why does god have a penis?

Marlin said:
God, angels, devils and men are all of the same race, according to LDS belief.

so who or what created that race???

EmptyForceOfChi said:
ive read the bible twice in jail,

why were you in jail????!!!

its a good story book,

they're not just stories! some of them are, like the adam and eve, but it's still a real event, just in story form!

sounds cool to be in prison, so you can read the bible, i'd want to be in jail too! otherwise it's too boring to read it.
Look, the bible obviously makes God out to be masculine. No matter what sort of bullshit you parade around, you're not changing the fact that the Israelites recorded God as male.

So either a) your book is flawed or b) you're wrong. Most likely both.

In my language there is no he or she, it just causes confusion.

What language is that?
Roman said:
Look, the bible obviously makes God out to be masculine. No matter what sort of bullshit you parade around, you're not changing the fact that the Israelites recorded God as male.

So either a) your book is flawed or b) you're wrong. Most likely both.

What language is that?
M*W: Probably Mandarin or some Chinese dialect.

You're correct. The Israelites did regard god as male, but they got that from the Egyptians. In fact, Judaism is just another name for the Egyptian tribe of Ibiru.

The first "king" of Israel was "Saul" or "Sol." Down the line a bit is the son of David or "Sol-of-Man" or "Solomon" which means "Son-of-Man." Jesus being from the "house of David" specifically refers to part of the zodiac. Both the OT and the NT are nothing more than literized astrological charts, Sol being in the center of the zodiac.
Roman said:
What language is that?

Finnish. I don't live in Finland, but I usually speak that language...

Medicine Woman said:
Both the OT and the NT are nothing more than literized astrological charts, Sol being in the center of the zodiac.

The sun was never the same as "Ra", but the primitive people misinterpreted it that way. The sun is a manifestation and an expression of Ra on material level, and it does everything Ra does, at that level; loving everything equal, shining with its warmth both to the good and the bad. What is "fire" if it is converted into another form, like a mental form. It is love. Like God exists on material level, as the sun, it exists on all other levels. Fire (lion on animal level) is the "first" sign in the "Zodiac", the faces of God, which gives existence to all the other ones, it is the father of them. The self, the spiritual sun, is in the middle of the faces of God. It radiates all the different energies. But when we're still living on earth, the energies are instead pointed towards us, and we are affected by them.

The Yin and Yang is a "simplified" version of the Zodiac. The world rests only upon the Zodiac, the 4 elements, the magnetism, and ultimately, as we understand it, it is the "self", or God, which creates the magnetism. The Zodiac exists in everything, from the galaxies to the tiniest particles. Life on earth is circulates and evolves in this wheel. This is all pretty complicated, it is no wonder the people so long ago couldn't understand this. The ancients put these truths forms which they could understand. Moses and all other prophets knew that there was no "God", somehow, separate from them. But that was the only way the people understood it because they live in the world of separation, and their inside is separated from the outside. They think there are many selves because there are many bodies. But without this feeling, they wouldn't even be conscious.

Separation is the creation of everything. People have created religions and other ways to live by because of separation. If one is enough aware of oneself, there is no need to judge or be judged, there is no need to pick a religion or a way. The truth about religion is found by "studying" all religions, because in the beginning there was just one teaching. Unity is destruction. Destruction of all barriers between religions, between people. Everything would cease to exist without consciousness, so people keep limiting and defending themselves and believing their persons.
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c7ityi_ said:
so who or what created that race???

why were you in jail????!!!

they're not just stories! some of them are, like the adam and eve, but it's still a real event, just in story form!

sounds cool to be in prison, so you can read the bible, i'd want to be in jail too! otherwise it's too boring to read it.

i was in jail for arson and theft of money blahb lah, and the additional that goes along with the main crimes, tresspassing/breaking entering/criminal damage etc, i was stupid but young so its excusable,

i done my best reading in jail, you learn alot having so much time to yourself, (i was on 23 hour lock down for a long part of my sentance) every cell here has a complimentary bible (i dont know about other countries), but you can also check books out of the library, they hae a big selection many genres, lots of philosophy books, holy books from all cultures, fantasy novels, i read lord of the rings in jail all 3 of them and the hobbit way before the movies were spoke about, and i think the books are better aswell, lots of crime books there and legal books, you can do education in there aswell, (this is feltham jail)

EmptyForceOfChi said:
so whats the deal, why does god have a penis.

he is a man right? it does say this in the bible many times it refferes to him as bieng of male gender, so he must have male attributes,


God is spirit; He is referred to as 'male', because of the conventions of the Hebrew language & culture, then Greek & now Western

Ancient people didn't know how to refer to a multi-dimensional, multi-chronological being; we more modern people (with over a hundred years of sci-fi), may finally be able to describe God if we see "Him" in more gender-neutral ways
God could just as well be female, asexual or nothing. There is no evidence to suggest a] there is definitely a God b] That he/she/it has/had a gender.

I prefer to think of God as a force. It can be seen, felt and touched, even smelled but we cannot comprehend it. Jesus did say God was everything, that 'he' was within us and all around us. I think men just tend to use the term he for most things, infact we call objects with no gender 'she' alot. Boats, houses, cars, etc. If man created the idea that is God then he would eventually have to describe this thing as something and what is better? Women??? Not a chance. [that was sarcasm and not meant to offend any females] Why shouldn't God be male and female? He is supreme and could have both if he wanted to according to the Bible if it is to be taken literally at all.
GOD is Light which came into being by itself. He does not resemble creation and does not have a penis. Everything created was created by spirit, not sperm.

Man was given a penis when GOD said "be fruitfull and multiply".

If you are not trying to have children at the moment, you should put your penis away and talk about something worthwhile.
SoyArtista said:
I sort of agree with you TrueCreation, but how does that fit into Adam being created in "the image of god"? Adam has the anatomy, and if he looks like god, doesn't god therefore also have the anatomy?
because when God created us, He breathed a 'soul' (consciousness) into us, something that separates us from animals, we were modeled on His creation (to live in this universe) & His “image” (spirit beings to live in His dimension), so that we have;
1) bodies to live in this dimension,
2) souls to know we exist (consciousness)
3) spirits to interact with God, because God is Spirit

Jesus only used the term “father” for cultural reasons; probably to show something very 'special', a ‘father’ that loved you, because in those times only mothers loved their children, children were not adored by fathers as now, the vast majority of people had the fathers that did grunt work, business, soldiers, merchants, occupations that left little time for adoring fathers, children were not looked at as ‘precious’ but as another mouth to feed, that they did out of duty, not love, read more history

we have examples of what that meant to them, when in the 50’s, men again separated themselves from homelife & became aloft (struggling in the business world rat race), leaving a vacuum in children’s lives, that led to males creating a ‘world’ where they made up for it in alcohol, drugs, sex, violence, games, life by proxy

TV as babysitter, music as expression, video games as ‘virtual reality’ for the masses
It always amazes me, the spiritual gymnastics some people use to justify the idea that God is not male. So here we have the reason Jesus called God His "father"--because men didn't love their children in those days! LOL.
I suppose it is entirely superficial. We suppose God to be male, because male humans are the dominant species of Earth, of course God created humans so God must be a human too. Not only must God be human, but he must be a male Human. Come on Marlin... Either you are being sarcastic or you really think God looks just like a man.

God might as well be a complex cloud of gas, and we call that gas "he". It is completely superficial.... that fits religion well.
KennyJC said:
I suppose it is entirely superficial. We suppose God to be male, because male humans are the dominant species of Earth, of course God created humans so God must be a human too. Not only must God be human, but he must be a male Human. Come on Marlin... Either you are being sarcastic or you really think God looks just like a man.

God is an exalted, immortal Man. This is basic Mormon doctrine.

God might as well be a complex cloud of gas, and we call that gas "he". It is completely superficial.... that fits religion well.

Nope, the idea that God is a Man and that all men are His LITERAL spirit children is the truth. The idea that God fills the universe and is omnipresent simply isn't true and is the great heresy of our day. God is our loving Father, not some ball of gas.
But Marlin, I don't want to bring religion into this simple question. Of course if you follow religion then God is a male human, that is a fact. But I want to talk about God, not religion. I am of course not saying God is a ball of gas, I am trying to open the debate further beyond that of male and female. On Earth male and female are what keeps life going. But God is not of this universe, it is merely his work.

If there really is a creator who put us here, he is certainly not a male human, and not a female human. How do you think an alien religion from the Andromeda galaxy would react to your claims. They are a reptilian alien species who thinks God is a male Lizard... Are they more wrong than you are for thinking God is a male human?

God simply does not have a penis. I am 99.99999999999999999999999% sure I am right on this one. I have not been deluded by doctine here, I am using my ability to think.
KennyJC said:
But Marlin, I don't want to bring religion into this simple question. Of course if you follow religion then God is a male human, that is a fact.

Not if you believe traditional "orthodox" Christianity, which believes that God is omnipresent in the universe. Can a man be omnipresent? Yet their religion teaches this, that He is everywhere.

But I want to talk about God, not religion. I am of course not saying God is a ball of gas, I am trying to open the debate further beyond that of male and female. On Earth male and female are what keeps life going. But God is not of this universe, it is merely his work.

How do you know that God is not of this universe? Did He tell you this?

If there really is a creator who put us here, he is certainly not a male human, and not a female human.

Well, that would be exalted, glorified, and immortal human. Sex is the way God creates spirit children. He has shared this characteristic of Himself with mankind, entrusting us with the power of procreation. What is so awful about thinking that man is in God's literal image and body type?

How do you think an alien religion from the Andromeda galaxy would react to your claims. They are a reptilian alien species who thinks God is a male Lizard... Are they more wrong than you are for thinking God is a male human?

Prove that such a non-human sentient race exists and I will give it further consideration.

God simply does not have a penis. I am 99.99999999999999999999999% sure I am right on this one. I have not been deluded by doctine here, I am using my ability to think.

You're incorrect. What is so objectionable about the idea that God has sex? Sex is a sacred thing.
I do not really understand where people (including Christians) get the idea that the Christian God is a male human-like God up in the sky somewhere. If anyone reads the Bible, there's no evidence to support this. Sure they use the word "He", but in old language "he" was always used.

In the Bible it states that God is the "holy sprit", "holy ghost", "within you", but never a physical human-like figure.
VitalOne said:
I do not really understand where people (including Christians) get the idea that the Christian God is a male human-like God up in the sky somewhere. If anyone reads the Bible, there's no evidence to support this. Sure they use the word "He", but in old language "he" was always used.

First of all, Mormons are Christians, just not "traditional, orthodox" Christians.

Second, there is plenty of evidence in the Bible that we are the children of God and that we are created in the image of God.

In the Bible it states that God is the "holy sprit", "holy ghost", "within you", but never a physical human-like figure.

In the Godhead there are three individuals: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. The Father and the Son both have physical, glorified, immortal bodies. The Holy Spirit is a spirit only, so that his influence can be felt throughout the universe. So it depends on which individual in the Godhead you are talking about when you say they don't have bodies. Two do, one doesn't.
Some primitive groups literally believe that the entire univers came out of a giant celestial shlong.
Why not? God, if he exists, is a god. He can have a penis if he wants. Or tentacles or non-euclidian genitalia.
Marlin said:
First of all, Mormons are Christians, just not "traditional, orthodox" Christians.

Second, there is plenty of evidence in the Bible that we are the children of God and that we are created in the image of God.

In the Godhead there are three individuals: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. The Father and the Son both have physical, glorified, immortal bodies. The Holy Spirit is a spirit only, so that his influence can be felt throughout the universe. So it depends on which individual in the Godhead you are talking about when you say they don't have bodies. Two do, one doesn't.
Ok...but where does the Bible support that God, the Father has a physical body?

Don't you think it's kind of odd that God instructs not to carve images of him (perhaps because there is no image?) and says not to worship idols?