Why I decided to believe


Registered Senior Member
When I said that I was "Agnostic no more," I meant it. I seriously do believe in a higher power. Now I think that the time has come for me to explain why I decided to believe in God. This post is a little long so I will understand if you only read the parts that interest you. I will try to answer everyones questions, but I think that I will have many responses.:) Here we go:

1. The Theory of Evolution:

Evolution can be proven. There are facts to support it, and it is a possibility that we did evolve from Apes. So this is what I think God did. God made man, except it wasn't man. It was an ape, for God time is not relative. So before God knew it the First Human had been born. All because he/she wasn't paying attention.

And about the Dinos, creatures like that are described in the Bible. Plus whose to say that apes were the first thing that God made?

2. Purple Squid Monkey:

First of all science says that it is impossible for such a thing to exist. But humans are not evolved enough to know that God doesn't exist. When science can reveal that God never existed in the first place I will become an atheist. In the meantime I have decided to have faith in the unknown, which I believe to be God.

3. The Big Bang:

I support the Big Bang theory the most out of all of these theories. What better way to move a mountain then to blast it with Dynamite? So God, in an attempt to be efficient, created a huge explosion that is still going on today. That's when some of the evolution stuff kicked in. God didn't create every little particle he made the general stuff; apes, dirt, water, and the universe with one big bang.

4. Faith and Science:

From my understand (thanks to a certain atheist) having faith in science is different then having faith in God. I understand this and support it. As long as you have faith (not a belief) in something your good to go.

5. Faith Healing, Evangelists, Miracles, and Praying:

Faith healing is fake, no one can do that except God. Evangelists are a result of something that wasn't intended, I refuse to call someone a heathen just because they don't believe in God. Miracles may or may not exist, they might happen... How would you know if a miracle had occurred?

I will pray to God because it makes me feel good, that and he doesn't interrupt me while Im talking. :)

6. God is all knowing so he already knows whose going to heaven and whose not:

Errr. No. This is where the bible screws up. God is all knowing but somehow I doubt he knows how many blades of grass are on my front lawn, and that he probably doesn't care about how many blades of grass there are, just that there is grass.

God doesn't know whose going where and why until you get to heaven (or whatever it might be). The reason for this is because if God made everything then he would know that he had already created the universe, created man, and done all of this other stuff before he did it. So what was the point in doing that? He cannot be all knowing (note: I am not at the point where I can fully explain this without confusing myself and everyone else)

7. The Age of The Universe:

Through carbon dating and other means we can see how old the universe/earth is. These cant be disproved, it is scientific fact. But what if I told you that to God time wasn't relative? What if this morning when God woke up (if he does sleep) the Crusades had just ended, and when he went to bed all that Hitler crap was happening? To God time is not relative. If God made everything then its very thought provoking that maybe he took up those first few billion years making other civilizations.

I hope that Ive answered all of the really interesting questions that Ive been asked. And that Ive answered them in a clear way that you can understand. Science is never at fault, God is never at fault, humans are never at fault, but its through understanding that we will find the truth.

Whoever you are and whatever you believe in I wish you the best of luck finding out the truth for yourself. Thank you for reading this. Oh and Vote for me, if you want.

Counsler Coffee
From an agnostic to a former agnostic

explain why I decided to believe in God.
Don't take this the wrong way, but I look at you as an agnostic who got lazy (not meant to be insulting). No one DECIDES to believe in God or not. An idea is not something the mind posesses, an idea is something that posesses the mind.
But humans are not evolved enough to know that God doesn't exist.
Or have any reason to think he does (though I agree he/it may, another agnostic :D )
As long as you have faith (not a belief) in something your good to go
refuse to call someone a heathen just because they don't believe in God.
Good, then my respect for you can carry over in to your new beliefs.
I will pray to God because it makes me feel good, that and he doesn't interrupt me while Im talking
So what was the point in doing that?
I ask myself that question alot when God comes in to the picture...
Whoever you are and whatever you believe in I wish you the best of luck finding out the truth for yourself.
I'm glad to see you still have your acceptance and tollerance! Sad to lose you, lol.
I don't mean to be offensive but it sounds to me as if you simply modified your conception of God to fit the facts. Given such a flexible definition, the concept becomes irrefutable. But I would not call it logic. I would also say that it seems to be more of an excuse that allows you to not disbelieve in God than a reason to believe in God. Why bother with the assertion?

I don't mean to be offensive but it sounds to me as if you simply modified your conception of God to fit the facts.

Is there something wrong with that? I mean if Im to believe in God then I need proof, I got proof. It makes perfect logical sense to me.

I would also say that it seems to be more of an excuse that allows you to not disbelieve in God than a reason to believe in God. Why bother with the assertion?

I believe in God. Plain and simple. My statements merely prove to me that I think that he exists.

Don't take this the wrong way, but I look at you as an agnostic who got lazy (not meant to be insulting). No one DECIDES to believe in God or not. An idea is not something the mind posesses, an idea is something that posesses the mind.


I got tired of the never ending debate. I decided that I would review all of the facts/evidence and make up my mind. And I reached the conclusion that God does exist.


Sorry. I would rather a atheist have faith in something then no faith. Thats what I meant by that statement.

I'm glad to see you still have your acceptance and tollerance! Sad to lose you, lol.

Thanks. Wait until people like Xev, Adam, and all the other atheist read my first post. One of two things will happen. They will either laugh or call me a moron, or both.
No one DECIDES to believe in God or not. An idea is not something the mind posesses, an idea is something that posesses the mind.

Perhaps that is the difference between the atheist and the theist. That beliefs are that much more malleable and subservient to desires.
Originally posted by CounslerCoffee
Thanks. Wait until people like Xev, Adam, and all the other atheist read my first post. One of two things will happen. They will either laugh or call me a moron, or both.

Try not to worry about what people think of you, those are just bully tactics. Bullies have the biggest problems. :D


Jan Ardena.
"I don't mean to be offensive but it sounds to me as if you simply modified your conception of God to fit the facts. Given such a flexible definition, the concept becomes irrefutable. But I would not call it logic."

All knowledge cannot be ascertained by logic and experiment. There are many things that exist that cannot be quantified, tested in some lab or put in a jar. Raithere, my friend, being ever-intelligent as you are, you certainly know this by now. ;-)

+++Evolution can be proven. There are facts to support it, and it is a possibility that we did evolve from Apes. So this is what I think God did. God made man, except it wasn't man. It was an ape, for God time is not relative. So before God knew it the First Human had been born. All because he/she wasn't paying attention. +++

the problem with accepting evolution is of course that we didn't descended only from apes, but also from fish and even further down the line from some kind of unicellular organisms.

You would then have to say, god didn't creat man...he didn't creat apes, he didn't create fish, he didn't create any animal or plant (unless you want to believe he created the very first one).

would you be willing to accept this?
would you be willing to accept this?

I am not sure who you are asking this of, however if it is me, I am currently discussing this topic in detail on another thread in the Biology/Genetics section of this site.

Yes, God is aware of evrything - every hair on your head, so to speak. And since God is not limited by human thoughts, it is up to Him to know your deapest fears and secrets. The Bible teaches that God does care and does take close interest. If you accept divine law, then any less than death is mercy. Adam & Eve, whoever they were, had been shown mercy, and we have been shown mercy ever since. Once you realise you should actually have been dead, life gets new meaning - whether you derive that realisation from the Bible, a near-death experience, or from somewhere else doesn't matter.

And God created. Full stop. He did not mention every bug and variety of grass in the Bible, yet obviously they were created. I also think the kind of evolution we witness everywhere has been a tool that God has and still is using. As Coffee said: God is not limited to time, an He wanted to create life, not chairs. hence, evolving life - more alive than any one generation can be on its own.

Adam and Eve became human, sentient in God's image, only when He breathed his spirit into them. Neanderthals were probably as advanced as any animal could be without knowledge of God. I wonder, is there any evidence of prehistoric religion? That would be an interesting study.

Whatever the reason - God chose homo sapiens, just like He chose Israel, just like He calls everybody to be His chosen today. In the end, God knows who will be with Him and who will be against Him, but He gives us time to decide for ourselves - He gave us the choice as well. Live with that...
I dont know buddy

I dont think someone could just suddenly believe in God like that.
I agree with the statement made by someone in the earlier posts saying that it's not something that you decide on. Believing in a higher power is something you have to feel in your heart and be consciouos of its awareness. To me, you have altered your scientific views to fit in a belief in God. It's not that simple.

As far as myself, I believe there is a unifying element that connects and maintains order in the universe and creation. I dont believe in God in a christian sense. I just believe that there is an unifying element in the universe that creates and maintains balance.

Besides, I dont think human beings were meant to fully understand everything about the universe because its impossible.
every religion has their own view on the origins of the universe and maintain just like science has theories about the origins of the universe. A theory is a possible explanation for an event or a phenomenom. When these theories are accepted, they become true until someone comes up with a better theory. I guess the thing science and religion have in common is the search for absolute truth and understanding. Science wants to know what happened and how, where as, religion/spirituality asks why did it happen this way and what part to we play. We could have a billion theories and religious saying this is how this happened and such... but it want help us find the absolute truth about everything. Albert Einstein spent the rest of live wanting to understand everything about the laws and mysteries of the universe. But he couldnt. The best thing we could do is get close to the truth. Not absolute truth. Thats where I'm just in a state of awe and amazement about the universe and human existence.
Originally posted by inspector
All knowledge cannot be ascertained by logic and experiment. There are many things that exist that cannot be quantified, tested in some lab or put in a jar. Raithere, my friend, being ever-intelligent as you are, you certainly know this by now.
Most of the time I feel it is actually a matter of finding the correct jar, so to speak. But yes, I agree that there are some things that may intrinsically defy our understanding. However, I simply categorize these things as unknown or unknowable and am comfortable with that. I am not comfortable with inventing an explanation such as God to simply be a bin for conceptual odds-and-ends. Nor do I think the unknown can be construed as evidence for God… if it is unknown how can we assert anything about it?

Raithere, if that is a picture of you under your user name, man, you need a shave. ;-)

"However, I simply categorize these things as unknown or unknowable and am comfortable with that."

So, you have faith that these things are just unknown and simply haven't been explained in humanistic, naturalistic vernacular yet? Raithere, my friend, I cannot understand how an apparently intelligent individual such as yourself can hold such unintelligent thoughts. However, I guess you feel the same way about Christians, also.

"Nor do I think the unknown can be construed as evidence for God…"

Obviously, this is a subjective, opinionated statement. Therefore, conversely, I can equally claim that the unknown cannot be dismissed as evidence in favor of God either.

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Is there something wrong with that? I mean if Im to believe in God then I need proof, I got proof. It makes perfect logical sense to me.
Thing is, it's no longer God you believe in. Just a representation of every un-answered question. So why should the answer to every un-asnwered question be God when he's not the answer to any of the already answered questions?
I got tired of the never ending debate.
So you got tired of the never ending debate and *POOF* God started existing?
I would rather a atheist have faith in something then no faith
Athiests have faith in the truth, none in what they think the truth is. So no matter how many times evidence forces them to change their view on the universe, they will. Faith in anything but the truth, ie: faith in a predetermined truth, is just foolish.

Let me put it this way. Had you not gotten tired of the never ending debate, and realized that truth will ALWAYS be open to debate, would you still believe whole-heartedly in a God?
Thing is, it's no longer God you believe in. Just a representation of every un-answered question. So why should the answer to every un-asnwered question be God when he's not the answer to any of the already answered questions?

Stop twisting my words, please. I dont think that you understand.

God is not the answer to the unanswered questions. I merely attempted to piece evolution together to show how God exist. Or how the age of the universe could prove God. I guess I should of used the words "Questions from atheist" I should of use "Statements from atheists and how God can fit with them."

So you got tired of the never ending debate and *POOF* God started existing?

Listen. Before when I was agnostic I wasnt sure about God. Not I am. I dont see how you can just say "POOF" I came to the conclusion slowly that God exists, not just suddenly POOF. Read the thread "Agnostic no more"

All of your reasons for believing in God are highly personal, and they work for you. Good for ya, even if I don't agree with them and find some of them utterly nonsensical (but I won't get into that... you've got enough people posting at you). But if I may say so, I find that most people create 'logic' to fit their pre-conceived notions about things, rather than actually thinking things through. Which is it for you?
As long as you stick to what you've decided on, and it substantially makes your life better in the long run, you can safely start feeling good about it. The real test is when some disaster comes, and how well you deal with it.

I see nothing wrong with Coffee's decision. At one point I had a little personal religion of my own, which was so utterly bizarre I don't even remember what it was. Hey, there are some people who worship the purple potato king...:D

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?