Why is the bible the "word of god"?

you have really misunderstood me. I do no need Qu'ran to know bible it's right. and like i said, when you wanna explain to others, you use what they believe in to explain, there's no point giving them proofs that they do not believes in.
Oh, your Allah didn't ask you people to gather around to have fellowships then?And are you saying all those other muslims who went to mosque are doing a disgusting orgy?So, a muslim that don't goto mosque is considered smarter and more righteous in some sense?

"That is the logical fallacy "argument from popularity". The popularity of the bible has exactly zero bearing on its relevance to discussions of god." <---that just your personall opinion.

"Yup. It's basically like "aesop's tales" or something. It's a bunch of historical stories narrated by people who didn't have a better explanation for what they saw than what they said. You think because the Egyptians prayed to Ra, that Ra has any basis in reality besides a poor interpretation of natural phenomena?" <--- how do you know what EXACTLY happened unless someone wrote it somewhere? :) Remember,assumptions doesn't count.

"That's what a lot of people say, yet I've never EVER seen ONE PERSON who could back it up." <---No One could back it up or you can't accept what they told you?

"Okay, IMO there are three conditions that could lead you to think that a silly book tells the future:

1) you are stupid and/or
2) you are insane and/or
3) you are in the grips of a mind virus given to you by cult members

Oh, and another:.

4) you are extremely naive and have been taken advantage of"<-- Have you not seen more and more natural disasters lately? back in the 60s or 70s, the rate of natural disasters happening wasn't even that much, it jumped rapidly in the past decades. Bible has already told us about that in the book of Revelations and the 4 gospels. There're still much more examples, have a read yourself.
About Naive, in this cast i rather be naive than have a heart that's as hard as a rock. :)

Now Flores,
"I picked the first one of their list, let me show you how ignorant are those bastards...They say:" AND "Let's pick another one , may I: The idiots on your site say:" <---is this how you have shown your maturity in your religion? Calling someone an idiot or bastards? If that's all Islam teaches, then i feel sorry for all the muslims.

"Come on now, so are you saying that god is wrong here, I guess you are. God never said that he didn't overlap his creation, meaning he could have created the angels and heaven in total in a two years where it took two years to create the heaven and two years to create the angel, because they were created simaltanously. So your guys don't understand fraction, simaltanous function, and try to use their simple knowledge to bash the Quran." <-- i never say God is wrong, the chance of the error here is the Qu'ran, not God.
AND like the author wrote,
"Having gotten a Muslim's response that the word "thumma" translated above as "then" can also mean "and" and not necessarily indicates an "after" in time, I want to respond that in this verse, the meaning is crystal clear to be a sequence. It doesn't even depend on the word "then" but the verb itself indicates the sequence of doing one thing and then TURNING to the next. If several tasks are done parallel then there is no "turning" from on to the other.

Furthermore, there is yet to be found a verse in the Qur'an where "thumma" does signify a "parallelism" and not a "sequence".
I personally didn't go and study that case, however, if he can't find what "thumma" signify, how is that you ppl can? is it based on personal assumptions? Explain then the meaning of it and let the author knows how did you get that meaning or interpretations.
p/s: if someone don't know, shouldn't you be teaching them rather than calling them with harsh words.

What you heard may not even be the truth. Statistics don't lie. Even if it's shoplifeted, i'm glad those ppl stole the bible and they really need it. haha :)

Anyway, might not be able to reply for few days. Gonna be away.
Originally posted by badcliq
You can't even bother to spell my name right? Your passive aggressive dig is noted, ass.
Originally posted by badcliq

that just your personall opinion.
Ya see that's the thing, it's NOT. It's called "logic". You should check it out. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by badcliq

how do you know what EXACTLY happened unless someone wrote it somewhere? :)
How do you know exactly what happened even if someone DID write it down? You don't really understand the weight of that question do you?
Originally posted by badcliq

Remember,assumptions doesn't count.
ROFLMAO. Uhm... ROFLMAO. Kid, YOU supposed to be defending your eronious assumptions, though I do appreciate your efforts to bolster my argument. LOL. Man, you're clueless dude. Doesn't mean you aren't a good kid. You go study logic though, please.
Originally posted by badcliq

No One could back it up or you can't accept what they told you?
You're just completely missing the point aren't you? What would happen if I just believed anything anyone ever told me? If I had used your template for decision making, I'd imagine I'd long since be dead. Please, don't just believe anything anyone tells you.
Originally posted by badcliq

Have you not seen more and more natural disasters lately?
Uhm, personally I haven't seen any. You? Sure, I've seen some on TV. If I showed you hurricanes for a week on the magic moving picture box would you think the world was gong to end? Would you keep looking outside your window looking for rain clouds? Please man read what I'm telling you and THINK. You are simply not employing your potential for reasoning.
Originally posted by badcliq

back in the 60s or 70s, the rate of natural disasters happening wasn't even that much, it jumped rapidly in the past decades.
To draw valid conclusions from data you have to know a lot of things. First and foremost, you need to understand statistics. I was allright at it when I was in college but have forgotten most of it. I do know that if you do not have a true representative sample your analysis is bunk. With that said is it possible for you to recognize that the frame of reference of "the 60s and 70s" is simplistic and improper for a study of global trends. You may be able to validly discuss short-run trends, but it wouldn't make much sense outside of the long term context.
Originally posted by badcliq

Bible has already told us about that in the book of Revelations and the 4 gospels. There're still much more examples, have a read yourself.

I don't want anything to do with your cult. Have you noticed that you keep making random claims like "bible has already told us" blah blah and you haven't shown any evidence or given a reasonable argument as to why your assertion is correct?
Originally posted by badcliq

About Naive, in this cast i rather be naive than have a heart that's as hard as a rock. :)
I suppose me too. I can tell though, you're calling me "hard hearted" aren't you? Heheheh. Okay bro, if you need to think that I don't care. You should consider though, that you do not even remotely know me and from our brief interaction here I'd guess you really couldn't understand me at ALL without a lot of education. I believe that somewhat illustrates that your assessment is premature. If you want, ask around a little about me here. I'm well known and I don't think too many people would agree that my heart is hard (except for the theists who are pissed at me for calling them cult members, when in fact I'm correct according to the definition I read and further, I am very very bright when it comes to understanding the humans).

I hope you get educated, you are sorely in need of it.
wes - Let me let you in on a fundamental of christianty.


Now if you can't get something as logical as that then GOD HELP YOU.....

Originally posted by wesmorris
For the life of me I can't figure out why you christian types think the bible has any relevance regarding conversations on god. It makes me sick to see you spewing the bullshit you read in the bible as if it pertains in some way to something people other than you should deem 'holy'. I mean, I can respect your belief if you keep it to yourself but you can't can you? You have to go around talking shit like this book of tall tales gives you some kind of insight as to the creation of the universe of the purpose of man. You pompous jackasses don't have any more of a clue than anyone else, yet you try to "save the souls" (rather, indoctrinate into your cult) of the unbelievers eh?

So tell me, what is the bible at all relevant to discussions of god? Why is it at all relevant outside your limited cult world-view? Just because you have to somehow justify your eronious beliefs?
Re: Re: Why is the bible the "word of god"?

Originally posted by LogicalAtheist
wes - Let me let you in on a fundamental of christianty.


Now if you can't get something as logical as that then GOD HELP YOU.....



Uhm.. I don't get it?

Hey man, you're fucking up my trap! LOL

Regardless, it's why anyone would believe that tripe that perplexes me. ;)

(Okay, it doesn't really perplex me so much as interest me)
Re: Re: Re: Why is the bible the "word of god"?

Originally posted by wesmorris


Uhm.. I don't get it?

Hey man, you're fucking up my trap! LOL

Regardless, it's why anyone would beleive that tripe that perplexes me. ;)

Blame the amygdala, blame the endocrine system, blame the pre-frontal lobe.

The predisposition isn't their fault - but the ultimate choice is their fault.

Religion is a cancerous 10 thousand year process of our very own mental evolution.

Wes - Agree with me that what is horrid is not what they believe but that we had to live here and now, and not beyond this cancer eh?

Damn any god that puts me here and now.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Why is the bible the "word of god"?

Originally posted by LogicalAtheist
Blame the amygdala, blame the endocrine system, blame the pre-frontal lobe.
I realize it's inenevitable, but feel compelled to spread reason. I like the interaction. Some of the theists at least feign reason and regardless I like fraternizing with the other humans, even if they are fundamentally presumptuous regarding the fate of my everlasting soul. Praise Jesus.

LOL. Pardon.
Originally posted by LogicalAtheist

The predisposition isn't their fault - but the ultimate choice is their fault.
Originally posted by LogicalAtheist

Religion is a cancerous 10 thousand year process of our very own mental evolution.
That is a succinct way to put it, agreed. I usually use the term "meme" in conjunction with "cult" but cancer works.
Originally posted by LogicalAtheist

Wes - Agree with me that what is horrid is not what they believe but that we had to live here and now, and not beyond this cancer eh?
I can't. I agreed with all the other stuff but this one is too much. I refuse to think it's horrible that I am who I am because I dig me damnit... plus, I SO love my family. They are the bawmb. The they that they are could not be in another time. I realize it's just the details and what's the difference and all, but it's the details of that I love... they are so wonderful. I'm constantly hugging them in my mind. Dig my sweeties!
Originally posted by LogicalAtheist

Damn any god that puts me here and now.

I know, I somewhat feel the same but I dunno, this is a damned exciting time to be alive. We're at the bottom of an escalator to understanding that is built on some rickety shit. It's gonna be a wild ride!
Have you not seen more and more natural disasters lately? back in the 60s or 70s, the rate of natural disasters happening wasn't even that much, it jumped rapidly in the past decades.

Every generation since the death of christ (likely since the beginning of time) has claimed "the end is near!" Lets face it, historically the interpreters of the "signs" haven't been the most accurate bunch.
well, you guys can say all you want about the bible...i've met a lot of people like you guys...denying, thrashing the Word of God...but that doesn't bother me much at all....afterall, it's your choice.

hmm...one more ques to wes, if there's no God. who made earth, universe, us? evolution? big bang theory? *just curious*
Originally posted by badcliq
well, you guys can say all you want about the bible...i've met a lot of people like you guys...denying, thrashing the Word of God...but that doesn't bother me much at all....afterall, it's your choice.

hmm...one more ques to wes, if there's no God. who made earth, universe, us? evolution? big bang theory? *just curious*


Holy shit I am dying here.

Hahahaha - Oh man oh man Wes. You and me both laughing....

Where is the incentive to attempt to be intelligent when these people make it soooooooo easy!!


thanks for the laugh you CLOWN
Originally posted by badcliq
hmm...one more ques to wes, if there's no God. who made earth, universe, us? evolution? big bang theory? *just curious*

I don't know (though there are some excellent theories). Why can't you admit that you don't either? I mean, it doesn't really matter if you admit it or not because regardless - it is unknown, as such you do not know it even if your cult tells you that you do.

Shall we delve deeper?

Afterthought: If you have low standards as to the information which you take to be known, it seems quite likely that the quality of your analysis will be lacking.
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When most people mean when they say the bible is the word of God, they mean that it is God's instruction. They do not mean that God manually dictated the words.
Originally posted by wesmorris
I don't know (though there are some excellent theories). Why can't you admit that you don't either? I mean, it doesn't really matter if you admit it or not because regardless - it is unknown, as such you do not know it even if your cult tells you that you do.

Shall we delve deeper?

Afterthought: If you have low standards as to the information which you take to be known, it seems quite likely that the quality of your analysis will be lacking.

Oh shut up and laugh at him Wes.

Quit being logically to someone like that.

You waste energy that way - if you laugh at him then he will in fact have contributed to you LIVING LONGER - and will have thus helped the atheist truth be spread which is exactly what his little mind wishes NOT to do.
Originally posted by okinrus
When most people mean when they say the bible is the word of God, they mean that it is God's instruction. They do not mean that God manually dictated the words.

*almost resists the temptation to employ the phrase 'captain obvious'*

That's exactly what I mean. Why should one presume to think that they can gain comprehension of their self-proclaimed creator of the universe through reading a popular book? Why does the bible have any bearing on something as magnificent as the creator of the universe. Don't you even extend your god the credit to be more than you could possibly comprehend? I mean, human comprehension is pretty limited.... I believe you can look for evidence in the mirror. You say you WORSHIP this thing and then try to talk shit like you know something about it. YOU CAN'T, if you WORSHIP your god, how can you pretend to make claims regarding its properties, isn't that the minimum acceptable level of humbleness before the god that YOU profess?
Originally posted by LogicalAtheist
You waste energy that way - if you laugh at him then he will in fact have contributed to you LIVING LONGER - and will have thus helped the atheist truth be spread which is exactly what his little mind wishes NOT to do.

Hey, I'm trying to educate someone here damnit. I know it's probably futile to that end, but my ulterior motive is my own exploration of the argument. I find it very stimulating. Oh, and any conversation can yield a multitude of opportunities or startling results. Humans are only somewhat predictable. I think that is bad ass. I have faith in some people, but i never know who it'll be until I interact with them ya know?

I've got to keep it real, dawg.

That's exactly what I mean. Why should one presume to think that they can gain comprehension of their self-proclaimed creator of the universe through reading a popular book?
Well no, not just reading it. They will have to follow what Jesus said in it.

Why does the bible have any bearing on something as magnificent as the creator of the universe.
We believe that the magnificents of the creator is his goodness. And being the source of all goodness we know him by doing good as no one can do good without him.

Don't you even extend your god the credit to be more than you could possibly comprehend?
Yes, but we still use logical thinking. Perhaps God is above logical thinking, but we wouldn't want to throw out those books correct?

You say you WORSHIP this thing and then try to talk shit like you know something about it. YOU CAN'T, if you WORSHIP your god, how can you pretend to make claims regarding its properties, isn't that the minimum acceptable level of humbleness before the god that YOU profess?
I haven't made any claims above the fact that God is good, loving and caring. If he were not these things, we would not exist.
okinrus, i don't say this to be superior, i say this out of wisdom - i don't expect you'll believe me but I ask that you consider my request:

Please study my post and think about it very deeply.. give it time to process, then think about it some more. When you've thought about it enough, please let's resume the discussion.
You have to be open to the possibility that God created logic. Using your "logic" we'd have to throw out logic. Also the bible does not teach that it will lead us to all truth. Jesus said that the Spirit of Truth would lead us to all truth and that we should worship what we understand in spirit and truth. So the premise that God is trueful is obvious correct? And if he created us, he must have a reason for creating us? So we must be created through love.