Why I'm not a vegetarian

Nah most people including veggies are not stupid enough to get annoyed by statements with absolutely no thought behind them. I think some people just try and get a rise that way for fun. Actually orleanders posts make me laugh so I should thank you, despite the fact I doubt you mean them to entertain.

lol :D
good job you're not serious and have a sense of humour because you're getting owned (or dare I say pWn3d hehehe) by the veggies here and if you felt real disgust for us plant munching scum the only option would be seppuku. Better get sharpening that tanto my friend.
So you launched a bogus thread in Ethics ? :eek:

no, that idiot really did kill all those deer. And if someone can judge all American soldiers by the act of one puppy killer, then I can judge the vegetarians by the act of one deer killer. Is that not fair? :shrug: But I tried to do it with a sense of humour.
no, that idiot really did kill all those deer. And if someone can judge all American soldiers by the act of one puppy killer, then I can judge the vegetarians by the act of one deer killer. Is that not fair? :shrug: But I tried to do it with a sense of humour.

So now you care ? :confused:
...you're getting owned (or dare I say pWn3d hehehe) by the veggies here and if you felt real disgust for us plant munching scum the only option would be seppuku.....

LOL, no I realize its mostly a healthier way to live. Most of the longest live people in America are Seventh Day Adventists. Those vegans though...I mean come on. Not even eggs? :bugeye: And the way they are all judgmental about it. I suppose you can turn anything into a religion.
Not all vegans are judgemental about it. I used to be vegan but am vegetarian now and I wasn't judgemental. Most the vegans friends I have are pretty easy going and see it as personal choice. Not all vegans are like Moby you know.
I've only known a few and they were pretty judgemental. But their names were Rain and Raven and they did have a daughter called Dove and a son called Jupiter. He ate algae he festered in the airing cupboard and wore a big black dress and sandals. They were so hardcore they had scrawled in black marker above the cooker that it was a strictly vegan kitchen. He did have the biggest store of White Widow I've ever seen though, so despite all the food nazism I stuck it out for a while there.
Heh. i swear, the man used to keep it in a washing up bowl and skim the top off and drink it. Weird leftie hippy.
Yeah well hippies are a whole other story. I remember a friend I lived with asked wasn't I a bit of a hippy when I was complaining about hippies. My other friend in the conversation seemed shocked and said there was no way I was and taught him some fundamental differences between hippies and non hippies. She told him it's all in the shoes, long hair and combat pants don't count, moshers and hippies may look alike but the former wear combat boots and the latter wear sandals (or Jesus boots as my bro calls them). I find that's generally a good rule.
Oh man the stories about that fella. We went up Salisbury Hill one summer's evening with a tent and more weed than the entire US troops smoked during Nam. We got to the top and there's a herd of cows just standing 'round having metaphysical discussions about the nature of reality. There were about ten of us but they outnumbered us three-to-one at least. We stood back and Raven walked over to them with his arms spread. Then, from the back of the herd, it seemed like one cow came over to him. From where we were it appeared as though he was negotiating with the leader for some turf time. The cow then turned and walked away, then the other cows left too. As he walked back some of us were laughing, other were just completely freaked out by what we'd just saw. Someone asked him what he said to them and he said he just explained that we weren't here to disturb anyone and that we'd leave in the morning. Mkay. So we had a cow disturbance free night with lots of schmoke and schexy times. Although, it might have all just happened in my head, that shit was strong stuff.