Why is everyone signing off at Scxforums?

Cmmdr. Geordi La Forge

Registered Member
Lotsa people are getting down and signing off at Sciforums, these days.

I think it has to do with the older asshole members that have been writing hateful things and making these people feel like they are not wanted here!

I think that's a bunch of BS! BULL FUCKING SHIT, PORFIRY!:mad:

Now I'm getting Pig Biting Mad!

There have been an aweful lot of really good people who now feel like they are the ones being talked about (targeted) by the other older members...

Well I think that that sucks, Porfiry!

I like to spend most of my time reading the threads & I don't put my black perspective in much. But that doesn't mean that I won't talk about it & raise some hell fire when I see a problem!

I think that you all--whites, blacks, & asians, are a really interesting group of people to read...

But I don't think that one member is better than the other!

That mexican guy Geraldo said it pretty well. He makes a lot of sense.

"Whether the science subject has to do with the accepted sciences, or if the thresd is just offhand BS, sciforums has it all!"

That's right! And as the censors start trimming away the less important, less scientific, they will eventually end up with nothing to trim but their own posted threads!

I've seen it before on other forums. The censors ended up cutting away so much that they emasculated the entire forum finally.

A word to the moderators and the ass kissing critics: people came here to enjoy the friendship of like minded people and to try to learn about science in his/her own way. Not all of the members can be Einsteins overnight. But damnit, at least their here!

I'm not going anywhere. :mad: I'll continue to read the ideas of the past, present & future members. But I hate for people to feel unwanted when it is unwarranted.

To all newer members: keep on writing! I love to read you all!
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Cmmdr. Geordi La Forge

I think it has to do with the older asshole members that have been writing hateful things and making these people feel like they are not wanted here!
I don't recall seeing much of this, older users crapping on new users. I hope it has not happened too much.

I think that's a bunch of BS! BULL FUCKING SHIT, PORFIRY!
I think you would find it a tad difficult to find such behaviour from Porfiry, since he doesn't post much at all, and the few posts of his I've seen have not acrimoniously targeted other users.

I like to spend most of my time reading the threads & I don't put my black perspective in much.
What exactly is your "black perspective"? How does skin colour affect thought?
So what is the problem, Cmmdr. Geordi La Forge? Care to give a few examples?

Looks like HowardStern again in yet another personna. He's also geraldo, and few others.

His style is unmistakable.

Definitely worth ignoring.
I like to hear views of other people, but I draw the line when some 40yr old tries to make me watch Jimmy Neutron.
But...but.... he has a laser and he doesn't get boring like RE, which is only about shooting zombies.

:) :)
Now I'm getting Pig Biting Mad!
Hopefully, no pigs were harmed in the typing of this post. :D

I'm not going anywhere. :mad: I'll continue to read the ideas of the past, present & future members. But I hate for people to feel unwanted when it is unwarranted.
Oh yes...I used to feel unwanted. :( I'm glad you think this way, Geordi, except, I don't think you should take it out on the members who have been here longer. I don't think I've ever seen them try to put down a person, without good reason. There have been serious cases (*cough cough* that Jimmy Neutron guy), but all in all, the mods and admins are just here to keep it all in order. They still admire freedom of expression, but when it gets too far, it's their responsibility to take care of it, for the good of SciForums.
Forgive me Adam

Originally posted by Adam

I don't recall seeing much of this, older users crapping on new users. I hope it has not happened too much.

I think you would find it a tad difficult to find such behaviour from Porfiry, since he doesn't post much at all, and the few posts of his I've seen have not acrimoniously targeted other users.

What exactly is your "black perspective"? How does skin colour affect thought?

I'm sorry Adam. I didn't mean to make this a racial issue. I certainly did not mean to cause you to think that I was talking about porfiry.

I should not have referred to the older members as being a**holes. Again, I apologize. I was just getting a little irritated at the insults that were being thrown at the newer Sci-members.

Sure, I agree that there are a lot of young, wild & crazy minds that are posting a lot of threads that don't seem to make a lot of sense. But I like to read them anyway.

As far as whites, blacks, asians, and hispanics--never have I found a more well rounded integration of ideas, irregardless of race. (I threw in the race thing to hopefully bring that to the attention of everyone):) .

Nice points Adam.
Re: Forgive me Adam

Originally posted by Cmmdr. Geordi La Forge

As far as whites, blacks, asians, and hispanics--never have I found a more well rounded integration of ideas, irregardless of race. (I threw in the race thing to hopefully bring that to the attention of everyone):) .

So who are you gonna be next? Jackie Chan?
Can we talk Here?

Hey Joe,

Not that I am making a physical threat toward you, because that would be against the law & I absolutely would never do anything that that would cause me to run afoul of the law, so if I were to post the following then it must not be meant as a physical threat & I would never mean for it to be. But,

I wished that you would come & find me & run your tough mouth off just enough so I would feel justifiable in twisting your little fucking head completely off!:)

I really would enjoy that Joe. God, I would enjoy that! And I do assure you that I am absolutely capable of doing it!:D In fact I assure you, sir, that I could do this to you & five of your friends, simultaneously.

This is no BS. I enjoy communicating and having a good time with friends, but make no fucking mistake, you little PISS ANT, you don't want to meet me without a web between the two of us !

:) have a nice day:)

_sorry if I upset the other good members-
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Re: Can we talk Here?

Originally posted by Cmmdr. Geordi La Forge
Hey Joe,
Not that I am making a physical threat toward you, because that would be against the law & I absolutely would never do anything that that would cause me to run afoul of the law, so if I were to post the following then it must not be meant as a physical threat & I would never mean for it to be. But,

Yup. No batteries included. Objects closer than they appear. Stays crunchy in milk. Do not take this while you are pregnant or have diarrhea. What else?

I wished that you come & would find me & run your tough mouth off just enough so I would feel justifiable in twisting your little fucking head completely off!:)

My mouth doesn't "run" off. It stays on my face.

I really would enjoy that Joe. God, I would enjoy that!

Thanks for calling me God. I am flattered, but I am not your God. God is dead I am afraid.

And I do assure you that I am absolutely capable of doing it!:D In fact, I assure you, sir, that I could do this to you & five of your friends, simultaneously.

That sounds kinky.

This is no BS. I enjoy communicating and having a good time with friends, but make no fucking mistake, you little PISS ANT, you don't want to meet me without a web between the two of us !

:) have a nice day:)

I never make no fucking mistakes. You would unless you make your asshole loose and dilated for me. I don't do it inch by inch either. I do it hard. Mine is huge so it will hurt.
Be careful Joeman...:eek:

I have a photo of the guy who is "Cmmdr. Geordi La Forge", and he is one scary son of a bitch. Look if you dare...

heard of natural selection?

from sciforums are signing off all those who are weak and can not take a little critique.
I think it has to do with the older asshole members that have been writing hateful things and making these people feel like they are not wanted here!

What's that ya say, sonny ? Speak up... I ain't got my hearing aid turned on !

are you really deaf

if you not you better be carefull
