Why is there no Mrs. God?

as/re domestic violence: My first wife had a temper. One day, it would seem that I had pissed her off(I do not remember the actual cause), anyway, the stuff in the kitchen started flying in my direction, pots, pans, dishes, a heavy ashtray, and i fended them off with my forearms and began to laugh----the angrier she got, the more she threw, and I couldn't stop laughing-----so-I headed outside, and fell down laughing------whereupon, she got in her car and tried to run me over- and drove off for most of the day...............................Years later, long after the divorce, She said that the cruelest thing i ever did to her was to laugh at her when she was really angry.
Had a man attacked me like that, I might have done everything in my power to put him in the hospital.
Does that make me a sexist?
Had a man attacked me like that, I might have done everything in my power to put him in the hospital.
Does that make me a sexist?
Rather than qualify you as a sexist I would rather praise you for not attacking her.
Do you consider you contributed to the break down?
Yes I get the impression that they have problems with finding a rational approach to sexual relations. I just can not understand why they are so reluctant to change for the better.

Why not allow marriage for Nuns and priests surely catering for human needs would be the reasonable and rational thing to do. Even allow same sex marriage within the church and be realistic about human behaviour and needs.

And contraception... why the negative attitude.
Think of the benefits for health.
I think one has to understand that the traditions are deeply embedded, due to centuries of the social imperative for preventing illegitimate and unwanted babies before contraception became available, which was very recent in historical terms. But I do think the whole attitude to sex has been twisted by this. It will take them a century I think to untangle all the dodgy theology that has developed around it. I think the present pope understands this, but can only move the church little by little, if he wants to prevent a schism. I think married priests, as in the Orthodox church, and women priests too, would help enormously. There is nothing but tradition that prevents women from being ordained - I've never come across a theological argument against it, anyway.
Is there any hope for reconciliation?
A) I'm married with children.
B) My first wife is dead and I ain't into necrophilia.

She did used to call me occasionally for many years when she was feeling blue. We'd chat for hours. She said that I always made her feel better.
Can't find the relevant thread (mainly because "Mrs God" is too short a term for the search engine to find) but we had this conversation well over a decade ago. ;)
I think the general conclusion was that - if there had ever had been a Mrs. God - she'd have been quickly relegated to obscurity/ non-existence because of the persistent "Oh, you've missed a bit" and "When are you going to do XXX like I asked you to ages ago?".
She did used to call me occasionally for many years when she was feeling blue. We'd chat for hours. She said that I always made her feel better.
I am sorry you lost her.

And its great you have notwithstanding an initial set back in life moved on successfully.

Also it is wonderful the both of you could stay in touch and not fall into the pit of mutual hate.

Good on you to be a decent man.

I thought there are (or at least were) religions with female instead of male gods, although I cannot remember any such religions.

BTW: Aside from Greek & Roman mythology, I do not remember any religions with gods/goddesses having spouses. I am guessing (fairly sure) that there were such religions.

The Egyptians had Isis, Osiris, Ra, Horus, & others. Isis & Osiris might have been mates
I thought there are (or at least were) religions with female instead of male gods, although I cannot remember any such religions.
Discordianism: Hail Eris.

BTW: Aside from Greek & Roman mythology, I do not remember any religions with gods/goddesses having spouses. I am guessing (fairly sure) that there were such religions.
Norse: Odin & Frigga. Thor & Sif. Njord & Skadi ...
Egyptian: Anhur & Mehit. Geb & Nut. Isis & Osiris (also brother & sister) ...
Indian:Brahma & Saraswati (Gayatri). Vishnu & Lakshmi. Karthikeya (Muruga) & Valli and Devasena ...
Aztec: Tlaloc & Chalchihuitlcue.
Inuit: Sedna & a dog (she didn't like the men her father wanted to marry her off to). Anguta & ? (he was a widower).
Blackfoot: Old Man & Old Lady. Naato'si & Ko'komiki'somma ...
Etc, etc.
God made man in his image yet seems there is no lady in his world er universe. Why?
Tax reasons. They get more money back by filing separately.
Sometimes I think religion treat females as inferior and wonder why the girls go along with this strange situation.
Is religion just for old men?
Some are. Some were quite matriarchal. All depends on who was in charge when their holy book got written.[/quote][/QUOTE]