Why don't atheists have holidays?

Live everyday to its fullest. Do not wait for oblivion. Let oblivion find you.
What crap? Your crap must not be that good, because I don't even remember it. Work on your crap, man.
Independence Day is a celebration of our unalienable rights - given to us by (guess who?) God. Labor Day is to respect the rights of the workers (who also have those unalienable rights given by the Almighty).

Wholly incorrect. Independence Day marks the day that <<insert your country here>> was given or obtained sovereignty for itself.

To address a few...rights...in the US constitution...I'm pretty sure that the right to bear arms was not given by any deity. The right to assemble peaceably (in protest) was often smothered by earlier religious bodies. And how do you know that your god wants you to have free speech? The christian represtentatives on earth have long attempted to squelch this practice.

Labour Day is a similar observance actually; the unification of employees such that we are not taken advantage of in the capitalist economic model. I.e. no employer should hold absolute power over his workers simply because he dishes out the salaries.

None of these things have anything to do with a religious deity except for the use of the word 'god' in the declaration of independence.
Crap...that was the view of the person that wrote the document...one Mr. Thomas Jefferson. That doesn't mean that a god actually existed to fuel or grant these rights...or holiday.

Your US Independence came about because people were completely fed up of Britian's iron rule. It was not religiously motivated, it was not precipitated by a diety or a church. You view it as connected to your religious beliefs merely because you share them with a bunch of dead centuries old people...who (as was expected in the 1700s) were quite unabashed about writing them up everywhere like grafitti.
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Religion creates all kind of fun holidays. What's the problem with atheists?

"A winter festival was traditionally the most popular festival of the year in many cultures. Reasons included less agricultural work needing to be done during the winter, as well as people expecting longer days and shorter nights after the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere.[11] In part, the Christmas celebration was created by the early Church in order to entice pagan Romans to convert to Christianity without losing their own winter celebrations.[12][13] Most of the most important gods in the religions of Ishtar and Mithra had their birthdays on December 25. Various Christmas traditions are considered to have been syncretised from winter festivals including the following:"
There's a humanist holiday called Humanlight, but it's silly.

Talk Like a Pirate Day wins.
Said "International" Talk Like a Pirate Day isn't sanctioned by any country. This isn't a real holiday.
Haha, like Christmas wasn't a real holiday for the centuries before Rome became officially Christian?

Wherever two or more are gathered to celebrate the pirate spirit, Talk Like a Pirate Day will be remembered!