why does god have a penis?

EmptyForceOfChi said:
so whats the deal, why does god have a penis.

he is a man right? it does say this in the bible many times it refferes to him as bieng of male gender, so he must have male attributes,



---So he could have a pleasure or should I said SEX, SEX,SEX :)
EmptyForceOfChi said:
so whats the deal, why does god have a penis.

he is a man right? it does say this in the bible many times it refferes to him as bieng of male gender, so he must have male attributes,



God does not have a penis, God is not Brawny, God is not Masculine, God
is not a Pig, God is not a Materiality; God is not born of the dust of the ground!!!

God is not a Material, Physical, Being, is not readily apparent.

The Nature, the Face, of God is Hidden Secret, Sacred, the No Name cause of the Heavens and the Earth is Immaterial, Spiritual, in Nature..

It is difficult to speak of that which God Like, that which rules the
Rules the Universe without thinking of it a being a Material Reality.

You can not place an Image of anything hidden from View, Secret,
Sacred, in your mind, without first carving a Graven, False Image
and fixing it deeply in your mind.

Anything spoken of, any name given to, the No Name cause of the Heavens and the Earth, secret, hidden, sacred things is Blasphemy, Hog Wash, Swill, a perversion, an Adulteration, is a Graven Image.

You do not have to carve a Graven Image out of a Physical, Three Dimensional Material, you can carve, create a false, a Grave Image in your mind by deeply Impressing a mental Image of a Materiality into your mind, by tattooing a Graven, False, Image of God on your Forehead; by giving the Nameless cause of the Heavens and the Earth
a Name, by thinking the Word God as though it is a Name, the Name of a Person, Place of Thing, a Materiality.

Any Name spoken of, given to, the Nameless God is a Graven Image, is not the Name of that which is God Like, is Blasphemous.

God is a Word, not a Name, a Word that is a descriptive Noun; God like
is the Single True Nature, Way, Spirit of the Universe.

That which is God Like is without Beginning or End, the No Name cause
of the Heavens and the Earth, is without Form, Void, the Material, the Physical World of Reality has a Beginning.

Why did God appear to Moses as a Burning Bush?

What did God say the Name of God is, what did Moses learned of God’s Nature?

What happened to the Burning Bush, it when up in Smoke.

1. the visible vapor and gases given off by a burning

2. something unsubstantial, evanescent,( Immaterial)

3 Slang. a homemade drink consisting of denatured alcohol
and water. (alcohol, Spirits)

4 smoke out,
a. to drive from a refuge by means of smoke.
b. to force into public view or knowledge; reveal:

Is Mankind He and She Created in the Image of God, Yes, however the Self that can be spoken of, given a Name, the Flesh Body, is not the Self that is created in the Image of God.

The Son of God has the nature, the Spirit of God alive in his or her Flesh Body.

The word Son refers to the material, the Physical Being, he and she, that become a New Creature, a New Creation in the Image of God, a Truly Human, Supreme, Being, the Nature of that which is God like, the Supreme Way of Being..

A Truly Human Being, is first born of the dust of the ground, Evolution, is born less than a mere animal, merely Flesh and Bone..

Animal Man is born bare, less than a mere Animal, a Beast, not being a creation until he and she are reborn a New Creation, Creature, not until a second Nature is Created in the Image of God does mankind, Animal man, he and she born of the dust of the ground become Truly Human, more than a mere animal.

It is Man’s Second Nature that is Created in the Image of God, Boundless, without form, Void, the Self that can not be spoken of, the counter, the numberer, the giver of Names, the one that thinks, therefore it is the Immaterial Self, the Spiritual Self, that recognizes and gives a Name to Self, that which is more than merely Flesh and Bone, that is a Truly Human, Supreme, Being.

I Think that I am, therefore it is the’ I ‘that thinks he and she exist that makes Mankind Truly Human.

I am that I am.
c7ityi_ said:
Finnish. I don't live in Finland, but I usually speak that language...

The sun was never the same as "Ra", but the primitive people misinterpreted it that way. The sun is a manifestation and an expression of Ra on material level, and it does everything Ra does, at that level; loving everything equal, shining with its warmth both to the good and the bad. What is "fire" if it is converted into another form, like a mental form. It is love. Like God exists on material level, as the sun, it exists on all other levels. Fire (lion on animal level) is the "first" sign in the "Zodiac", the faces of God, which gives existence to all the other ones, it is the father of them. The self, the spiritual sun, is in the middle of the faces of God. It radiates all the different energies. But when we're still living on earth, the energies are instead pointed towards us, and we are affected by them.

The Yin and Yang is a "simplified" version of the Zodiac. The world rests only upon the Zodiac, the 4 elements, the magnetism, and ultimately, as we understand it, it is the "self", or God, which creates the magnetism. The Zodiac exists in everything, from the galaxies to the tiniest particles. Life on earth is circulates and evolves in this wheel. This is all pretty complicated, it is no wonder the people so long ago couldn't understand this. The ancients put these truths forms which they could understand. Moses and all other prophets knew that there was no "God", somehow, separate from them. But that was the only way the people understood it because they live in the world of separation, and their inside is separated from the outside. They think there are many selves because there are many bodies. But without this feeling, they wouldn't even be conscious.

Separation is the creation of everything. People have created religions and other ways to live by because of separation. If one is enough aware of oneself, there is no need to judge or be judged, there is no need to pick a religion or a way. The truth about religion is found by "studying" all religions, because in the beginning there was just one teaching. Unity is destruction. Destruction of all barriers between religions, between people. Everything would cease to exist without consciousness, so people keep limiting and defending themselves and believing their persons.

When the Day was separated from the Night a Second Great Light was created by separating the Second Great Light, the Dark Light of Reality, Twice Light (which has the Greatest influence over Mankind) out from in between Day and Night.

First Light, the Sun is the light unto the World, the World of Reality, Reality as seen in the Light of Day.

Ye, Ra,

Yang is Materiality, Earthy, Masculine, Physical, Brawny, Pig Like.

Yin is Immaterial, not down to Earth, non-Physical, non-Masculine,
Not Brawny, Feminine, Spiritual in Nature.

By the Light of the Silvery Moon, the Second Great Light, Twice Light.

God is nothing more than an imaginary concept. It has a male designation because the ancient myth makers lived in a male dominated authouritarian society.
Roman said:
God definitely has a penis.

Does the bible ever refer to Him as She? Didn't think so.

Maybe that's because the bible like all things at that time was written by men? They would never attribute anything of importance to a female now would they. I put it to you that God is neither male nor female nor any kind of being that we could comprehend.
Cris said:

God is nothing more than an imaginary concept. It has a male designation because the ancient myth makers lived in a male dominated authouritarian society.

Absolutely True!!

God as a Material, Physical, Brawny, Pig Like Masculine Creature is Truly, Imaginary, a Graven, False Image, of the Reality of the No Name, (the Reality that can not be spoken of) the Nameless cause of the Heavens and the Earth, is without a Doubt an Adulteration of the True Image of the Single True Nature, Spirit, of the Universe which is without Form, Void, Boundless.

The Spirit, the Nature, the Way, of the Nameless, the No Name God is the seed of all Living Things, both the animate and the inanimate.