Sure it does, there an idea of one above the all, even where they have polytheistic beliefs.:)

Horsepucky. You can spin that anyway you want, but it doesn't fly. A single god with a single message would be known by all. Case closed.
Horsepucky. You can spin that anyway you want, but it doesn't fly. A single god with a single message would be known by all. Case closed.

Really, sounds like a communist mindset. All people must see it the same way. Wake up and see the variety :yawn:
Really, sounds like a communist mindset. All people must see it the same way. Wake up and see the variety :yawn:

I am fully awake and can easily see the great and wide variety of gods created by men, thank you very much.

So, you're claiming that a single god would want people to view him in different ways? Why is that?
I am fully awake and can easily see the great and wide variety of gods created by men, thank you very much.

So, you're claiming that a single god would want people to view him in different ways? Why is that?

I'm saying that people take different things from religion, just like they do from everything else. You could show the same movie to a 100,000 people and no two people might ever see it the same way. Thats to do with the people and their way of thinking, nothing to do with the movie itself.
The "fisher of men" comment makes me think of a person watching a crowd of people with a fishing pole, casting the line and waiting for the hook to set. Then when someone is caught by the line, they are reeled in, only to be checked for quality. Are they big enough? Are they the right kind? If not, they are released and thrown back. Otherwise, they are kept and flayed, maybe displayed on someone's wall or in their private fish tank.

I don't know what kind of men you fish for sandy,
but I wonder what kind of people avoid your hook and what kind of people you reel in.
Most likely, you need to have theism before you can have atheism.

so I would need to believe in Santa before I could not believe in Santa?? I'm not trying to be argumentative. I trying to work my brain around this. :)
The "fisher of men" comment makes me think of a person watching a crowd of people with a fishing pole, casting the line and waiting for the hook to set. Then when someone is caught by the line, they are reeled in, only to be checked for quality. Are they big enough? Are they the right kind? If not, they are released and thrown back. Otherwise, they are kept and flayed, maybe displayed on someone's wall or in their private fish tank.

I don't know what kind of men you fish for sandy,
but I wonder what kind of people avoid your hook and what kind of people you reel in.

Interesting wordplay. I would think that only those interested in the bait would be hooked, and only those who stay attached could be reeled in.