Why Don't Christians Preach To Animals?

I've seen lots of people talking to animals and plants. For all I know they are talking gospel.
i do. i love animals. i feed all the stray cats in my neighborhood everyday, and i catch them and get them neutered so they don't proliferate to the point of suffering. i take good care of my dog. we all love each other very much.

i am also a vegan, as a response to protest the hideous things we do to animals for consumption.

You don't think pondering if Christians should preach to animals? is dumb?

Well, teaching, talking, loving, whatever floats your boat. I respect that, and I don't think it's dumb.

Preaching, on the other hand...seems like a waste of breath.

"Fido, you know what Jesus says about working on the Sabbath." As if a dog could understand words?

Ok, I suppose I will entertain the idea that if a person could manage to use animal talk (sounds, gestures, touches, and scent) to communicate the gospel. Ok, fine.

But it's a waste of breath when your neighbor needs it and will respond to it.

It's like giving a person with a headache Ritalin when the kid down the street is bouncing off the walls without it.

It is dumb to give precious jewels like gospel to the dogs.

Let me put this to bed....if you are a Christian then you probably follow the Bible's teachings like Matthew 7:6. Which in its literal and figurative meaning is exactly what we are talking about.

Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

Basically, don't preach to creatures who you know won't listen out of ignorance or ability to reason.

This thread is dumb because it is a mockery to Christians.

You don't think pondering if Christians should preach to animals? is dumb?

Well, teaching, talking, loving, whatever floats your boat. I respect that, and I don't think it's dumb.

Preaching, on the other hand...seems like a waste of breath.

"Fido, you know what Jesus says about working on the Sabbath." As if a dog could understand words?

Ok, I suppose I will entertain the idea that if a person could manage to use animal talk (sounds, gestures, touches, and scent) to communicate the gospel. Ok, fine.

But it's a waste of breath when your neighbor needs it and will respond to it.

It's like giving a person with a headache Ritalin when the kid down the street is bouncing off the walls without it.

It is dumb to give precious jewels like gospel to the dogs.

Let me put this to bed....if you are a Christian then you probably follow the Bible's teachings like Matthew 7:6. Which in its literal and figurative meaning is exactly what we are talking about.

Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

Basically, don't preach to creatures who you know won't listen out of ignorance or ability to reason.

This thread is dumb because it is a mockery to Christians.

it's actually a mockery of people who don't realize that actions speak louder than words. :)
i do. i love animals. i feed all the stray cats in my neighborhood everyday, and i catch them and get them neutered so they don't proliferate to the point of suffering. i take good care of my dog. we all love each other very much.

i am also a vegan, as a response to protest the hideous things we do to animals for consumption.

And you sing hymns with mice! :D
Christians don't do alot of things the book tells them they should do.

You preach to animals ?

i catch them and get them neutered

I'm sure the cats are saying "there's that crazy cat lady who preaches to us and then the next thing you know your balls are missing. Run motherF8cker run !" LOL.

Just messing with you.

I think it's nice that you take care of them.
Christians don't do alot of things the book tells them they should do.

You preach to animals ?

I'm sure the cats are saying "there's that crazy cat lady who preaches to us and then the next thing you know your balls are missing. Run motherF8cker run !" LOL.

Just messing with you.

I think it's nice that you take care of them.

thank you jpapple. i needed a good laugh. :D

You don't think pondering if Christians should preach to animals? is dumb?

Well, teaching, talking, loving, whatever floats your boat. I respect that, and I don't think it's dumb.

Preaching, on the other hand...seems like a waste of breath.

"Fido, you know what Jesus says about working on the Sabbath." As if a dog could understand words?

Ok, I suppose I will entertain the idea that if a person could manage to use animal talk (sounds, gestures, touches, and scent) to communicate the gospel. Ok, fine.

But it's a waste of breath when your neighbor needs it and will respond to it.

It's like giving a person with a headache Ritalin when the kid down the street is bouncing off the walls without it.

It is dumb to give precious jewels like gospel to the dogs.

Let me put this to bed....if you are a Christian then you probably follow the Bible's teachings like Matthew 7:6. Which in its literal and figurative meaning is exactly what we are talking about.

Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

Basically, don't preach to creatures who you know won't listen out of ignorance or ability to reason.

This thread is dumb because it is a mockery to Christians.

You put nothing to bed. Jesus says to preach to animals. Do you think he doesn't? Do you need the scripture reference?

The Holy Babble is a mockery to intelligence, wisdom, compassion & decency.