Why I'm not a vegetarian

want to bet, my brit sausage ain't so wholesome hehehe. Only kidding. Reminds me think about freaky eaters show in uk about a man who lived on cheese


An people wonder why the world thinks brits are "not right".

Also I remember a show about westerners who lived in vietnam I think it was. they had all kinds of wine with something in it, they had a bottle with a pickled human penis in it and opened it on documentary to celebrate the launch of an art piece or something. I am not sure how legal it all was but found it disturbing but had to watch them drink it. Oh man I wish I had a link to that documentary but it was years ago so don't recall enough to find it.
I do that with my victims. Pickled penis is a delicacy in China. Mind you they eat some fucked-up shit over there.

I don't know why but your post just reminded me of a programme called Around the world in 80 gardens... Meh, El Vino is taking me off on a mind wanderment. I hate those BBC2 mocumentaries, offered up like the objective line in person-centred biopics. Ghah.
I remember a friend being freaked out you could buy dried ants at chinese markets by the scoop. I drank a can of ants once. I was about 8 years old and lived in a shit hole house. I left a can of cheap lemonade out over night. Took a swig of the flat nasty stuff the next morn and it was full of dead ants. It was horrid, people asked what they tasted like, all I could taste was lemonade.
technically they can't put hooves, hide, hair or bone into hotdogs and the like. They can add the bones and hooves ground up to the meat content after processing as a binding agent though. That leaves the hide which goes to the tanning and clothing industry etc. Some products have better laws on what can go in, an some countries are not so bad with certain foods. UK is bad for some but US and canada is bad in other areas too. Hotdogs are usually always bad. They often have nitrites and nitrate preservatives in too, which as you probably know are linked to high incidence of stomach cancer and are implemented in formation of carcinogenic ring structures in the body.......

the only way ground up hooves/bone end up in anything is as natl gelatin. Its far easier to just add it to dog food. Don't forget how they make bullion cubes.

and do you have a link to this supposed nitrate cancer story?
The bones are often made into gelatine I agree but can be used ground as binding agent (in UK at least, comes under the rusk additive I think). I don't have links as didn't find from net but heard a lot in past in books on food additives and the like (I read a lot as am an additive sensitive asthmatic and can't eat certain things like benzoates since admitted to hospital with severe attack as child so naturally read a lot on preservatives and colours in particular). I am sure there are web links nowadays though but never looked (I am 30 and net was different when I started using in early 90s).

As for the red meat nitrite preservative thing it's been in scientific publications and food review over the years. The well known thing about red meat increasing cancer risk seems to be more to do with the preservatives they think (mainly Na and K nitrites and sometimes nitrates) as opposed to the meat itself as originally thought. It makes sense since red meat cancer risks became significant after preservatives, before when all was local production it wasn't common, or not significant at least. I can try and find links if you like. It is quite a common thing for red meat to be linked with cancer of the stomach and colon and so on, I am sure you heard this though. Red meat alone has been known to increase the risk but preservatives can add to it.

I am veggie for ethical reasons not health I should state. Health wise some veg products need careful scrutiny too. I just think people should know what they are eating. they have a right to know.
Just some very quick searches and I found lots and lots. Some are to do with red meat alone. Others are to do with processed meat and the preservatives etc.

Search around to see what i mean. stay well clear of the meat industry and veg society funded propaganda though. Some will tell you meat is bad for made up reasons (as I said in earlier posts this kind of ignorance is uncalled for. I might be a veggie too but lies and bullshit is not helping anyone). Likewise some tell you there is no risk to eating meat (red meat in particular) and again it's not fair to mislead. Both sides give too much spin. Truthful middle view independent research is always better. A lecturer i knew was great for that as he ate meat but told it straight. He knew the score and made educated purchase, the way it should be.

The main articles of interest seem to be N-glycolylneuraminic acid in red meat increasing the risk, the other stuff is to do with processed meat being much much worse due to nitrites and other compounds formed during processing. I am not trying to put people off red meat, thats f*** all to do with me, you can make your own decisions. If you are concerned check it out, if not then who cares just eat what you like. Like fatty foods are unhealthy people know that, if you choose to eat junk it's your choice, as long as you know.
Ever since homospians appeared 100,000to 150,000 years ago, we have fed on meat. Why this should change is ignorance, whilst we still hold true meat is a good source of vitamins and proteins. These can be changed, but essential ingredients such as zink and vitamin B are essential with eating meats.
Oh is this the last vestiges of hope? Believe what you need to believe but you've had the chemistry. You've had the biology. The proof is there should you choose to accept it. Don't kid yourself that what you partake in is unflawed.
Not at all. If one decieves themselves of meat, then they are destroying a 100,000 year old habit. If they do veggie for the sake of life then they are more spiritual than those who bite into a MacDonalds.
Even if I ate meat I'd rather chew cardboard than eat McDonald's.
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ignorance is failing to understand a topic and making statements with no scientific backing or knowledge. Moreover I am not trying to tell people to stop eating meat, nor is anyone else is this thread. I don't advocate vegetarianism nor eating meat on a whole, it's a PERSONAL DECISION and nothing to do with others. I just state people should understand what they are eating. As for essential vits there are plenty of sources other than meat, that's a proven fact. Don't try and state only meat eaters can get all the vits they need, there are millions of examples of healthy vegetarian humans to disprove this, and scientific analysis of non meat sources. You can't argue with that it's fact.
Ohhhh, I'm drowning but are the logistics of floatation devices proven!
To be a veggie is your choice. A choice which is found in opposition with most considerations of reality.
To be a veggie is your choice. A choice which is found in opposition with most considerations of reality.

how so? I have no reason as of yet to change my lifestyle choice. Give me a valid reason and I will discuss it. If you can deny facts with valid reason and prove them wrong with real evidence then fair enough. I am not interested in holding a view without substantial fact backing it up. It seems to me like you are floundering and have no backing. I have no prob with your choice of eating meat so why do you need to defend the choice, moreover why have a problem with my choice not too?
how so? I have no reason as of yet to change my lifestyle choice. Give me a valid reason and I will discuss it. If you can deny facts with valid reason and prove them wrong with real evidence then fair enough. I am not interested in holding a view without substantial fact backing it up. It seems to me like you are floundering and have no backing. I have no prob with your choice of eating meat so why do you need to defend the choice, moreover why have a problem with my choice not too?

Wait, wait, wait, wait Creept. It's your postcount that invalidates your argument!
"opposition with most considerations of reality" discuss this I mean. Man I love sciforum, looked for a good board for years. this is the first i found since comp hardware boards (but no general social topics there).

You read too much into something,unless you translate the latter as some kind of preference.