Why I decided to believe


Your reasoning is not very solid, and I suspect you know that, at least I hope you do. Your real reason, IMHO, which you may not quite yet have grasped, is that you have been looking for an excuse to believe in a god. That is fine, I take the same approach for many of my life experiences. When I am not sure about something I tend to commit to it just to try it out and see if it has any value. And it helps if you can afford it and yes I have lost a lot of money on things that definitely did not work out. But for many things in life there is no way to evaluate something without actually trying it. Committing yourself to a theistic experience seems like the best way to obtain a ‘feel’ for the issues from a different perspective. For example, you can describe sex as much as you like, but until you try it you will have no idea what it is really like.

So go for it and learn. I did the same thing when I was 16 and then became an atheist 5 years later, and that was 30 years ago.
Coffee, once again I applaud your intelligent decision. Your rewards are eternal and will far outweigh any torment or subjective, naturalistic propaganda delivered by those who are lost. Contact me via PM if you would like any assistance in your journey.

i always find it strange that somehow for christians the christian god is the true one...and for muslims allah is the true one...for some people the sungod might be the right one etc etc...how do you people choose your gods? and how do you know you chose the right one?
The Bible defines what is true and states that those who fall outside certain parameters of doctrine are false. Christians are only repeating and teaching people what God has already stated about truth.

"...Just like every other religion and their God..."

Really? Every other religion? Wow........Can you provide for us specific examples of other religions, along with their basic tenets, and provide a comparison chart demonstrating the differences between the essential doctrines of these other religions and Christianity, please? We'll be waiting.

Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
i always find it strange that somehow for christians the christian god is the true one...and for muslims allah is the true one...for some people the sungod might be the right one etc etc...how do you people choose your gods? and how do you know you chose the right one?

Dunno, they just seem to be very self-assured that only they will be 'saved' and everyone else is doomed to eternal torture.
Originally posted by inspector
The Bible defines what is true and states that those who fall outside certain parameters of doctrine are false. Christians are only repeating and teaching people what God has already stated about truth.


Inspector, the only thing I find worthwhile about this post is your enthusiasm for your own religion. But everything else is misguided.

A person who starts out with the assumption that his/her beliefs are superior to everyone else's detracts from, defames, and insults their own organization. A religion should be for personal growth and sense of community only, and not for advertisement of one's faith.
Originally posted by inspector
"...Just like every other religion and their God..."

Really? Every other religion? Wow........Can you provide for us specific examples of other religions, along with their basic tenets, and provide a comparison chart demonstrating the differences between the essential doctrines of these other religions and Christianity, please? We'll be waiting.


We don't even need that. Bring in the holy books from each religion. Are you that blind, inspector?
"A religion should be for personal growth and sense of community only, and not for advertisement of one's faith."

This simply demonstrates your lack of knowledge regarding Christianity. A Christian believes that God exists for many reasons, however, a sense of community is more of a sociological need than a benefit for believing in God. A Christian believes for reasons such as forgiveness of sins, salvation, grace, eternal life, peace and so on.

Originally posted by inspector
Raithere, if that is a picture of you under your user name, man, you need a shave.
Actually, that's the great and powerful Tim the Enchanter.

So, you have faith that these things are just unknown and simply haven't been explained in humanistic, naturalistic vernacular yet?
Not quite... I accept that there are things that will probably never be known. What's unintelligent about that?

Obviously, this is a subjective, opinionated statement. Therefore, conversely, I can equally claim that the unknown cannot be dismissed as evidence in favor of God either.
Well, I disagree that it is subjective and opinionated, it's simply logical. But I do agree that the proof for God could possibly exist in what is yet unknown.

Originally posted by inspector
"A religion should be for personal growth and sense of community only, and not for advertisement of one's faith."

This simply demonstrates your lack of knowledge regarding Christianity. A Christian believes that God exists for many reasons, however, a sense of community is more of a sociological need than a benefit for believing in God. A Christian believes for reasons such as forgiveness of sins, salvation, grace, eternal life, peace and so on.

Hi you all. I'd like to point out that this only applies to Christians. Objective judgement of one's own religion is impossible and I must say that a religion must indeed not be flaunted in the form of proselytization(did I get it right?).
Really? Every other religion? Wow........Can you provide for us specific examples of other religions, along with their basic tenets, and provide a comparison chart demonstrating the differences between the essential doctrines of these other religions and Christianity, please? We'll be waiting.
All I'm saying is that every religion will say "Ya, we're right cause our teachings say so..." Just doesn't seem very sensible to me. I'm not asking you to prove God's existance to me. I'm not asking you to change your religion. All I'm asking is that you acknowledge the fact that every religion claims they're right, and all do so with certainty... This means yours is just as likely wrong as theirs...

(And if you reply with bible quotes you're only proving my point)
Really? Every other religion? Wow........Can you provide for us specific examples of other religions, along with their basic tenets, and provide a comparison chart demonstrating the differences between the essential doctrines of these other religions and Christianity, please? We'll be waiting.

*brain implodes*

I'm not even touching this one. Have fun, guys.
Similarities (just some food for thought)

The Golden Rule

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, for this is
the law and the prophets.

What is hurtful to yourself do not to your fellow man. That is the
whole of the Torah and the remainder is but commentary.

Do unto all men as you would wish to have done unto you; and
reject for others what you would reject for yourselves.

Hurt not others with that which pains yourself.

Tzu-Kung asked: "Is there one principle upon which one's whole
life may proceed?" The Master replied, "Is not Reciprocity such a
principle?---what you do not yourself desire, do not put before

This is the sum of all true righteousness---
Treat others, as thou wouldst thyself be
Do nothing to they neighbor, which
Thou wouldst not have thy neighbor do to thee.

Man Is Created In God's Image

God created man in His own image, in the image of God created
He him.

The individual soul is nothing else in essence that universal soul.

On God's own nature has been molded man's.

God is concealed in every heart; his light is in every heart.

Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that Spirit of God
dwelleth in you?

A Man Is Known By His Deeds, Not By His Religion

God will not ask a man of what race he is. He will ask what he
has done.

God will render to every man according to his deeds.

A man asked Muhammad how to tell when one is truly faithful,
and he replied: "If you derive pleasure from good which you
do and are grieved by the evil which you commit, then you are
a true believer."

But I say unto you: deeds of love are worth as much as all the
commandments of the law.

No brahmin is a brahmin by birth.
No outcaste is an outcaste by birth.
An outcaste is an outcaste by his deeds.
A brahmin is a brahmin by deeds.

There Is One God

"There is one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through
all, and in you all."

"Have we not all one Father? Has not one God created us?"

"He is the one God hidden in all beings, all-pervading, the Self
within all beings, watching over all worlds, dwelling in all beings,
the witness, the perceiver."

Remember even when alone that the divine is everywhere.

There is but one God whose name is true. He is the creator,
immortal, unborn, self-existent.

Source: Oneness: Great Principles Shared
By All Religions By Jeffrey Moses
"This means yours is just as likely wrong as theirs..."

Another possibility would be that Christianity is true and many others are false. It is noteworthy to mention that Christianity is the only religion that addresses the problem of sin, through the redemptive process of grace alone. You must realize that Christianity, by definition, says that all other systems are false. It is not that it is "superior" the way you apparently try and connect it with arrogance. It is simply that it is true and saying so doesn't mean we are superior or arrogant in attitude. It is superior because it is true. Jesus, who claimed to be God in flesh (John 8:24,58; 10:30-33; Exod. 3:14, cf, John 20:28; Col. 2:9; Heb. 1:6,8), said that He was the only way to God the Father (John 14:6; Matt. 11:27). We Christians believe Him. (Uh-oh, did I just quote from that mythical book, again?)

Pride in a person is something God does not want. The attitude of arrogant superiority in a person is not what God wants, either. But, that does not change the fact that Christianity is, by nature, superior to all other systems -- since it alone represents the true God as manifested in Christ. Being true, it is therefore superior by nature, but that does not mean that it is inconsistent with itself since being true does not mean that those who believe it is superior are being prideful. Pride is something in people. Christianity is the historical revelation and manifestation of Jesus who claimed to be God, walked on water, healed people, rose from the dead, etc. This occurred in history. For me to say it is true and to believe it is true over all other systems does not make me arrogant anymore than you, an atheist, believe that your atheism is true, and therefore superior, over all religious systems.

Furthermore, Christianity teaches a Trinitarian God which all other religious systems do not (contra modalism, tritheism, etc). Christianity teaches salvation by grace through faith alone, which all other religious systems do not. Though there are similarities in other systems, Christianity is unique in its scope, evidence, soteriology, and theology.

For me to say it is true and to believe it is true over all other systems does not make me arrogant anymore than you, an atheist, believe that your atheism is true, and therefore superior, over all religious systems
I would agree with you except that I am technically agnositc, therefore all I "believe" in is that no one really knows... But your point was made.
I won't ask you for proof of all the socalled miracles, inspector, because I know that'll lead to yet another stupid god exists/does not exist battle thread. Last thing I want.

No one can make a claim that a religion has to be true for everyone. One can only claim that a religion is true for her/him only, and that should really be the reason to believe in it. The former view leads to the useless "crusades" to "enlighten" the "heathens" and much proselytizing. Which is messed up.
Originally posted by inspector
Another possibility would be that Christianity is true and many others are false.
Upon what basis should one decide which is true and which are false?
