Why one should believe in god


I want to hear the story of religion in a thread forum. There are probably plenty of them out there.

An examination of thought, to see if or not, the arguements for athiest perspectives are true or not. I wish I could link some sources or explain what I'm talking about.

Either way I think that the whole concept of "God" is useful, - as it is a useful concept... We can apply many ideals to a God, we can use God.

So tell me please. What are the perspectives of thought which should justify a beliefe or disbeliefe in god?

Do I need to explain myself further?

Give us an explination.
You just did my job for me:

Either way I think that the whole concept of "God" is useful, - as it is a useful concept... We can apply many ideals to a God, we can use God.

So tell me please. What are the perspectives of thought which should justify a beliefe or disbeliefe in god?

We shouldn't believe in god because it's man made.
We shouldn't believe in god because it's man made.

Do you hold that same philosophy to all man-made things? ...because they're man-made, we should believe in them?

I think there might be several things in life that are ...man-made, don'tcha' think?

Baron Max
It's useful indeed. Useful for controlling masses that wants to believe in something. A great political tool ne. I just don't buy it.
first you want us to give up religion because it is man made and then you want us to take up atheism because it is man made - how appealing

Wouldn't you rather make the decision yourself?

Collection stamps is man made, too? :)
THE God, the great I am, is my spiritual Father. He is the one I love, respect, worship, glorify, serve, honor adore, etc... I have believed since I first heard at age one or so when my Mother read the Bible and Christian stories to me. She taught me all about God and Jesus. I ate it up. I always have believed in God/Jesus Christ. :worship:

We are born with a hole in our soul that only Jesus Christ/God can fill. He makes us that way. When we finally get over ourselves and surrender to doing it His way, our whole lives change for the MUCH better.:)

As far as "the perspectives of thought which should justify a beliefe or disbeliefe in god?"--it's not about thought. It's about faith. It's about hope. It's about love. It's a conviction I have deep in my spirit that I KNOW this is true. I thank God for Jesus Christ and the opportunity I have to serve Him.:worship:
I have believed since I first heard at age one or so when my Mother read the Bible and Christian stories to me. She taught me all about God and Jesus. I ate it up. I always have believed in God/Jesus Christ. :worship:

Some people call that brainwashing. Whatever...

We are born with a hole in our soul that only Jesus Christ/God can fill. He makes us that way. When we finally get over ourselves and surrender to doing it His way, our whole lives change for the MUCH better.:)

What if we die too young, or if we live in an environment which never introduces us to whatever branch of Christianity you believe in?

As far as "the perspectives of thought which should justify a beliefe or disbeliefe in god?"--it's not about thought. It's about faith. It's about hope. It's about love. It's a conviction I have deep in my spirit that I KNOW this is true. I thank God for Jesus Christ and the opportunity I have to serve Him.:worship:

What is your purpose through serving Jesus?
I need my brain washed. Everyday. I need to keep a reign on my thoughts and not let them get secular. (VERY hard when discussing criminal aliens and evil terrorists.)

Those who have never heard go to Heaven. Those who hear and reject don't.

MY purpose in serving Jesus Christ is to bring the lost back to Him. I witness to people, invite them to church, help them get saved, and befriend them so they have a spiritual big sister. I help at crusades/healing services. When someone gets healed, they are beyond awestruck. I help explain things to them. I am a "fisher of men" like the Bible tells me to be. :)
I need my brain washed. Everyday. I need to keep a reign on my thoughts and not let them get secular. (VERY hard when discussing criminal aliens and evil terrorists.)

Those who have never heard go to Heaven. Those who hear and reject don't.

MY purpose in serving Jesus Christ is to bring the lost back to Him. I witness to people, invite them to church, help them get saved, and befriend them so they have a spiritual big sister. I help at crusades/healing services. When someone gets healed, they are beyond awestruck. I help explain things to them. I am a "fisher of men" like the Bible tells me to be. :)

Have you ever brought someone to church who went through the whole package and was still a disbeliever, or unsure?
I need my brain washed. Everyday. I need to keep a reign on my thoughts and not let them get secular. (VERY hard when discussing criminal aliens and evil terrorists.)

So basically you force yourself to stay closed-minded?

MY purpose in serving Jesus Christ is to bring the lost back to Him. I witness to people, invite them to church, help them get saved, and befriend them so they have a spiritual big sister. I help at crusades/healing services. When someone gets healed, they are beyond awestruck. I help explain things to them. I am a "fisher of men" like the Bible tells me to be. :)

What if somebody truly reads the Bible with an open mind, learns everything there is to learn about Christianity, asks questions and gets proper answers, practices the Christian lifestyle, but cannot find the truth and enlightenment from it? What do you have to say to them?
Do you hold that same philosophy to all man-made things? ...because they're man-made, we should believe in them?

I think there might be several things in life that are ...man-made, don'tcha' think?

Baron Max

It's rather obvious what is man-made and what isn't.

It is obvious that man created god because there is no evidence for god. It's obvious that the Earth is round and that man had no hand in this.

Get my point?