Why don't atheists have holidays?

I don't know about any other countries, but I think most holidays in the UK are completely secular. It would be utterly stupid to have a holiday dedicated to atheists - about as stupid having one dedicated to a religion. I don't think there will be any further holidays added to the calendar that have anything to do with religion. It's had it's day... even holidays which are/were religious are not celebrated as such anymore except by a few. I have yet to meet anyone who celebrates Easter because they literally believe Jesus was resurrected...
If you love Christmas, then become a Christian and experience it more fully.

Why? There's very little 'christian' in christmas except for the modern name. Was jesus renowned for carrying a christmas tree around or riding a sleigh?

How do you become a self-master of illusionary emotions? Sounds great. Please teach master.

Read and follow the Diceman. That's a very good start.

They have only one life, they can't afford to take holidays. In fact, in support of their atheist policy, they should also work on Sundays. After all, religious people only rest on the Sabbath because God did.

Then surely religious people should work 6 days a week instead of just 5? Did their god need to rest two days a week?

Religion creates all kind of fun holidays. What's the problem with atheists?

Your question is stupid at best but is what we have come to expect from you.
New years eve...that's my biggest holiday.

At least, that what they tell me...I really don't remember much about that night. :)
Have you people never heard of Labour Day? It's a holiday where I'm from...

What about Independence Day? It's a day where you celebrate removing yourselves from an oppressive rule...maybe there's an oppressive rule you theists might want to be independant of?

And really...is the creation of holidays the best you can attest to religions' efforts? Perhaps I should remind the good Why and SAM that Halloween is by definition a religious celebration too?
Just a pleasant day spent admiring 3,000 year old trees,
nothing to do with any kind of freak births, re-births, deaths, virgin births,...nunna dat shit!

I thought Arbor Day was an environmentally motivated event? To make an effort to replant trees that our development have...relocated?
Independence Day is a celebration of our unalienable rights - given to us by (guess who?) God. Labor Day is to respect the rights of the workers (who also have those unalienable rights given by the Almighty).
Personally i like Dog Day...
Where all the agnostic, insomniac,dyslexics stay up all night wondering if there really is a Dog.
I might ask if I should...is there an end to infinity or is there an infinity at the end? Of course it is just a rhetorical question that has nothing to do with this thread <--trolling