Why is there no Mrs. God?

G-d created animals, evidently, intact with sexes, in the first six days. No problem there.

But if there were both a G-d and a G-dess (assuming the one true old testament G-d is not feminine, that is), the first commandment would need to be ammended or perhaps eliminated.

You saw what trouble pride, got Lucifer into, didn't you? All of that old testament wrath came down on him in short order. Vanity is like pride. What sort of G-dess could resist that temptation, particularly if G-d himself adored her?

The image G-d made man in was evidently anything but perfection. Without woman to point this out, man would likely have come to nothing fast because of it. And G-d evidently doesn't have time to look after all of his creations once created. We do tend to act like children though.

Interesting conjecture.
G-d created animals, evidently, intact with sexes, in the first six days. No problem there.

Except that Jews are not usually literalists and I think you have forgotten that your God is androgynous.

But if there were both a G-d and a G-dess (assuming the one true old testament G-d is not feminine, that is), the first commandment would need to be amended or perhaps eliminated.

Yes. Since the first commandment is impossible to do without idol worshiping our mental construct of God, since there is no real God here to worship. Except to those who have an invisible God. Woo.

That is partly why Jewry's Karaites, like Gnostic Christians, and all free thinkers put man above God.

As to God's perfection; I do not see it as man has already shown we are closer to the mark than all the sin infested Gods.

We can reproduce true while God cannot is, --- is likely the epitome of God missing the mark and showing his imperfection.

God made man in his image yet seems there is no lady in his world er universe.
Actually why do the various religions ignore the fact females exist?
Sometimes I think religion treat females as inferior and wonder why the girls go along with this strange situation.
Is religion just for old men?

You make a very important point. Very few leaders (of any kind) have been women. Given that God is not sexist (why would he/she be so inclined), it seems grossly unfair that women have been excluded from much of human thought, especially of the religious bent. Most scientists have been men, although I seem to have read somewhere that only a woman has managed to obtain two Nobel prizes (Note to ed. is that right?). Some theologians protest against the claim that religion favors (and were mostly invented by) men. They tell us that the Marys in the New Testament and many early Christian women were very influential. I think the reason for the bias is that men, on average, are bigger and stronger than women and women are too busy to bother with philosophy. Women have, traditionally, spent a great deal of time collecting food (seeds and roots), having and caring for children and old people. Men, on the other hand, having caught a wildebeest for the cooking pot, have time to think about unimportant matters, such as "why are we here" and "why does the kettle lid bob up and down when the water is boiling". Fathers, because they are big and aggressive, which are useful characteristics when hunting and defending territory, have usually been the inventors of rules that children must obey. It's natural therefore, to pretend that the big ruler in the sky is a Father also and it follows that He must be obeyed or you will be smacked, for ever. In one religion, at least, God has a mother and you might find her more appealing, especially if you are a woman.
You make a very important point. Very few leaders (of any kind) have been women. Given that God is not sexist (why would he/she be so inclined), it seems grossly unfair that women have been excluded from much of human thought, especially of the religious bent. .

God is written up as being quite sexist. He will rule over you and the words, be silent in church and do not teach men says it all for me. That is from the scribes and not God of course but the adherents to Christianity sure tried hard to have that thinking as the law of the land and succeeded for quite a while. Not how little time has passed since women got the vote and the sufferance movement said that the church was their greatest enemy.
