Why does the government hide UFO's?

I guess, other than Paddoboys "like" my suggestion re a debate has found no appeal.
No time for a debate whilst we are busy in argument.
The world needs contrast, opposites, to highlife many aspects.
Could we have day without night or should we cry that night is no good because crops don't grow ( maybe they do but please go with the anology).
I know you chaps are cheerful but no one gains or seems to win in the exchanges.
If we are to be productive and solve the UFO problem perhaps we could focus on something specific...an event that bears investigation.
Could there be one event we could all say....mmm now that warrents investigation...
I've posted many cases already in this thread. There's 10 compelling cases in posts #119 and #120. Noone said much of anything about them. So much for examining real cases..
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How about this one? Spoiler alert. Skeptic Phillip Klaus dismissed it all as the planet Jupiter. One of the worst skeptic debunks in all of history! lol!

I've posted many cases already in this thread. There's 10 compelling cases in posts #119 and #120. Noone said much of anything about them. So much for examining real cases..
I know you have provided a great deal of material and indeed your favorite.
Can we start fresh and you select an episode that will have the worst sceptic wondering.
Sometimes a well aimed single shot will bring down the prey where emptying a magazine in the general direction sees no result.
So let's get something we can look at and deal with it.
If its the best we should hear the usual rebutals , the for and against but I am sure by being specific we can move things forward.
Let's throw out the rubbish and see if there is anything in the most reasonable case you can find.
You say you are reasonable do you think my suggestion has any merit?
I know you have provided a great deal of material and indeed your favorite.
Can we start fresh and you select an episode that will have the worst sceptic wondering.
Sometimes a well aimed single shot will bring down the prey where emptying a magazine in the general direction sees no result.
So let's get something we can look at and deal with it.
If its the best we should hear the usual rebutals , the for and against but I am sure by being specific we can move things forward.
Let's throw out the rubbish and see if there is anything in the most reasonable case you can find.
You say you are reasonable do you think my suggestion has any merit?

I already posted a very good case. See post #866.
This phone does not show post numbers...no matter I will look on my tablet when I get home.
But I take it you feel that is the best one to review.
Let me look and I will get back to you.
This phone does not show post numbers...no matter I will look on my tablet when I get home.
But I take it you feel that is the best one to review.
Let me look and I will get back to you.

There are many best ones showing the existence of ufos. This is merely one among those many cases. If this were the only well-documented case of a ufo sighting on record, I'd still believe in them. That's how good this case is.
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Do UFO’s and Aliens Exist?
20 Reasons to be Skeptical:

UFOs exist – that much we should all be willing to concede.

But let’s quickly clarify that UFOs are very likely not aliens from outer space. They are simply objects that are flying and whose identification has eluded us for the time being. Simply put, they are, as the name implies, unidentified flying objects.

more at link........
I will give my attention and to be fair I will deal with one only at a time.
I intend to focus on one event so as to give it my highest attention.
We don't want to be confused chasing one than another...let's select the prey and hunt it down.
I want you to see I have given the best case my undivided attention.
I will give my attention and to be fair I will deal with one only at a time.
I intend to focus on one event so as to give it my highest attention.
We don't want to be confused chasing one then another...let's select the prey and hunt it down. The rest of the herd will gather tomorrow.
I want you to see I have given the best case my undivided attention.
Hi MR I looked at the video.
It is rather second hand is my first negative observation.
If we are to consider something we really need first hand accounts.
You may ask why so let me point out that to assess the event we need to hear direct accounts from each eye witness.
Is that reasonable?
If we take the video as a perfect representation of the facts then certainly something strange has occurred.

One observation. The object that came away from the larger object was supposedly observed travelling West.

This aspect seems very odd and it would seem there is no way all sightingings could conclude it was the same object.

This indicates one area of assumption which for me raises suspicion.

You know if someone tells one lie there are usually more.

So this aspect alone suggests the author has not been carecul in establishing fact.

Of course my allegation can be rebutted with evidence of each observation of the smaller object passing to the West.
The aspect of the changing of shape it curious.

The object may be changing shape but my first question here would address atmospheric and weather conditions.

The other aspect that will need to be addressed is how many other witnesses were there in total given this event seemed to occur over some considerable time.

I would like to read the statements of each witness.

However if everything is as the video would have us believe it is indeed an interesting event.

Any speculation on where this object came from is simply speculation.
If the descriptions and accounts can not be more specific I see no reason to jump to a conclusion the object was from elsewhere.

Follow the money.
I note that at least one witness was engaged to give a speech about the event.
Was he paid? If so how much?
Did any other witness receive money for providing an account to the press or for any public appearance?

The video seemed rather poor and my overall impression was it offerred little.

But we have a start.

My concern is that given the alleged significance of this event why was nothing more done if the evidence was as compeling as the video would have us believe.

Could it be that the evidence was not considered credible and nothing more done and if you alledge this can you suggest why apparently compeling evidence was not acted upon.

The unfortunate thing is that this event happened in 1976 which would make re examination of witnesses or conditions pointless.

But there is still no explaination or evidence pointing to any extra terrestial involvement.

Lets not forget that.

To suggest there is... well that is simply jumping to a conclusion by picking a reason out of the hat.

One could say "Its the Russians" or "Its the ghosts of the crusaders"... well one can say anything but simple say so is not fact...

I had hoped for something more recent and given the number of cameras, phones dash cams adventure cams etc etc it is not an unreasonable expectation.

I await your views on the event and to provide any additional data that may add to what I have seen so far.

Now dont get angry because I have not rolled over and become a convert I am taking some time out of my day to give it a fair go when I really dont have to... You say folk dismiss you well I am not and being reasonable.. If you dont think so say so calmly as I can adjust if not bullied.
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Think about the meteor in Russia a while back.
A rare event well away from population however there are so many photographic accounts scientists were able to pin point the area where material fell.
Does this suggest UFO s are more rare than the Russiam event?

Anyways one case at a time.

Think about the meteor in Russia a while back.
A rare event well away from population however there are so many photographic accounts scientists were able to pin point the area where material fell.
Does this suggest UFO s are more rare than the Russiam event?
Good example.

Yes, even meteors are videoed and photographed by hundreds when they happen - but when a UFO sighting happens, good photographic evidence is always lacking. (I've heard some UFO believers claim that there is a big conspiracy to suppress the information, but with so many cameras out there now, that would be effectively impossible.)
If we are to consider something we really need first hand accounts.
You may ask why so let me point out that to assess the event we need to hear direct accounts from each eye witness.
Is that reasonable?

LOL! So you're essentially saying the account is all made up? I should never have wasted my time with you. No..it is not necessary for an account to be given by first hand witnesses to be credible. This account has been documented by military and govt officials and vetted by consulting with the eyewitnesses themselves.. It is what it is. And noone said it was extraterrestrial. It is obviously a craft of some sort operated by intelligent beings. It is also a craft beyond anything we currently have. That reason alone suggests some non-human intelligence behind. Anyway, I see where you stand on this issue. Tks for your "objective" analysis. If this one doesn't suit your taste, there are 10 others already posted in #119 and #120.. But I won't be waiting around to hear you dismiss those too.
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Think about the meteor in Russia a while back.
A rare event well away from population however there are so many photographic accounts scientists were able to pin point the area where material fell.
Does this suggest UFO s are more rare than the Russiam event?

So you're saying this UFO didn't happen because there were no photos taken of it?
Good example.

Yes, even meteors are videoed and photographed by hundreds when they happen - but when a UFO sighting happens, good photographic evidence is always lacking. (I've heard some UFO believers claim that there is a big conspiracy to suppress the information, but with so many cameras out there now, that would be effectively impossible.)

More lies. Ofcourse everyone knows there are thousands of ufo photos, many quite clear.

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