why is homosexuality more taboo among men than women?


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
well i guess the title says it all

(im sleepy now will add more here tomorow if i need to, cant think straigh)
Probably cause we live in a male-dominated society, and men like seeing women together...

Though, now that I think about it, I don't know any women that would want to see men together.... :bugeye:
Because seeing two women together is more pleasing to the eye than two men, for most guys and women. Maybe it's also the roles that men and women have in society, women are thought to be much more sensual than men, while men are thought to be macho.
Men are naturally more critical, and judgemental.


Cross dressing for men, regardless of whether they think about it, or understand why, is by majority unquestionably wrong. Also when was the last time you heard about a cross dressing women? Answer you don't, because they do it all the time, most seamingly without ever realizing it. This is just one of the many examples of the more obivious but less observed mental predispositons, caused by the appearnt mismatch of concentration of computational powers, due to the biologically predifined roles of male and female men.
Originally posted by Binary
Cross dressing for men...
Crossdressing does not necessarily denote homosexuality, so the two need not be related. I am still waiting to hear something that establishes the fact that male homosexuality is more taboo than female homosexuality. In order to make this statement, you have to include both men and women in the statistics. Many, many women with whom I have discussed lesbianism find the thought of sexual contact with another woman repulsive.

:m: Peace.
Originally posted by goofyfish
Crossdressing does not necessarily denote homosexuality, so the two need not be related. I am still waiting to hear something that establishes the fact that male homosexuality is more taboo than female homosexuality. In order to make this statement, you have to include both men and women in the statistics. Many, many women with whom I have discussed lesbianism find the thought of sexual contact with another woman repulsive.

:m: Peace.

I think it has to do with the way the media portrays sexuality in society.

If a woman kisses another women, she isn't neccessarily portrayed as gay or even bi for that matter. TV shows and Movies portray two women together all the time, and has desentisized the "so-called shock" of lesbian relations. Listen to interviews with female celebrities about their sexcapes and you'll find that a good lot of them have "experimented" with other women. Yet they are straight women.

On the flipside, the image of two men together hasn't been desentisized by the media. Because of this, the same repulsion and taboo that was put on lesbianism, still remains on gay relationships. The image of two men, goes against what the media has told us to find attractive in society.

These attitudes change throughtout, and its anyones guess how we will feel in the future, for example. The ancient Greeks had a more liberal society, and many of the taboos we have weren't there. America in the 1700's, had a more consertative society, that didn't even want women to wear pants(way too man'y for a lady).

The only way to change attitudes in society is to change it's influences. The media over the last 50 years has become the defining force in the way people shape their perspectives and ideas. It used to be religion, but I feel the media has taken over the title. So the way to changes attitudes is through the media.
I'm not promoting Christina Aguilera but her last video showed 2 men kissing through out the video, and I thought that was pretty brave. Yet at the same time we still have Eminem denoting homosexuality until someone gets upset, then says he's kidding... But if you can call this progress, then we're in the right direcntion.
I see where this is coming from

A group of guys will be at full attention (no pun intended lol) where it comes to Lesbians, but when it comes to homosexual men, they usually want to beat the crap outta them
Originally posted by Thor
I see where this is coming from

A group of guys will be at full attention (no pun intended lol) where it comes to Lesbians, but when it comes to homosexual men, they usually want to beat the crap outta them
I don't think the typical reaction is to beat the crap out of them, IMO. That is usually reserved for a guy who is so insecure about his own sexuality, that he needs to prove how much a man he is to himself.
Power. It seems weirder to have one guy "submit" to another guy than it does for a girl to submit to another girl.
hmm good point Xev...
Men hate to see weak men. Men love to see weak women. The taker is usually the weak one.

yeah, something I just learned last year in fact-

men (when going for women) just pick the easiest prey,
this is a generalization, of course, and only true for the
majority of guys I've seen picking up girls in bars and
places as designated picking-up ground.
susan.. trust me, it depends how desperate and macho the guy is..
I always try to pick the best one. Usually she doesn't meet my standards. :)
Although there were a few desperate evenings...

funny, this.
a friend of mine kind of creeps me out, yet he is super-intelligent.
so I always wonder if I don't want to pick him up because
he's just "too difficult" or if there is actually a reason I don't
want to pick him up, like he is mostly pathetic and "proving"
something. hmmm. you can never know people, not really;
they change too quickly.
Look at the generalizations fly!
Who in the hell would want a mousy girl as a S.O.?

:m: Peace.
Re: yeah

Originally posted by susan
funny, this.
a friend of mine kind of creeps me out, yet he is super-intelligent.
so I always wonder if I don't want to pick him up because
he's just "too difficult" or if there is actually a reason I don't
want to pick him up, like he is mostly pathetic and "proving"
something. hmmm. you can never know people, not really;
they change too quickly.
Yes, some people can change too quickly. It is therefore not to pay too much attention to the sugarcoating, try read between the lines, try to sense insights on respect, starting by investing time on men that as a norm level themselves to you. Since relationship mostly begin in friendship, you would never make friends with someone not sensitive towards you right? So, why would you pick up a date with fewer standards??;)
Originally posted by Binary
Men are naturally more critical, and judgemental.


Cross dressing for men, regardless of whether they think about it, or understand why, is by majority unquestionably wrong. Also when was the last time you heard about a cross dressing women? Answer you don't, because they do it all the time, most seamingly without ever realizing it. This is just one of the many examples of the more obivious but less observed mental predispositons, caused by the appearnt mismatch of concentration of computational powers, due to the biologically predifined roles of male and female men.

Ok I'm comming into this a little late, So this post is a little far back.

I'd have to argue against the idea of "biologically predefined roles" It's all social conditioning in my opinion.