Why doesn't God save everyone in this world?

Why not just father a perfect son on a fourteen-year-old virgin, let him study for 30 years, preach for two, then have him horribly killed, so that fat hypocrites in the US 2000 years later can rake in lots and lots of lovely loot for faking dinosaur bones in creationist theme parks? That'll save everybody who wants to get saved.
Why not just father a perfect son on a fourteen-year-old virgin, let him study for 30 years, preach for two, then have him horribly killed, so that fat hypocrites in the US 2000 years later can rake in lots and lots of lovely loot for faking dinosaur bones in creationist theme parks? That'll save everybody who wants to get saved.

Nobody wants to be saved.
How would a Christian feel if he/she dies and there is after-life, but he/she goes to hell? :D

To be a christian it does not mean that you are not going to hell. The real christian follows Christ teaching . The christian by name is just like you, Action and faith is what counts , not waving flag of Christianity.
How would a Christian feel if he/she dies and there is after-life, but he/she goes to hell? :D

My understanding of Christian mythology is that God is a perfect judge. So he would make you understand that you deserve it, and you would have no choice but to agree.
If He is omnipotent and perfectly loving, why not He saves ALL people in the history, from Adam until the last person?
Why does He want to make a Hell to burn unbelievers there?

The obvious answer is that because mythical beings don't actually exist. Humanity created the myths of gods (incidentaly, the god you appear to worship has existed in human mythology for a significantly shorter period than that of other, earlier gods.. like Ptah, Osiris, etc.) for many reasons, not the least of which is to provide a small minority (i.e. a priestly class) with a mode of control over a minority (i.e. a peasant class).

But there's absolutely no evidence that any of the hundreds (if not thousands) of gods humanity has created have ever "saved" anyone.

Still, to treat your question as a hypothetical, the answer is because either the god in question is not omnipotent or not all loving. Or both. The Christian god may very well be both a liar and a malicious god, which would fit well with the Christian mythos surrounding this god, which did many horrendous things in the Old Testement from genocide and approval of child sex slaves to mauling (by bear) to death children who make fun of adults.

This and many, many other things indicate that the Christian god is far from benevolent. Thankfully, it almost certainly is a product of human imagination.
There are a few that really do want to be. And some who don't know the way to salvation.

Yes, that's true in this sense alone: that the only reason they do desire salvation is because they are being acted upon from without by the Spirit of God. However, my comment refers to humanity in general as they emerge from the womb. No one wants--or thinks--to be saved by God.
Yes, that's true in this sense alone: that the only reason they do desire salvation is because they are being acted upon from without by the Spirit of God. However, my comment refers to humanity in general as they emerge from the womb. No one wants--or thinks--to be saved by God.

That makes no sense whatsoever. People don't want to be saved by God, unless they do, in which case they don't really want it, it's God making them want it?

Pure drivel.
I am safe in the grace of God. He is there, and to it I would be safe. Its 'GOD.' Fire and all.

Do you think death is unsafe?

Can you be in a safe state of mind, would it project into the physical world?
Yes, that's true in this sense alone: that the only reason they do desire salvation is because they are being acted upon from without by the Spirit of God. However, my comment refers to humanity in general as they emerge from the womb. No one wants--or thinks--to be saved by God.

There is a such thing as the innocents of a child. And as jesus said he who has not sinned cast the first stone.
They must learn of god eventually, and make a choice out of free will. To be saved or not.
That makes no sense whatsoever. People don't want to be saved by God, unless they do, in which case they don't really want it, it's God making them want it?

Pure drivel.

You are speaking for yourself , not everyone is of your mentality .
make a choice out of free will. To be saved or not.

Free will existed for a relatively short period of time until it was supplanted by self will, a ruthless tyrant. As I said, no one wants to be saved and those who indicate such a desire, have been acted upon by the Spirit of God Who draws these people to Himself. Barring that, they would continue to languish under the tryanny of their own self will; bent towards evil, and away from God.
@ OP,
Heaven and Hell seem based upon a Christian religious viewpoint. Why God won't save sinners may be a good reason to attack the Christian/Catholic (and other types of) faith, but it might be a flawed stance to deny a god exists entirely.

I personally think we live in some sort of Energy grid and every living and non living thing is connected in a universal consciousness that could be called god. I know it may not be a popular viewpoint here, but it completely negates the validity of the argument made in the OP (even if for the sake of argument).

At best the OP is simply an argument against certain religions. Buddhism and New Age religions are not addressed in the OP. I've seen arguments that our existence was created so "God" can experience through us and we are all portions of god. If that were to be true then nobody could ever be "unsaved". Dimwits and skeptics might simply be recycled on the Earthly plane until they become more spiritually advanced (like me). It's not their fault they are skeptic, it is just a lower phase of development.
The reason God does not save everyone, is the same reason we don't give everyone a PhD, without going to college for 6-8 years. If we did that, some can brag about the piece of paper, but the degree would only be superficial, with everyone lacking the skills that come from hard work.

In liberal society, people are used to big government providing for you. Big Government is being extrapolated to God, who is now expected to save you without any effort on your part. God can maybe tax the hard working saved and redistribute their efforts.

Christianity is not based on liberalism, but is closer to conservatism, where one is expected to be self reliant in this matter. Christ said to bear your own cross and follow him. Liberal indoctrination in schools is distorting truth.
The reason God does not save everyone, is the same reason we don't give everyone a PhD, without going to college for 6-8 years. If we did that, some can brag about the piece of paper, but the degree would only be superficial, with everyone lacking the skills that come from hard work.
Hard work? I thought all you had to do was believe.