Why doesn't God save everyone in this world?

If He is omnipotent and perfectly loving, why not He saves ALL people in the history, from Adam until the last person?
Why does He want to make a Hell to burn unbelievers there?

You're not going to get an answer other than what He's revealed in Scripture: He is perfectly loving, Omnipotent, not all are saved, and Hell exists. As a believer, such things illustrate to my mind Who He Is and the riches of His Grace. In turn, I am moved to worship in awe, gratitude, and humility for granting me the gift of faith in His Son.
You're not going to get an answer other than what He's revealed in Scripture: He is perfectly loving, Omnipotent, not all are saved, and Hell exists. As a believer, such things illustrate to my mind Who He Is and the riches of His Grace. In turn, I am moved to worship in awe, gratitude, and humility for granting me the gift of faith in His Son.
What are you trying to say?
God is a hypocrite?
I liek to think of him as a spoiled child and we are his toys. Some toys he breaks and throws away, some he breaks and fixes, some are his favorites, and some he never plays with at all
you're god to your pets. They love you unconditionally, they see that you take care of them, they would die for you, and they think you live forever
You're not going to get an answer other than what He's revealed in Scripture: He is perfectly loving, Omnipotent, not all are saved, and Hell exists. As a believer, such things illustrate to my mind Who He Is and the riches of His Grace. In turn, I am moved to worship in awe, gratitude, and humility for granting me the gift of faith in His Son.

He can't be perfectly loving and damn those to hell who don't follow him. A human mother and father would then qualify as being more loving than him when they don't cast their children out into the streets (a temporary punishment, mind you) for disobeying them.

It's a nonsense notion you clearly haven't put any thought into. Tell me, do you never question what your pastor tells you?
Maybe God is planning to change his plan, everyone is saved? :D

What I would do to be safe. Do you think freaks, and idiots will be safe in Hell? Death, and rebirth will serve them. Do you think freaks have nature to be so?

Salvation, lets put them in Sweden. Or, are we all some sort of greyity, meaning not different in our mind. Or are we a series of beeps and dots, until fire came along, and then the television? We are wired to feelings like salvation. It is there on a faithful level, but safe thinkers are schizophrenics, and shooters. I would assume. Realize that psychology quickly realizes faith, and heavenly mind yet is not existing in such a world. A man with a mind to safe could be autistic or have several split personalities to protect himself, not even noticing. As a infant he would realize negativity to violence and create a safe spot from earthly intrinsics.

His angel Salvation is a drunkard." Is he safe, or is he endangered? Nukes!" At that, no more. Shut off moral thinking, in turn being safe. Would you realize the development of the emotion salvation? Must there be a man to it? Yes.

You can't just jump in like a hero in tights, they be safe or nothing else.
20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Is this scary to you?
Do you want to go to hell?
20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Is this scary to you?
Do you want to go to hell?

Do you have a reading/hearing problem?


Why do you insist on this mainstream Christian theology?
20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Is this scary to you?
Do you want to go to hell?

It's not scary to me, because I know it's just a myth.

wynn said:
Do you have a reading/hearing problem?

That's pretty harsh, especially from someone who routinely ignores questions posed to her.
Maybe God is planning to change his plan, everyone is saved? :D

He can change His mind , That is why he send Jesus . Jesus Said to mankind what God wants , now if mankind does not want to change his attitude , so whose respectability is that man will be separated from God for eternity ?
So what is hell . For me is a separation from God , and I don't know what is there , is it remorse ? God knows
20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Is this scary to you?
Do you want to go to hell?
I don't take it any more seriously than a book by Stephen King.
How would a Christian feel if he/she dies and there is after-life, but he/she goes to hell? :D