Why I'm not a vegetarian

Yeah it does have egg in mac, you're right. Vegans won't eat any animal produce (including honey) and most wont wear wool or use soap with tallowates in or lanolin containing products. I tried vegan mayo once, it tasted like peas. Wasn't unpleasant, just wasn't like mayo. I love BBQ seitan/soy/pea protein mix burgers, meatballs and hotdogs. Asda (uk supermarket chain owned by walmart) sell some good ones. Quorn is good but too dry BBQd.

Oh and these jewish hotdogs made by tivall, it's a kosher brand but is veggie like a lot of big brand Jewish stuff because it sells to wider market, otherwise turn over wouldn't be big enough to stock in large non jewish supermarkets and the like. In fact the kosher shop chains in UK offer a lot of vegetarian options as well as actual kosher meat. My friend was a Rabbi (or became one I should say because he was training at the time) otherwise I would never have guessed they stocked veg stuff. Deep fried tofu is good skewered and marinated.

As for non BBQ stuff there are tons of things and as mac and others point out and it's not hard to do that for your friends, it can be fun. Oh I discovered veggie black pudding not long back called V-pud, it's not bad actually but steer clear of vegetarian tuna style stuff (not pleasant hehehe).
speaking of PETA have you herd they have offered money to the first company that can commertially sell test tube meat?

Like I'm worried. Each cultured pound of meat will consume ten times its weight in animal byproducts.
Yeah it does have egg in mac, you're right. Vegans won't eat any animal produce (including honey) and most wont wear wool or use soap with tallowates in or lanolin containing products. I tried vegan mayo once, it tasted like peas. Wasn't unpleasant, just wasn't like mayo. I love BBQ seitan/soy/pea protein mix burgers, meatballs and hotdogs. Asda (uk supermarket chain owned by walmart) sell some good ones. Quorn is good but too dry BBQd.

Oh and these jewish hotdogs made by tivall, it's a kosher brand but is veggie like a lot of big brand Jewish stuff because it sells to wider market, otherwise turn over wouldn't be big enough to stock in large non jewish supermarkets and the like. In fact the kosher shop chains in UK offer a lot of vegetarian options as well as actual kosher meat. My friend was a Rabbi (or became one I should say because he was training at the time) otherwise I would never have guessed they stocked veg stuff. Deep fried tofu is good skewered and marinated.

As for non BBQ stuff there are tons of things and as mac and others point out and it's not hard to do that for your friends, it can be fun. Oh I discovered veggie black pudding not long back called V-pud, it's not bad actually but steer clear of vegetarian tuna style stuff (not pleasant hehehe).

I've never had to cook for a Vegan, It would probably be hard, with practically everything containing some sort of animal product. I can cook Veggie. I enjoy cooking for friends, and have several veggies among them. Probably the best main dish I have cooked was grilled eggplant parmesan. I also make a pretty good pasta salad consisting of Rotini pasta, shreaded carrots, slice green olives, diced roma tomatoes and red bell pepper, with parmesan cheese, a packet of dry "Good Seasons" italian dressing mix (that thar's ma secret ingredient), olive oil, and bottled italian dressing, basil, thyme and a dash of oregano. I could eat it at every meal. :)
I've never had to cook for a Vegan, It would probably be hard, with practically everything containing some sort of animal product. I can cook Veggie. I enjoy cooking for friends, and have several veggies among them. Probably the best main dish I have cooked was grilled eggplant parmesan. I also make a pretty good pasta salad consisting of Rotini pasta, shreaded carrots, slice green olives, diced roma tomatoes and red bell pepper, with parmesan cheese, a packet of dry "Good Seasons" italian dressing mix (that thar's ma secret ingredient), olive oil, and bottled italian dressing, basil, thyme and a dash of oregano. I could eat it at every meal. :)

Hell yeah. You should start a recipe thread :) All recipes not just veggie ones. The only food I wished there was a veggie equivalent of is salami and bockwursts but i found both in a healthfood shop not long back along with veggie donner style meat (think it's seitan).
Would you cook meat for your friends if they came over Creept? I think that's amazing you like to cook veggie Macgyver, Creept and I'll be over for a nice meal next week ;) I'll bring the wine.
I have cooked meat for people many times. Just because I don't eat it doesn't mean I have the right nor wish to choose what others eat. I have cooked it for my kids too but these days they prefer veggie stuff but if they asked I would. I still buy them meat dishes when we eat at restaurants too.

Like I say it's my choice what I eat and I refuse to dictate to others what they can and can't eat. I might seem like a hypocrite, and in someways I guess I am. I don't have an issue though since the most important thing for me is respecting others choices and not forcing my own values upon other people. I struggled with it for a few years when I was younger and found it hard to do, but then over the years it's just about cherishing others.

Extremes of behaviour are not the way to cherish my friends and family. If it does seem like double standards then I simply state that I never claimed to try and change the world through externals or banner wave or be a standard bearer for any cause, any strong feelings about such things are my personal feelings and I practise and exercise them in a personal way. If people disagree then to me my friends and family respect my wishes and cater for my needs so why should i not show them the same courtesy? Respecting those around me is as important as my own personal views so it doesn't conflict. I would be more of a hypocrite if I expected that respect and understanding from those around me but failed to show it back.
Would you cook meat for your friends if they came over Creept? I think that's amazing you like to cook veggie Macgyver, Creept and I'll be over for a nice meal next week ;) I'll bring the wine.

My mom was the best host ever, and she taught me well...after finding out your name and what church you go to, she would always ask if your were hungry...my friends caught on to this, and would always mysteriously show up around dinner time. :)

I had a great night, tonight. A new friend of mine invited me over for a BBQ, and I ended up taking over the grill, and cooking for like 20. The highlight of the night was when one of his neighbors, who happened to be african american, made a return trip just to tell me how bad ass my BBQ was....for me...as a white guy, having a brother tell my BBQ was good...that was high praise. :)
Wow, your Mum sounds like a lovely woman. The kind of woman who raises good sons.
Deviled eggs and potato salad (assume it contains mayo) for a vegan, I bet he loves you hehehehe.

Hey, it's his choice not mine. Besides I have another friend allergic to eggs so I make some potato salad with an oil and vinegar dressing for her, but I am a bit more favorable to people who've slept with me. So he mooches off of her.

I would also note that the Vegan in my group suffers terribly from being so. His grocery bill is outrageous.
TW Scott:


1. Asserting that biological facts lead to a moral duty is to commit the appeal to nature fallacy. You still haven't understood that point, obviously.

2. Long practice or tradition does not make an unethical act moral. Take so-called "honor killings" if you need an example. Or slavery. Or locking people up without a fair hearing or trial.

1: No, I have not asserted that the biological fact lead to a moral duty. I just have stated they do not work for or against here. You have provided no other evidence to prove eating meat is immoral than your argument that meat eaters tend to use the "appeal to nature" arument. I am just stating to you that you need something else, becuase you are using the very fallacy you preach against.

2: However those acts you mention have nothing in common with the eating of meat. They are individually recognizable as immoral in practice for many different reason. You cannot say the same for eating of meat.

Rubbish. Moral duties often conflict with personal self-interest. That often makes making moral choices difficult. You work in a shop and give small discounts to your friends, without your employer knowing. You take some of the office stationery for your personal use. You lie to your spouse or your boss because you've made a mistake and you don't want to be found out. You spend your income on a new plazma TV rather than donating it to saving lives in Africa.

Okay, by you methodology you think that the moral choice is more difficult. That self interest is always against you in making a moral decision. I will go through your examples and show how this is not true.

1: As any idiot who has ever been a cashier knows those discounts must be accounted for, if not immediately eventually. Then you will at best have to pay it back or at worse you will be sitting in prison. Not giving your frioends a discount is much easier as your friends will understand that this is business, or they would not be your friends. In the end it is less work for you and in your own self interest.

2: Most offices actually do make a small allotment of some office stationary for personal use. It's consider a very small perks. However if you are in an office that has a strict stationary policy would you really risk being fired and jailed for swiping some white-out? Hell, it would be easier and in your best interest to just hit officemax on your way home.

3: Lying is hard work, becuase you have to remember your lie for the rest of your life and you must remember all your other lies to cover this one. In the end all you are doing is borrowing trouble for something that would not have been as big a deal if you had admitted it in the first place.

4: Neither of those is an immoral choice. You worked hard and are entitled to the rewards of that. If it happens to be a new Plazma TV so be it. If it happens to be sponsoring a few children in africa, bully for you. Seeing as how you are improving someones life either way it can be a coin flip.

Lots of moral choices are hard.

The only hard ones are the one you make hard.

[quote[You drive to work instead of riding a bicycle or walking, thus polluting the environment more than you need to. Physically easier? You really haven't thought this through, have you?[/QUOTE]

You were the one that stated making the moral choice is always harder than the immoral choice. I just pointed out that 99% of the time it is easier, 1% of the time it is harder. All you just proved by the above is you read what you want to read and understand even less.
TW Scott:

1. Asserting that biological facts lead to a moral duty is to commit the appeal to nature fallacy. You still haven't understood that point, obviously.

1: No, I have not asserted that the biological fact lead to a moral duty. I just have stated they do not work for or against here. You have provided no other evidence to prove eating meat is immoral than your argument that meat eaters tend to use the "appeal to nature" arument. I am just stating to you that you need something else, becuase you are using the very fallacy you preach against.

You and I previously had a long discussion where I explained to you the principle of [enc]Equal consideration[/enc], and taught you the concept of [enc]Intrinsic value[/enc].

That you have forgotten this shows that having discussions with you is a complete waste of time.

2. Long practice or tradition does not make an unethical act moral. Take so-called "honor killings" if you need an example. Or slavery. Or locking people up without a fair hearing or trial.

2: However those acts you mention have nothing in common with the eating of meat. They are individually recognizable as immoral in practice for many different reason. You cannot say the same for eating of meat.

On the contrary, I spent a lot of time pointing out just a few of the "many different reason" in our previous discussion. I will not repeat myself here. You're wasting my time.

The remainder of your post is vapid nonsense, which I choose to ignore. Go back to playing with your star wars friends.
Yeah it does have egg in mac, you're right. Vegans won't eat any animal produce (including honey) and most wont wear wool or use soap with tallowates in or lanolin containing products. ....

does that mean vegans never have pets? Wouldn't that be seen as ownership and slavery?
I know a few vegans with pets, pretty much all my friends (not just vegans) got them from rescue centres that often put animals with health/behaviour issues down. Many will take so called dangerous or damaged dogs and the like and within weeks (thanks to Jan Fennel methods usually) they are already on the road to recovery. It's amazing to see them turn around. I guess you think that's wrong to save their life like that, since it's slavery. Wrong to take in pets without a home? I don't think so.
bitching about vegetarians are we ?
Why don't you actually do something about it instead of bitching about it on an internet forum ?
.... I guess you think that's wrong to save their life like that, since it's slavery. Wrong to take in pets without a home? I don't think so.

No, I think its insane to be a vegan. :p
Do they get the animal sterilized, which is something that is illegal to do to a human (without consent)
That is counterproductive. You're only going to piss of more veggies.

Nah most people including veggies are not stupid enough to get annoyed by statements with absolutely no thought behind them. I think some people just try and get a rise that way for fun. Actually orleanders posts make me laugh so I should thank you, despite the fact I doubt you mean them to entertain.