Why is a meteor worshipped at Mecca? What's it's significance?

I can't believe anyone dumb enough to worship a meteor in a bedpan could learn to steer a passenger jet.
Considering they hung out in bars, I don't think they were in any danger of being too religious.
I can't believe anyone dumb enough to worship a meteor in a bedpan could learn to steer a passenger jet.
Just shows you how easy it is to steer a plane into a building!

Considering they hung out in bars, I don't think they were in any danger of being too religious.
Haa! Are you suggesting if they were more religious they'd have been too dumb to successfully steer the plane!
Haa! Are you suggesting if they were more religious they'd have been too dumb to successfully steer the plane!

That was how I read it.

And if SAM is smart enough to know how dumb devout Muslims are, it calls the strength of HER faith into question.
I was merely correcting the assumption that they were religious. I don't think its particularly smart to fly into a building.
By what? Assuming because they were seen in a bar they were not Muslims? I know a hell of a lot of Muslims that like to drink a beer. It's pretty obvious that it take some sort of belief in something to volunteer to purposefully commit suicide.
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I guess it is hard to pick up 10-year-olds in a bar, which is why SAM is doubting their faith.
The ignorant racist hateful islamists who are intolerant of other faiths are actually worshipping shiva lingem of lord shiva. Muhammad twisted hindu teachings and created his own thing. But it is historical fact that 360 murtee's were housed in the kaaba temple and muhammad the demon destoryed them when he formed islam. His pagan hindu arabic tribe qureshi worshipped the moon good al-lah which is basically the lord shiva.
historical fact

360 murtis?

You should inform the Stanford University. Their current position is that the "pagans" referred to in the Quran may be Christians. ie idol worshippers.
Mohammad was in habit of kissing things. Did Hadiths mention that the ladies in the Harem (perhaps Ayesha) could tell when Mohammad had tasted honey
Interestingly, a young explorer went looking for the ruins of Ubar [which he mispronounced as Wabar] after reading about the black stone.

And found the city. Stupidity therefore, is a point of view.
Not if you believe in relative merit. The distance between stupidity and genius is inversely proportional to the probability of failure.

If you achieve the goal, you're an intrepid and daring explorer who discovered the city of Wabar. If you fail, you're a superstitious idiot.
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There's nothing wrong with reading about some people who worship a magical space-stone and then searching for their city. If you find it - great, if not, well, that says something as well.

This really says nothing about the idolatry of the people who worshiped the magical space-stone.

SAM's thinking is quite funny: She spends a week trying to make the point "real" Muslims don't worship a magical space-stone! Naw, that's stupid! And hey, We Muslims are better than that! (not like pesty Xian - they're idolaters). Why, them there stones peaces, why, thems just plain old place markers, yup them is. *turns to face said magical space-stones to say her 5 prayers to said magical space-stones magical space god*.

It's really funny when you think about it,
yeah, I lack the ability to truly believe in magical sky-daddies or sky-mommies or sky-aliens

Here I'll try: Xenu is real, Xenu is real, Xenu is real.
I'll try again: Allah is real, Allah is real, Allah is real.
I'll try again: Athena is real, Athena is real, Athena is real.
I'll try again: Santa is real, Santa is real, Santa is real

You're right, I can not truly comprehend what is must be like to honestly believe in Xenu, Allah, Athena or Santa Clause. Such is beyond my limited comprehension. Although, to be fair, I can't say as I would like to live my life worrying about what Xenu or Santa or Allah or whatever ... ... just seems silly to me.

I wonder SAM, what of the Muslims that kiss the "magical" sky-stones in hopes that will some day speak to them? Can you comprehend them? Can you kiss the stones and TRULY BELIEVE that they will talk to you ... or is that beyond your comprehension?

What about Allah, She going to talk to you someday?
Interestingly, a young explorer went looking for the ruins of Ubar [which he mispronounced as Wabar] after reading about the black stone.

And found the city. Stupidity therefore, is a point of view.

You seem to be talking about British explorer, Harry St. John "Abdullah" Philby who looked for the city of "Wabar," but instead found an unrelated meteor impact crater (dated to 1704 ce) which he called Wabar.

The site is on note as one of the 17 out of some 300 impact sites where conditions preserved some of the impact material.

Its worth noting that he came really close to killing himself in the process.

His son Kim was a top deep soviet agent in MI6.