Why lie?


I don't understand why women can have low self esteem from getting dumped.

It happens to everyone. I guess everyone is worthless then....

Just move on you will be fine.
Just move on you will be fine.

Ya, great advise. Thanks! (being extremely sarcastic) If it was just another 'guy' I wouldnt be so hurt, but it was a close friend.... I thought.

I don't understand why women can have low self esteem from getting dumped.

Its not like I got dumped once, I get dumped EVERY SINGLE time Im with someone. Wouldnt that put a damper on your self-esteem too?

Men are pigs!
Originally posted by *stRgrL*

Ya, great advise. Thanks! (being extremely sarcastic) If it was just another 'guy' I wouldnt be so hurt, but it was a close friend.... I thought.

Its not like I got dumped once, I get dumped EVERY SINGLE time Im with someone. Wouldnt that put a damper on your self-esteem too?

Men are pigs!

Umm... couple things.

Close friend? First of all you don't date close friends period. It is very rare for two people of opposite sex to be close friends without having some kind of agenda. I am skeptical because it is very difficult for two people attracted to each other to be close friends.

Maybe you should rethink what kind of men you should really date. I know a friend of mine is attracted to jerks or men with bad boy image. When she gets dumped I have no sympathy for her.

You have to distinguish between love and infatuation. Mutual support is big part of love. Infatuation only lead to sex. Without mutual support you don't have a good relationship.

Duuuudddddeeee, your supposed to be feeling sorry for me! Kidding, but I do see what your saying. But he kept telling me nice things and kept telling me to be patient and wait for him. I guess I am stupid for believing him - that is my fault - but I still dont get why guys lie to get girls that they know there going to dump. So fucked up. And Im not attracted to badboys either, he was sweet and nice and told me the things I wanted to hear - and it was all lies!

Men are pigs!
In my experience with women, it has been more they initially showed interest, but then backed out at the last minute just before things were about to go somewhere.

It seems deception is happening all too often. I've seen one too many times on Fronesic Files and Dateline, men (mostly) who have gone to the effort to create totally new identities behind themselves, to deceive and use people.

It would seem like the perfect person, the person of your dreams, just fell out the sky. They make fake IDs, have all these stories about how they are decorated war heroes; simply a matter of attempting to completely charm someone.

Perhaps a good way around all these lies and determining what someone's nature truly is, is actually to observe them when they don't know you are doing so (if you want to call that spying).

Bad example, but if you sneak outside someone's home at 2AM, and peer behind a bush, to observe the guy at dinner who claimed he was a saint, walk out of his front door, get into his car, and drive out to have sex with his mistress for an hour (when he steps out of his car when he returns home, he has panties around his neck, I think that's obvious enough), then that takes care of it, you know he's lying.

People don't usually put on acts when they don't think anyone is observing them.

For me (except for the one rather short relationship I did have), it's really rather frustrating if someone makes themself appear sincere, and they're not. If they know ahead of time they don't think it will work out, they shouldn't display interest in the first place. Perhaps the women I've met up with don't understand peoples (yes, even men) emotions are not toys.

I don't know. I guess that's what I can say about it for now.
A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.

Don't date for a while. You don't need a guy. Take some time for yourself. If you just jump frantically from one relationship to the next, nothing's going to get any better for you.
what about this for a line

"I gess i love you but im not IN love with you"

then she thinks i will still be friends with her

Are you just dating or husband hunting? Big difference. A man who is both a good lover and a good husband is statistically rare. You can do the math yourself. What are necessary criterium for a good lover and a good husband? Assign probability to each. Assuming these criterium are statistically indepedent and multiple them together. (not correct but it demostrates my point) That number is probably low. I personally don't believe there is any correlation between a good lover and a good husband. That means if you are looking for a husband you have to make a compromise. Your man has to have steady employment. He has to like your daughter and respect people you care about. He has to show he can be responsible. You can NOT just emotionally commit to any guys who are sweet.

If you are looking for a husband, you should go on dates frequently. See what other men are out there. If they are not what you are looking for, pull the plug immediately before you are emotionally attached to him and move on. Don't waste your time on losers.
do u know how iratating you are?

You DON'T play with peoples emotions like that
I would agree with him on liking your daughter, as well as respecting the people you care about.

However I would not think it a good idea to depend on anyone financially other than yourself (I would want to feel attracted to someone because I like who they are - I wouldn't want a woman coming to me for money, in exchange for staying at home and doing the dishes for me - that type of inferior/superior, as it somewhat seems to me, relationship is disgusting IMO).

Good husband test perhaps

See if he is willing to make sacrifices for you. Ask him what he does not like (i.e. perhaps he prefers to watch TV over reading books), then see if he is willing to do it for your sake.

Ask him about flaws in his personality, or things he might be embarrassed about.

I would pay much more attention to the choices he makes, rather than the compliments he tells you, or the gold necklaces he buys you.
my mother stayed home to look after us and if she had ANY complaints about it it was bout peoples lack of agnolagement

i think someone SHOULD stay home (but i don't nessercerly think it should be the female in all cases) and NO they do no less work than the one "working"
Originally posted by Xev
Don't insult Asguard, asshole.

I deleted my post. I am sick of flame wars.

Asguard needs to give me specific example on where I was suggesting playing with people's emotions so I can have a chance to defend myself.
Originally posted by Joeman
I deleted my post. I am sick of flame wars.

Asguard needs to give me specific example on where I was suggesting playing with people's emotions so I can have a chance to defend myself.

Some people just can't handle simple logic when they're upset. What you said made perfect sense. You're not going to find a husband when you're looking for a lover. :D
Originally posted by Mallory Knox

Some people just can't handle simple logic when they're upset. What you said made perfect sense. You're not going to find a husband when you're looking for a lover. :D

Not only that. You can only have ONE husband who you suppose to spend your entire life with. I am going to puke if someone suggests divorce is acceptable. You don't just fill your ONE husband slot carelessly.

I am waiting for Assguard to backup his accusations before I decide to slag him off.

Okay forget it. I think I am misunderstood by emotionally unstable people.
Originally posted by Xev
"Or what? You'll beat him up? "

Or he'll prove what a complete arsehole he is. Jesus fuck Mal, life is not an Ollie Stone flick. Nor is the internet an excuse to air these things.

I'm sick and tired of flamewars too, Joeman. I deleted my post.

YOU'RE sick and tired of flamewars? You STARTED one yesterday you stupid bitch. You think you can turn your flamewars on and off like a lightswitch whenever you feel like it?

This is what happens to dumb whores who start shit with me.