Why Does God allow evil to happen? Is God evil?

what768: I talked with him a little, then the next day he 'left'.
M*W: Personally, I think it got "too hot" for c20. He couldn't answer any of our questions, and maybe he realized what a fool he was making of himself (but, I doubt this is the case). He was obviously violating the rules, but I don't think he was banned or he wouldn't have been able to give his 'consession speech.' However, James R could have put some pressure on him which hurt his pride (and he had a lot of pride for a xian).
what768: ...that was his reality, his truth, his way. The Lord said: 'My ways are not your ways.' Everyone will find the same truth on their own way.
M*W: ...and in their own day, I would say. When we kept asking him to move a mountain with God's help, he probably realized that the god he believed in would do no such thing to help him. Maybe we made a point to him. Most likely we didn't. c20 didn't exist but as a robotic arm to his belief in his fantasy god. c20 had no concept of logical reasoning. He was not able to understand that he could move a mountain all by himself. How simple and easy it would have been, if he were able to use his own mind to logically reason our mountain-moving request, he could have moved an ant hill by his own accord (or with the help of his god, since that's what he wanted to believe), and at least we would have known that he had given thought to our request. Everything is relative. c20 proved to me, at least, that he was possessed. His mind was not his own. That's why we couldn't communicate with him.

I'm sure god could move a mountain if we just have as great faith as a mustard seed ;) you see, god expresses himself in the best way through a human which has known his own higher self, which is the same as Jesus. Maybe we'll sometimes build machines which can move mountains :bugeye: because god is the origin of everything, he'd actually be moving these mountains, and he already does (doesnt he) through natural laws, just a little...
Medicine Woman said:
c20 proved to me, at least, that he was possessed. His mind was not his own. That's why we couldn't communicate with him.

That's an unusually powerful way of communicating the concept. I admit
I am impressed. Nice work there MW!
Fffffffffff ... This thread...

If I were a creator of worlds and my little creatures went all stupid and bad and started asking, "Why does PIXEL allow bad things to happen?", I'd scrap the whole project and start from scratch, but this time with something better than humans.

Whaddaya want God to do, burn it/have frogs rain down and stuff, like Sodom and Gamorrah, to stop the evil? :mad:

:D Maybe I have PMS, but these God/evil/plan issues just kick my ass lately.
how do you get through to a person, that believes its god is all loving.
that also says the bible is infallible.
love is unconditional, (even jeffery dahmer had someone who loved him.)
there are over 650 bad things in bible done by the xian god, and if they have to believe out of fear, in the words of the "black eyed peas" "where is the love ".