Why is a meteor worshipped at Mecca? What's it's significance?

M*W: I can imagine it. When I was at St. Peter's in Rome, there were hords lined up to kiss the foot of the relatively small bronze statue of St. Peter. Over the years so many people had kissed the right foot of St. Peter that it had actually rubbed the front quarter of the foot off! By the time I got to St. Peter's foot to kiss it myself, a revelation of stupidity overcame me instead of the awe this whole thing was supposed to have inspired. I couldn't get over the fact that people from all over the world were lined up to kiss it, and I wondered why I was just another fool standing in that line.

Why didn't you kiss the left foot?
What makes the right foot so special?
I really, really, really would enjoy placing a live grenade alongside that rock.

Just for shits and giggles.
It is also shiny now, due to lots of kisses:


This really looks like some art decco rendition of a bedpan. But a bedpan for what?

Just another custom that's an embarassment to the entire human race.
No idea, most people just use it for counting the tawaf; it's too crowded to actually get near it. Besides the whole notion is highly unhygienic IMO. I've seen people wave at it from a distance, a more platonic affection, if you will
Why didn't you kiss the left foot?
What makes the right foot so special?
M*W: Monkeys see, monkeys do. I kissed the right foot, too, just like everybody else. After waiting in line so long, why not? I forget the magical, wonderful things that were supposed to happen to anyone who kissed it. I wonder if that's where the saying comes from, "Kiss my foot?"
Because of the shape of the stone it is actually not that easy to kiss it. (and yes, the shape is like a vagina or well....)
I did some research on this issue. There is good Koran as well as Bible scholarship. Indications are that the pre-Muslim era religion in Arabia was mid-way from evolving out of the mother-goddess religious system common around the world in prehistory. The black rock (perhaps originally a meteorite) was their symbol for Her. With a prominent cleft in it (like the vaginal opening) is was a likely symbol! The new Muslim religion just adopted it---as did Christianity with the old pagan holidays such as Christmas) and made it their holy of holys.

It is of note that it represented the moon goddess which was then called "Allah." The Black Box temple was staffed with a flag with Her moon crescent on it. That is why the crescent is a symbol of Islam.

One thing about religions is that they all have to evolve like everything else. None have ever sprung up in isolation. Evolution is nature!


Stone Then
Treated with reverence and dignity.


Stone Now
Carted around and smooched at by fanatics.

Ah, Progress.
I did some research on this issue. There is good Koran as well as Bible scholarship. Indications are that the pre-Muslim era religion in Arabia was mid-way from evolving out of the mother-goddess religious system common around the world in prehistory. The black rock (perhaps originally a meteorite) was their smbol for Her. With a prominent cleft in it (like the vaginal opening) is was a likely symbol!


Could you cite me your sources?
I did some research on this issue. There is good Koran as well as Bible scholarship. Indications are that the pre-Muslim era religion in Arabia was mid-way from evolving out of the mother-goddess religious system common around the world in prehistory. The black rock (perhaps originally a meteorite) was their symbol for Her. With a prominent cleft in it (like the vaginal opening) is was a likely symbol! The new Muslim religion just adopted it---as did Christianity with the old pagan holidays such as Christmas) and made it their holy of holys.

It is of note that it represented the moon goddess which was then called "Allah." The Black Box temple was staffed with a flag with Her moon crescent on it. That is why the crescent is a symbol of Islam.

One thing about religions is that they all have to evolve like everything else. None have ever sprung up in isolation. Evolution is nature!

M*W: It sort of reminds me of an infant's head emerging from the birth canal.
I thought it looked like a bent chrome hubcap. But yeah I could imagine a silver sculpture of a robotic vagina.