Why is the bible the "word of god"?


Nerd Overlord - we(s):1 of N
Valued Senior Member
For the life of me I can't figure out why you christian types think the bible has any relevance regarding conversations on god. It makes me sick to see you spewing the bullshit you read in the bible as if it pertains in some way to something people other than you should deem 'holy'. I mean, I can respect your belief if you keep it to yourself but you can't can you? You have to go around talking shit like this book of tall tales gives you some kind of insight as to the creation of the universe of the purpose of man. You pompous jackasses don't have any more of a clue than anyone else, yet you try to "save the souls" (rather, indoctrinate into your cult) of the unbelievers eh?

So tell me, what is the bible at all relevant to discussions of god? Why is it at all relevant outside your limited cult world-view? Just because you have to somehow justify your eronious beliefs?
Wesmorris, I understand your frustration, yet I find myself many times presenting Quran or bible materials as concrete proof to the existance of any fact. Why do we do that? Simple, because the bible and the Quran, though not entirely accurate in some instances, with the Quran being more accurate due to many reasons, still are considered to be valid proof of an era in which prophets or religious rebels lifes and messages were documented. Still, you would say, that is no reason to shove this historic poorly documented crap down our throats and speak as if you were somehow more enlightened than the rest of us creature.....And yes I agree with you, those that handle these historical religious materials are nothing but a bunch of cult members and leaders that would rather treat these materials as keys to their imaginary heaven than look at it under any objective constructive light that may lead to their salavation or condemnation.

Simple, because the bible and the Quran, though not entirely accurate in some instances, with the Quran being more accurate due to many reasons, still are considered to be valid proof of an era in which prophets or religious rebels lifes and messages were documented.


So, how do you discern what is accurate and what is not? What if something you thought to be true in the Bible or Quran were shown to be false, would you still believe it to be true?

What reasons make the Quran “more accurate” then the Bible?
Originally posted by (Q)
So, how do you discern what is accurate and what is not? What if something you thought to be true in the Bible or Quran were shown to be false, would you still believe it to be true?

Many things must be kept in mind. First and foremost is the original language at which the message or the historical account was given. The Quran was origniated in the Arabic language that still exist today, and so all errors may be attributed to translations of the main still existing text or the interpretation of the original text, this is of course assuming that the original message itself is what we are questioning the validity of and not the concept of Theism and the moral of the prophet.
The bible on the other hand was transmitted over thousands of years in languages such as Armaic, ancient Hebrew, and other language that do not exist today, so translation by many authors mingled with interpretation have most likely changed the original scriptures over and over again. Also, the original scriptures unlike the Quran are non existant....So all we have to rely on is what King James ordered his staff to write or other compilers of the bible and their political agenda.

Originally posted by (Q)
What reasons make the Quran “more accurate” then the Bible?

Many many reasons make the Quran a far superior read and accurate than the bible, this includes and but no limited to:

- The Quran within itself mentions that it's a book with verses of a distinct numbers that is ordained to human and to be transmitted by one Messanger. The Bible on the other hand have no mention of even the world bible, no mention that it's supposed to be a book comprised of an old and new testatement, no mention of number of verses to be studied, ect. Also, negative implication about written scribes is mentioned all over the bible in contrast to the Quran that praises itself.

[8] How do ye say, We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us? Lo, certainly in vain made he it; the pen of the scribes is in vain.
The Family of Imran
[3.3] He has revealed to you the Book with truth, verifying that which is before it, and He revealed the Tavrat and the Injeel aforetime, a guidance for the people, and He sent the Furqan.

- The Quran exist in it's original language arabic and the original scriptures on the ancient papers still exist today for reference of accuracy. As far as the bible, both the language and the original papers are no where to be found for cross-referencing.

- The Quran is a series of logical arguments that rythems together and stated in superior arabic that far exceed the talent and supriority of any arabic piece of writing that was ever composed. The bible is a sloppy inconsistent, lacking flow and coherence in stating the sequence of events.

- The bible contradict itself over and over again, and the biggest evidence to the bible's failure is the fact that jews and christians that profess to believe in the same book don't agree on anything or share any common views....Not even the simple fact that god is our one creator and sustainer. All muslims regardless of sect believe that God is one and his glory shall not be attributed to another and certainly not a trinity or a Jesus.

In a nut shell, I believe in any writing that gives me the inclination that it's universal and not intended to create an exclusive doctrine. The Quran recognizes and confirms the Torah and the Enjil and is not afraid to loose it's glory by accepting the christians and the jews as believers of god along with the muslims. The christians on the other hand like the jews can't make such tolerant statements, because they feel that their foundation will come down at the thought of tolerating others.
A rare day

I'll go so far as to say that I think that "god" would agree that ONLY A FOOL thinks they know more about "god" (i.e. "god is love" or "god thinks muslims are bad" or "allah thinks jews suck" or ANYTHING about god whatsoever) from having studied the bible or quran or whatever.
Wesmorris, I'm in tears.....
No seriously, stay as you are, clean and uncontaminated, your religious underwear is much cleaner than any of those that claim to be experts....The less you hear, the less you are influenced, the more you are pure in your believes.

I think that my two year old son is the most religious in our family, afterall, my four year old has already heard us discussing the subject and is more likely to have been contaminated by us. My son speaks his mind, does as he please, doesn't hold gas for appropriate time and place, he's as pure and as close to perfection when it comes to the sight of god as you can imagine.
No worries Flores, I won't be converting. I was just trying to use the idea of god to try to make a point to the god people.

Thanks for your concern, sorry to hear that you are contaminating your children. I really feel for them. :(
Originally posted by wesmorris
sorry to hear that you are contaminating your children. I really feel for them. :(

Non intentionally, I swear, non intentionally. I figured my contamination at home is far better than putting them in a christian school or sending them to study the Quran at a Saturday Islamic school.:cool:

PS. My kids go Montessori, it's the best educational system in the US in my view, the least forcefull system you can impose on a kid to make them grasp a concept.....
Originally posted by Flores
PS. My kids go Montessori, it's the best educational system in the US in my view, the least forcefull system you can impose on a kid to make them grasp a concept.....

whoa! hey, I've heard nothing but good things about that. well, that's refreshing. hey, I'll just have feel bad about all OTHER people shoving their eronious religious crap down their poor children's throats.
don't you know the bible has no errors nor contradictions?
Up till today, NOBODY has ever proved ONE error or contradictions in it. Most ppl claimed that the bible has contradictions and not reliable but no one has ever shown any concrete proofs or be successful in it....If you can proved ONE contradictions or errors in the bible to the world, you would be really famous. :)

the bible is the best selling book of all time, and yet, you said it contains bullshits. I feel pity for you. BTW, the bible is for us to know about God. It has past, present and future events. And it's accurate but anyway, i know you won't give a damn to what i say anyway. I just hope you'd grab a bible and look through sometimes when you are bored or has nothing else to do.
Originally posted by badcliq
don't you know the bible has no errors nor contradictions?
Up till today, NOBODY has ever proved ONE error or contradictions in it. Most ppl claimed that the bible has contradictions and not reliable but no one has ever shown any concrete proofs or be successful in it....If you can proved ONE contradictions or errors in the bible to the world, you would be really famous. :)

Are you kidding, or do you simply don't venue beyond your church walls.

Read this:

My personal and favorite biblical error is the fact that the jews managed to strategically replace every Ismael with Isaac, yet forgot that Ismael was older than Isaac and so Isaac couldn't be described in half the bible as the only living son.
Are you kidding, or do you simply don't venue beyond your mosque walls?

read this...

and didn't your Allah also swears that he would protect the holy book?

Allah swears to protect the Bible

We read in the Quran:

"Verily, we have sent down THE REMINDER (thikra), and, verily, we will guard it. And we sent before thee among the sects of those of yore." S. 15:9-10 Palmer

This passage connects the Reminder not just with that which was sent down to Muhammad, but also with what came before him. In S. 15:6, the Quran is called the Reminder:

"And they say: O thou unto whom the Reminder (thikru) is revealed, lo! thou art indeed a madman!" Pickthall

Yet, S. 15:9-10 the Reminder/Message refers to the revelation given to all the Apostles. In fact, elsewhere the Bible is called the Reminder/Message:

"And We did not send before you any but men to whom We sent revelation -- so ask the followers of the Reminder (thikri) if you do not know -- With clear arguments and scriptures; and We have revealed TO YOU the Reminder (thikra) that you may make clear to men what has been revealed to them, and that haply they may reflect." S. 16:43-44 Shakir

"And We sent not (as Our messengers) before thee other than men, whom We inspired. Ask the followers of the Reminder (thikri) if ye know not?" S. 21:7 Pickthall

"And We verily gave Moses and Aaron the Criterion (of right and wrong) and a light and a Reminder (thikran) for those who keep from evil," S. 21:48 Pickthall

"And verily we have written in the Scripture, after the Reminder (thikri): My righteous slaves will inherit the earth:" S. 21:105 Pickthall

"And We verily gave Moses the guidance, and We caused the Children of Israel to inherit the Scripture, A guide and a reminder (thikra) for men of understanding." S. 40:53-54 Pickthall

This means that Allah will protect the Bible from corruption.

According to Ibn Kathir, the scriptures of old containing the description of Muhammad and the Quran were available during the time of Muhammad. Another interesting point is that the Hadiths actually apply the title Quran to the Psalms of David:

Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet said, 'The recitation of the Quran was made light and easy for David that he used to have his riding animal be saddled while he would finish the recitation of the Quran before the servant had saddled it.' (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 6, Book 60, Number 237)


Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet said, 'The reciting of the Zabur (i.e. Psalms) was made easy for David. He used to order that his riding animals be saddled, and would finish reciting the Zabur before they were saddled. And he would never eat except from the earnings of his manual work." (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 55, Number 628)

Since the Quran is contained in previous scriptures, and since David's Psalms are actually called the Quran, this means that God has preserved the Holy Bible intact. Otherwise, to claim that the Holy Bible has been tampered with implies that Allah failed to preserve the Quran from corruption. Let us break this down:

1.Allah has promised to preserve the Reminder given to Muhammad.
2.The Reminder is the Quran.
3.Allah claims that the Quran is in the previous scriptures, i.e. the Holy Bible.
4.Therefore, the Holy Bible, which supposedly contains the Quran, has also been preserved.
5.To claim otherwise means that Allah failed to preserve the Quran since the scriptures that contained it have been corrupted.
You are indeed a bad click

My friend, meaning unimportant internet aqaintence, you belong to the type of posters that bake the cake and eat it too. If you plan to use the Quran as proof of your argument, then you believe in it's validity and that invalidate your earlier versions by the name of bible, otherwise zip it and crawl to the shit chrisitian hole you crawled out of and don't dream of polluting the Quran with your nosy ignorant demeanor..

PS. I don't belong to any ill-infested contaminated walls by the name of mosques, churches, or synogogues.....I'm allergic to religious institutionals
the reason i used QU'ran as a proof of arugment is because you believe it. Not me. I didn't pollute the QU'ran? i'm just quoting it like how you love others to read and learn the Qu'ran. coz no point for me to quote the bible since u dun believe it, might as well use something u believe in.

Hm...if you don't belong to any mosque, then don't you goto worship and pray to Allah? i thought tat's one of Allah's will? not too sure
Originally posted by badcliq
the reason i used QU'ran as a proof of arugment is because you believe it. Not me. I didn't pollute the QU'ran? i'm just quoting it like how you love others to read and learn the Qu'ran. coz no point for me to quote the bible since u dun believe it, might as well use something u believe in.

Save yourself the agony....There aint a savior out of that one. You can't use a proof that the bible is valid without believing in that proof. The Quran says that the bible is valid, yet you don't believe the Quran, so you must not believe the bible either, or perhaps you are a replica of the jews meaning they believe in the old testament yet they deny the fact the Jesus exist.

Originally posted by badcliq
Hm...if you don't belong to any mosque, then don't you goto worship and pray to Allah? i thought tat's one of Allah's will? not too sure

God never said in the Quran that we should enclose ourselves between four walls and surround ourselves with strangers to pray. I pray while I raise my children, love my husband, pick up my neighbors papers and feed their cat when they are gone, ect....Worship is a private act between the worshipper and the object of worship, anything else is a disgusting orgy.....Except for Mecca, I hold separate views for this specific pilgremige.
Originally posted by badcliq
the bible is the best selling book of all time
That is the logical fallacy "argument from popularity". The popularity of the bible has exactly zero bearing on its relevance to discussions of god.
Originally posted by badcliq

You said it contains bullshits.
Yup. It's basically like "aesop's tales" or something. It's a bunch of historical stories narrated by people who didn't have a better explanation for what they saw than what they said. You think because the Egyptians prayed to Ra, that Ra has any basis in reality besides a poor interpretation of natural phenomena?
Originally posted by badcliq

I feel pity for you.
You probably pity anyone who doesn't bask in the goodness that your cult offers. Pity me if you like, but you're wasting your time becaue I am a very very lucky guy. Your pity is wasted on me.
Originally posted by badcliq

BTW, the bible is for us to know about God.
That's what a lot of people say, yet I've never EVER seen ONE PERSON who could back it up.
Originally posted by badcliq

It has past, present and future events.
Okay, IMO there are three conditions that could lead you to think that a silly book tells the future:

1) you are stupid and/or
2) you are insane and/or
3) you are in the grips of a mind virus given to you by cult members

Oh, and another:.

4) you are extremely naive and have been taken advantage of
Originally posted by badcliq

And it's accurate.
Why do you think that?
Originally posted by badcliq

but anyway, i know you won't give a damn to what i say anyway.
Actually, I'm interested - it's just that you're not really saying anything except what you've been told to say. I don't see any evidence of analysis. You only spew authoritative shit like "and it's right!". Why? You do that because you are a cult member and that's what cult members do. I give a damn what you say, but I'd give uhm... more of a damn if you actually THINK rather than spend your time justifying your eronious assumptions so you don't have to face the truth that your belief system is based on a pack of lies.
Originally posted by badcliq

I just hope you'd grab a bible and look through sometimes when you are bored or has nothing else to do.

I'd be better off if I picked up a physics or calculus book, but I cannot resist interaction so I come here instead. To me, books are boring compared to people.
And why waste time on you?

Originally posted by badcliq
oh ya, u showed me a list of bible's "contradictions"...so i thought i might just show u a list of Qu'ran's contradictions?
have a look though.....no offence btw...

I picked the first one of their list, let me show you how ignorant are those bastards...They say:

And it just doesn't add up: Sura 4:11-12 and 4:176 state the Qur'anic inheritance law. When a man dies, and is leaving behind three daughters, his two parents and his wife, they will receive the respective shares of 2/3 for the 3 daughters together, 1/3 for the parents together [both according to verse 4:11] and 1/8 for the wife [4:12] which adds up to more than the available estate. A second example: A man leaves only his mother, his wife and two sisters, then they receive 1/3 [mother, 4:11], 1/4 [wife, 4:12] and 2/3 [the two sisters, 4:176], which again adds up to 15/12 of the available property.

How idiotic. It is not supposed to add up. First the wife gets 1/8 of the inheritance, the remainder is then in question. 2/3 of the REMAINDER goes to the three daughter, ect, ect. I guess christians bashing the Quran don't understand the concept of remainder...Linear Algebra must be the extent of their knowledge.

Let's pick another one , may I: The idiots on your site say:
Six or eight days of creation? Sura 7:54, 10:3, 11:7, and 25:59 clearly state that God created "the heavens and the earth" in six days. But in 41:9-12 the detailed description of the creation procedure adds up to eight days.

Come on now, so are you saying that god is wrong here, I guess you are. God never said that he didn't overlap his creation, meaning he could have created the angels and heaven in total in a two years where it took two years to create the heaven and two years to create the angel, because they were created simaltanously. So your guys don't understand fraction, simaltanous function, and try to use their simple knowledge to bash the Quran.

Nice try though, idiot.
LOL, so it's a fight between the validity of two invalid texts... now that's just sweet. ;)

(remember, the point is - why does either of these texts applicable to the argument of god, not which is better than the other.. hehehe... LOSERS! :D )

Thanks for helping to make my point!