No, but it does shed a different light on the issue of pharmaceutically medicating oneself (or at least trying to do so) to sanity and happiness.
Well, it obviously isn't a perfect solution.
But...among other things, my body and emotions are chemical reactions. And for whatever reason those chemical reactions seem to be permanently malfunctioning...similar to the way a person with hypothyroid does not have enough thyroid hormone produced naturally and their body goes haywire.
Do you view a diabetic as using a chemical crutch because they take their insulin? But yet you give the appearance of viewing my use of meds as a crutch. And they do not make me happy. They make me not clinically depressed. They allow happiness to potentially occur. Otherwise, the only thing that occurs is agony and a desire for death only slightly alleviated by slicing my skin up like a Christmas ham. And that's very simple to explain too...pain produces opioids. The internal equivalent or worse than a broken bone, so slicing myself up for relief at a time like that seems only a minor matter.
I take my pills. When they stop working I go get ones that work. I also work out, eat a health-nut sort of diet...and will be getting back into meditating.
The brain is a physical organ. Admittedly it's a physical organ in which repetitive thoughts actually strengthen neural's a thinking machine with a limited capacity to rewire itself.
You can reprogram your computer, reformat your disc...but if your CPU is shorting out, it's not going to help. Therapy helps nothing unless the pill regimen is on target in my case.
My brain has a physical problem, and, since I was 11 years old, (the beginnings of puberty and the onset of my secondary sexual characteristics) unless I consume meds,
I have so far found that I physically cannot be happy. energetic, or functional.
Prior to getting on medication at 16,
I was not happy for 5 years. In fact, my mood ranged from anxious on a good guilty for not killing myself yet and feeling like a human stain on bad weeks.
So it's not that the pills make me happy...they merely correct a physical problem,
and in so doing establish the chemical preconditions for happiness to occur.
Meditation also causes physical changes in the brain.
The experiment included 20 individuals with intensive Buddhist "insight meditation" training and 15 who did not meditate. The brain scan revealed that those who meditated have an increased thickness of gray matter in parts of the brain that are responsible for attention and processing sensory input. The increase in thickness ranged between .004 and .008 inches (3.175 x 10−6m - 6.35 x 10 −6m) and was proportional to the amount of meditation.
I tried getting off the pills in my 20's and could not function or be happy without them, and I was using meditation as part of the "get off the pills" regimen. Did not work.
If you don't have severe depression it is really hard to understand this...but it's really a choice between killing myself or taking pills, because I am in agony without a working med regimen.
I needed to say that, even though you are not going to believe me or understand it.