Why must people hate Islam?


IQ of "Highly Gifted"-"Genius"
Registered Senior Member
So what, some of them are extremists and terrorists!
Think about it. In midevil times Pope Urban (in my opinion one of the WORST MEN TO EVER WALK THE FACE OF THIS EARTH) ordered a violent attack on Jeursalem to take it from the Muslims. In the process they brutally killed muslims and jews in a successful attempt to take over Jeursalem. This is now called the crusades. This is the first crusade of the holy land. Many others preceded. Many Muslims died, many Jews died. Many were taken as slaves and now the Islamic people are portrayed as evil!?! WHAT THE FUCK! This is just plain ridiculus. Why hate them, Christians basically started terrorism in religion... What do you guys think?
Nowadays the Muslim lands are stolen from them in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan . Also Muslims are being killed like Mosquitoes in these countries . So the Muslims are victims and everyone knows that . Unfortunetely the Administrations and media propaganda are portraying Islam and Muslim as terrorists . I hope this world will see an age where there is no religion and all people are treated equally on every inch of our planet . Following humanism and pacifism can bring peace and brotherhood to humanity and not wars and hatred .:D:D .
So what, some of them are extremists and terrorists!
Think about it. In midevil times Pope Urban (in my opinion one of the WORST MEN TO EVER WALK THE FACE OF THIS EARTH) ordered a violent attack on Jeursalem to take it from the Muslims. In the process they brutally killed muslims and jews in a successful attempt to take over Jeursalem. This is now called the crusades. This is the first crusade of the holy land. Many others preceded. Many Muslims died, many Jews died. Many were taken as slaves and now the Islamic people are portrayed as evil!?! WHAT THE FUCK! This is just plain ridiculus. Why hate them, Christians basically started terrorism in religion... What do you guys think?

Shit the crusaders killed lots christians. hell the fourth crusade never made it to palestine because they attacked constitnople
From what I understand, early islam was not innocent. And while the crusades were a bad thing, you really dont see too many christians going around these days strapping bombs to themselves and blowing up buses and grocery stores. Christians, for the most part, stopped doing this kind of shit ages ago.
It's the "other" the demonisation and the emphasis of the negative aspects of those whose lands you want to conquer and exploit.

It's been the Irish, Black, Jew, and now it's muslim.
They seem to be demonized mostly in America, and by the BNP in Britain (if I am not mistaking)...
From what I understand, early islam was not innocent. And while the crusades were a bad thing, you really dont see too many christians going around these days strapping bombs to themselves and blowing up buses and grocery stores. Christians, for the most part, stopped doing this kind of shit ages ago.

Yeah. They moved on to DIME, white phosphorus, nuclear bombs, flechettes. Killing 3 people in a suicide bombing is so detestable when you can not only melt 300,000 but also go back home and hug your dog.
So what, some of them are extremists and terrorists!
Think about it. In midevil times Pope Urban (in my opinion one of the WORST MEN TO EVER WALK THE FACE OF THIS EARTH) ordered a violent attack on Jeursalem to take it from the Muslims.

Actually, Christianity and Islam had coexisted for quite some time... when the Center of the Islamic World had been Damascus. But there was a War within Islam and the more Radical and Hardcore Bhagdad took over things. A squeeze was put on both relations with the Christian World and on the more liberal Muslims in the Holy Land, North Africa, and Spain.

Things only got worse as the Mongols from the Far East took more and more control over the Islamic Centers.

Truth be told, many Provincial Islamic Powers had appealed to the Catholic Pope for assistance against the both the Mongols and the interferences of the Imans in Bhagdad.

So just to insist that the Crusades was simply about attacking Islam... it pretends that Islam was somehow united and monolithic. It wasn't. Many of the Muslims were rooting and cheering for the Frankish Knights.

Oh, about the Sac of Jerusalem. Well, all that is very unfortunate. But the Franks were indeed seriously outnumbered in the region. They were able to gain local support by promising various Business Concessions to surrounding business interests. These would replace business interests that had currently been active in Jerusalem. If allowed to survive, they probably would have complained about the arrangments. War is nasty, isn't it? But, on the other hand, the people of Jerusalem and indeed the entire Near East had screwed up by not strongly enough supporting the Moderate Powers in Damascus, and then in allowing the Mongols such as easy cake walk when they invaded and took every Throne in the Region.

So, the Christian Forces were only fighting in a Region that had already been entirely invaded and defeated -- by the Mongols. And if they had not stopped the Mongols at Jerusalem, then Europe would have been next. Indeed, when the Crusades finally turned sour and the Christians were put on the run, the Turks, this time, were able to march as far as Vienna before they were finally stopped, but it could have been Paris or even London.

Oh, and by the way, people forget that Islam is a relatively recent Religion. It would have been only a regional religion in the middle of the Saudi Desert except that they launched a huge military invasion against the rest of the World. Their big mistake was to convert the Mongol Huns and Turks who fully assimulated the Islamic Doctrines of Sword and Violence and turned it against the Missionaries who had converted them. That is the problem with teaching people religiously that Violence is the solution for every tiny little problem... that your students will eventually see you as one of those Problems that need solving.
So what, some of them are extremists and terrorists!
Think about it. In midevil times Pope Urban (in my opinion one of the WORST MEN TO EVER WALK THE FACE OF THIS EARTH) ordered a violent attack on Jeursalem to take it from the Muslims. In the process they brutally killed muslims and jews in a successful attempt to take over Jeursalem. This is now called the crusades. This is the first crusade of the holy land. Many others preceded. Many Muslims died, many Jews died. Many were taken as slaves and now the Islamic people are portrayed as evil!?! WHAT THE FUCK! This is just plain ridiculus. Why hate them, Christians basically started terrorism in religion... What do you guys think?
If I remember correctly Muslims lead Islamic Crusades against polytheist Arabs at Mecca? Smashing their stuff and killing people. BUT... BUT ... they were .... polytheistic or a threat or something. If was OK when Muslims did it....

OR how about Constantinople. When will this Christian city be handed back to the Christians?


The Japanese acted like terrorists in China 50 years ago.

The point is what's happening now and how can we make this world a better place?
Yeah. They moved on to DIME, white phosphorus, nuclear bombs, flechettes. Killing 3 people in a suicide bombing is so detestable when you can not only melt 300,000 but also go back home and hug your dog.

Killing even one person in a suicide bombing is unacceptable.

I don't disagree that those things are wrong. But sometimes I feel like when people who attest to the Islamic faith commit acts of terrorism and then others, who attest to the Islamic are are asked about it, their only response is to point out the bad things that others do rather than taking accountability.
That is the problem with teaching people religiously that Violence is the solution for every tiny little problem... that your students will eventually see you as one of those Problems that need solving.
I agree. That's the way I see it.
I'm surprised at how many situations this is working for today:

Shhh be quiet

This is how most people imagine Muslims should be, like the guy protesting the knife being plunged into his heart. Submissive.

Just relax and it will all be over.
ordered a violent attack on Jeursalem to take it from the Muslims.
In the process they brutally killed muslims... Many were taken as slaves...

Would that happen to be after the Muslims conquered Jerusalem, brutally killing the occupants there and placing the rest into slavery?

Nowadays the Muslim lands are stolen from them in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan . Also Muslims are being killed like Mosquitoes in these countries . So the Muslims are victims and everyone knows that

you don't work in the Hood do ya?