Why doesn't God save everyone in this world?

There is a such thing as the innocents of a child. And as jesus said he who has not sinned cast the first stone.
And by the casting of that stone is their innocence lost.
They must learn of god eventually, and make a choice out of free will. To be saved or not.
To be saved from the god's wrath by the god's sacrifice: to be the stoner or the stoned. Some choice!
If you realize angels are virtues like help, and quaint, demons are things like death, and rape. Cast thy stones.
Originally Posted by R1D2/me...
There is a such thing as the innocents of a child. And as jesus said he who has not sinned cast the first stone.
This is the kind of bullshit that really makes me hate Christianity.

You are taking this post out of context. Its not meant in a pedophile type way.
The reason God does not save everyone, is the same reason we don't give everyone a PhD, without going to college for 6-8 years. If we did that, some can brag about the piece of paper, but the degree would only be superficial, with everyone lacking the skills that come from hard work.

You're missing the point of the question. The reason we do not give PhD's to people without the right amount of schooling is because it is impossible to teach someone all of the techniques and procedures in an amount of time considerably shorter than that. God is not similarly limited; he could, theoretically, snap his celestial fingers and make us all understand everything he wants us to know.

I find it to be a hallmark of the amateur apologist to simultaneously expound the limitless powers of their god and claim his shortcomings as necessary while likening them to some real-world example, such as we see here with PhDs. Some of you really need to refine your arguments.
the only way to answer this is with a religious answer. It is said that sin is the separation of man from God, the more you sin, the more you're farther from God. It's said in revelations that in the second coming, all the evil people will go into hiding because they can't bear to stand the holiness of God, or even be in his presence. So they wouldn't be able to bear being in Heaven. so actually God is saving them the pain by sending them to hell instead (with the eternal fire and such) lol

I guess the proper answer would be (hypothetically), that everyone who has sinned must die (just like Adam/Eve lost immortality by the original sin). If you don't accept salvation, you won't be saved. So only people that accept salvation will go to Heaven, the rest go to Hell. hell has been thought to be a hypothetical place or an allegory, but I think that if there was a heaven (with gold streets pearly gates endless singing and treasures), that every other place relative to it would be considered Hell.
the only way to answer this is with a religious answer.

Not at all. One could say "Because there is no God."

It wouldn't be satisfactory to someone who won't allow for that to be a possibility, but then that person is really only seeking reassurance, not truth, and they're not who that answer is for.
Better yet God could've saved alot of suffering and evil if he had just sent Jesus down to die for Adam and Eve after they sinned. Everything would've been corrected from the outset. They might have to die, but then they'd be resurrected and could commense to reproducing as sinless beings and after that the whole human race would be sinless. No need for a flood, Sodom and Gomorah, a failed chosen nation of idol worshippers, or even an Armageddon. Best of all hell would be empty. Gee if only God had that kind of foresight!

Good point. If God was truly omniscient, it would have not had to retry so many times. How can people say that "god is perfect" when he had to keep trying? Each step of creation was not called good/finished until man was created. Then, no, he messed up again and man was lonely so he had to make woman. Then mankind sinned and continued to sin so God had to wipe them out with a flood. Much later God wanted to wipe everyone out again and start with Moses until Moses talked God out of the idea. Clearly God is not perfect or omniscient, if there is a God.