Why is beleif in the son important.

Adstar said:
It may be odd to you but the book of Job gives a hint as to why God allows satan to do what he does in a "restrained" manner. satan must be allowed to demonstrate to the Heavenly Host why he is worthy of destruction Just as God has demonstrated to the Heavenly Host by His actions that He is truly justified in being the Only God.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Satan has to demonstrate to the other angels that he is worthy of destruction? Ok.. once again, that sounds odd to me, because just how long would such a demonstration take? If just one sin is enough to make one worthy of eternal death in a Christian viewpoint, why wouldn't the same apply to Satan? The "Heavenly Host" needs to be fully convinced over thousands of years of Satan's "evil", but all it takes from a human is one minor sin, or even worse, merely being born, to warrant destruction?


But, I'm getting off topic, so I guess I'll stop here.
anonymous2 said:
Satan has to demonstrate to the other angels that he is worthy of destruction? Ok.. once again, that sounds odd to me, because just how long would such a demonstration take? If just one sin is enough to make one worthy of eternal death in a Christian viewpoint, why wouldn't the same apply to Satan? The "Heavenly Host" needs to be fully convinced over thousands of years of Satan's "evil", but all it takes from a human is one minor sin, or even worse, merely being born, to warrant destruction?


But, I'm getting off topic, so I guess I'll stop here.

No keep talking. I think my discussion with Streamline has petered out anyway. most of the thread meander into different topics. :)

You bring up a very interesting point. about the time it takes for the heveanly host to see the reality.

let me post another verse:

2 Peter 3
8 But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

Now Christian's often say that 1000 years is like a day to the Lord. But they never say that 1 day is like a thousand years to the Lord.

But the verse says both. And both are correct. God does not exist in universal time but interacts with universal time. So the long time we think it is taking bears No relevance to what is happening or what could already have happened in Heavens realm. If you read much of biblical prophecy it is often spoken in past tense. The book of Revelation is a prophetical book where Johns descriptions of future events are written by John as if they have already happened.

Hard to get your mind around, hey :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
the belief in the son is not important. his divinity, and for that matter, the entire concept of the holy trinity has no basis in original scripture (meaning the old testament). as im sure a lot of people here must be aware of, jesus officially became the son of the christian god with the establishment of the Nicene Creed after the conclusion of the church's first ecumenical council mandated by Emperor Constantine in 325 AD. prior to that the christian church was divided into literally hundreds of different sects, all with varying degrees of belief in the divinity and validity of jesus as a character. the major christian movement at the time that believed in jesus as a man made divine by god, and not specifically the son of god, was called Arianism, and was thoroughly outlawed and persecuted from the end of the council onward until most of its leaders and documents were destroyed. the reason the belief in jesus as the divine son of god has become so pervasive is that the church undertook a campaign of genocide and brutal suppression in the name of pre-empting any other points of view from taking center stage, or indeed, even being recognized as anything but radical fringe movements.
in short, its all politics.