Why is there no Mrs. God?

Ya I can't make up my mind either

Judging by his camp followers with their funny dresses and even more funny hats there is a good chance he is

yes, me too. I can't make up my mind also because of this dangerous/horrible ability of God.
yes, me too. I can't make up my mind also because of this dangerous/horrible ability of God.

Thesist maintain anything bad is humans fault

Oh ya?

When did we invent cancer?

The Thesist are happy to claim all the nice stuff

Ha your god created EVERYTHING

Own it

Would it be God and His Godess, or is He monotheistic.

Just had another thought bubble about Mrs god

How come he picks virgin Mary to impregnate?

Wasn't she Joseph fiance?

So he marries her after she's pregnant by a holy spirit????

Did that put a damper on the honeymoon?

"Yes darling I'm pregnant but I'm still a virgin"

Whe couldn't find a unattached virgin?

And then do the right thing and marry her


While the Bible does not specifically state how old Mary was when Jesus was born, most Christian historians speculate that she was around 15-16 years of age at the time of Jesus' birth



There's something I didn't know

Doesn't say how old Joseph was

So you have a Infinitely old god impregnating a 14 to 15 year old


Strange the church didn't fudge that figure?????

Even if you narrow religion down to monotheism, there is evidence that Hebrew religion once had a goddess as a consort to their mountain-god (who later became Yahweh). And Christianity has special reverence for Mary as queen of heaven and mother of their god.

But that is an overly narrow lens. Most religions are not monotheistic; historically, and even currently, most religions (taken on a faith-by-faith basis) are polytheistic ethnic religions. The monotheistic religions are the largest, but are also very atypical historically. You can't judge religion as a whole on their terms.
You can't judge religion as a whole on their terms.

Generally that's what religions require

' Don't go for that shiny bauble over there come over to our bigger shinier bubble '

Forget their terms

If you really really need religion

Invent your own

put in all the nice stuff you like

leave out all the bad stuff you don't like

add your own personal touches

and two things you should remember
  1. Adapt your religion as quickly as possible to a changing world
  2. Keep it to yourself don't go looking for converts
You may advise others to invent their own religion

Even use yours as a template

Lead a happy life with your religion

Let others live theirs

Generally that's what religions require
' Don't go for that shiny bauble over there come over to our bigger shinier bubble '
I disagree. Most religions are/were ethnic religions, framed around the practices, beliefs, customs, and folklore of a particular tribe or group of people. They don't seek to entice converts or proclaim their superiority, but merely situate themselves as the cultural framework for their ethnicity. Once again, universalising religions like Christianity are not typical.

I agree about constructing your own religion being the best option, though; nevertheless, labels are useful tools, and finding an existing framework that matches your needs isn't a bad thing.
God made man in his image yet seems there is no lady in his world er universe.
Actually why do the various religions ignore the fact females exist?
Sometimes I think religion treat females as inferior and wonder why the girls go along with this strange situation.
Is religion just for old men?
Uh, a couple showed up at my door a year or more ago talking about the wife of god. They actually worshiped her. After they left my son and I looked it up online, and sure enough they had a website. I can't remember the name of the group, but I thought it was an interesting take on traditional religion.
the idea of a god having any gender poses that it is not whole but a fragmented being with fragmented traits. a piece of a whole. god should be beyond gender.
finding an existing framework that matches your needs isn't a bad thing.

I'm sure the social aspects are a drawcard to finding a religion which suits your needs

I think it might also depend on how fervent the followers were and how strict the rules apply

Can you break a few and not be considered lapsed?

Live with yourself

Be nice

Socialise with nice people

There are a lot of them who are not religious but nice anyway

the idea of a god having any gender poses that it is not whole but a fragmented being with fragmented traits. a piece of a whole. god should be beyond gender.


I don't really go for the

' He / she completes me ' idea

There is confusion in the statement that God created man in his image. The image that is implied is closer to the modern idea of a disk image of a hard drive, instead of photographic image it is usually assumed to mean. The image of God, has to do with temperament, not facial and body features. I can place the disk image of my computer, in any other computer, no matter what it looks like, and that computer will now behave similar to all the others with the same disk image. They do not have to look the same, since it is what is inside that counts.

The female disk image is more connected to nature and matter; natural, whereas the male disk image is connected to spirit, thought, ideas, which is different from nature and matter. The spiritual nature of man is the drive behind the formation and progression of civilization. This spirit is connected to invention and artificial. God creates the universe from nothing. It exceeds what was already there naturally; void.

A religion based on the female essence would be more connected to mother nature; natural and not man made. Environmentalism is based on a female principle; mother nature. This female god is implied, but she is not formally named and worshipped, like Jesus, since these groups are trying to escape the responsibilities connected to the separation of church and state. Therefore, this is not called a religion with a female goddess leading. Based on political gaming, the female element cannot be assumed to exist. She does exist but she has to be denied.

Technically, there are many expressions stemming from the female principle; goddess, in liberalism. For example, homosexuality is not part of most male centric religion. The male principle will assume free will, choice and invention, with this not considered a valid choice or invention. On the female side, this is deemed acceptable based on a material and matter approach. It is found in nature and is based on genetics; matter. But this position can't be called from the Goddess, since it would impact a political agenda, which could lose funding and leverage through separation of church and state. So Mother nature is given a makeup job, so the goddess blends in and cannot be seen, even though she is worshipped. Her status could be raised, but atheists and liberals do not benefit by this.
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What progressives would like to see is a female goddess, added to all religions, currently lead by Patriarchs. Instead of letting the female goddess out of the closet, to form its own unique religion, they would prefer move a female goddess into religions, similar to the way a new wife moves into the house of her new husband. She, as the new matriarch, will take over the house, to make the house a home. She will make it more feminine; decorate and accessorize to her needs.

The problem with this is all the accessories will come from matter and material things and needs. While the masculine nature is more about spirit, and not matter. It is not about material accessories, but about the inner person, which cannot be fully nurtured in men, with paint and pillows. A better solution is to evolve the nature goddess, as a way to maintain material creation, apart from the inner man, so the two are in balance

The creative male spirit can throw nature out of balance. Nature is better defined by the female principle; mother nature. Each church should maintain their specialization to achieve a better balance, rather than merge both into a mutant of each other's nature, which messes everything up.
Each church should maintain their specialization to achieve a better balance, rather than merge both into a mutant of each other's nature, which messes everything up.

Every Church (Religion) messes things up the moment the ' spirit ' world becomes involved with the real world

The image of god is not that of a biological sex/gender. The image of god is the discernment of right and wrong and the moral accountability that implies.
So what do you know about it . How would you correct it. ?

I know WHAT to do

Unfortunately I do not have the POWER to do

We supposedly operate under secular laws

The words seperation of state and church spring to mind

Both of the two above are mythical

The POWER to correct it?

Enforce the above

Invent a anti religion vacine which inoculates against all religions but leaves wonderment about the Universe intact

God made man in his image yet seems there is no lady in his world er universe.
Actually why do the various religions ignore the fact females exist?
Sometimes I think religion treat females as inferior and wonder why the girls go along with this strange situation.
Is religion just for old men?

It does seem strange to think of God in our image and the poor sod never being able to use his, eh, various parts, the way they should be used.

Poor horny God never gets his rocks off.
