Why Does God Exist?


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
No I haven't lost my mind. For starters I believe man has created God to try and make sense of why we and everything else is. This thread is not about anything an atheist can offer, as in the standard....it's in the mind thing. What I think an atheist might like to hear from the believers out there is this....Why does God Exist? Is He here to simply whip up some monkey people, a universe or the whole of creation.

So I would like to know about God before creation when He was simply there I suppose. Why is there a God? If He has been here for all eternity then why? Is there one legitimate reason for God to be floating around out there?
Cris said:
You mean like what is the purpose of God?

That would be part of it but I'm talking about prior to creation, before He even dreamt it up. Why was He here or there or whatever? Maybe its a tough one to answer but can anyone come up with one?
OK. Got to admit I can't think of anything meaningful.
Cris said:
OK. Got to admit I can't think of anything meaningful.

That's just it, being out there with only nothingness as a companion seems kind of silly besides oxymoronic. I suppose he might have dabbled about creating or doing other things we can't comprehend. That 'we can't comprehend' line is a favorite of believers I must admit. What do they think...Hide Him because we're getting too close to the truth? Is it possible to hide Him before He even thought of our universe? Weird.

My eyes are getting heavy, I'd like to continue but I'm done for today.
God exists because he is nothing, thus the only logical possibility, and the only true reality/being/existence. Everything (the infinity) necessarily and eternally radiates from "nothing" (so that it could remain nothing) so nothing is actually "nothing-everything".

God/existence is omnipresent. This omnipresence became points in space. It became planets. It became humans, and existed among us.

PsychoticEpisode said:
Is it possible to hide Him before He even thought of our universe?

God can't think because he already knows everything. Thinking is a path between ignorance and omniscience.

"That's just it, being out there with only nothingness as a companion seems kind of silly besides oxymoronic."

yes, if you think of god as a human.
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No c7 - nothing is not something so if God is nothing then it doesn't exist.

I've explained this to you before. Please pay attention this time.
" Why Does God Exist?"

I haven't an answer. Maybe it's best to ask, why do you exist? What are you?
PsychoticEpisode said:
No I haven't lost my mind. For starters I believe man has created God to try and make sense of why we and everything else is. This thread is not about anything an atheist can offer, as in the standard....it's in the mind thing. What I think an atheist might like to hear from the believers out there is this....Why does God Exist? Is He here to simply whip up some monkey people, a universe or the whole of creation.

So I would like to know about God before creation when He was simply there I suppose. Why is there a God? If He has been here for all eternity then why? Is there one legitimate reason for God to be floating around out there?

We can speculate on why we exist, Why God created us. But how can we speculate on why God exists. God has existed forever therefore there could not be a reason/cause for His coming into existence. If something has always been then it cannot have a cause.

We can seek Gods will but we will never find something that does not exist. His cause.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

But how can we speculate on why God exists.
Why not? His existence is a creation of the human imagination, why not his purpose?
Adstar said:
We can speculate on why we exist, Why God created us. But how can we speculate on why God exists.

We MUST speculate on why a god would exist, especially if theists claim god is in us all. Our very existence is based on the speculation of gods existence.

God has existed forever therefore there could not be a reason/cause for His coming into existence. If something has always been then it cannot have a cause.

Then, we should speculate, instead, on the reason for our creation. Funny though, that finds us back at asking what is the reason/cause for god.

We can seek Gods will but we will never find something that does not exist.

Although, we can wreck asunder civilzations and knowledge in their pursuit.

All Learn From The Ancient Of Days
But that still doesn't need a purpose at the end. Life can simply be enjoyable.
sorry cris, maybe c7 didn't understand... but i paid attention now..

adstar... you're so serious...

the i/self has existed forever... like god (unlike the body which always dies)... but i think only nothing can be causeless.. and that's what i think we are... we are "i am"... the feeling of existence... jehova... consciousness...

i think... god is nothing... and nothing does not exist.... but still it's the only real existence. only that which has no cause can cause something. without beginning or end, without form.
Psychotic Episode said:
So I would like to know about God before creation when He was simply there I suppose. Why is there a God? If He has been here for all eternity then why? Is there one legitimate reason for God to be floating around out there?

It probably sounds like a cop-out, but I don't think the answer is one that can properly be put into words. How can we understand the mind (and purposes) of a rabbit, let alone the mind of God? Could a rabbit understand us and our purposes?

'Experiencing the Wonder of Ineffable Being Itself' maybe..? :m:
The Reason of God's existance is that He must exist, He is the only necessary being.
To question why God exists would be like an ant questioning why we exist. An ant simply isn't able to comprehend it, it's the same with us. Our minds are simply not capable of understanding an infinite and eternal being.
PsychoticEpisode said:
No I haven't lost my mind. For starters I believe man has created God to try and make sense of why we and everything else is. This thread is not about anything an atheist can offer, as in the standard....it's in the mind thing. What I think an atheist might like to hear from the believers out there is this....Why does God Exist? Is He here to simply whip up some monkey people, a universe or the whole of creation.

So I would like to know about God before creation when He was simply there I suppose. Why is there a God? If He has been here for all eternity then why? Is there one legitimate reason for God to be floating around out there?
God exists for the same reason love exists.

In fact the two are considerer synonyms around certain circles.

A survival tactic for the feeble seeking for a way around their limits.
A concession of necessity.
A pinnacle to make the struggle meaningful.
A shining end to a long and wearisome voyage home.