Why Does God allow evil to happen? Is God evil?

melodicbard: Are you acting like a white-wash hypocrite?
M*W: No, he's shown us that he is a terrorist of the worst kind.
I think M*W, we all noticed is fundamentalism, I believe we all thought he was dangerous, he is most definitely sociopathic, I just hope he will take the hint and go, and I second your vote to ban him.
he's far to nasty.
If there's a God, he's probabably indifferent to individual struggles unless they happen to fit in with his larger plan, and who knows what that is, I'd assume it's a good thing. Obviously he plays by different rules than he would have us observe.
spidergoat said:
If there's a God, he's probabably indifferent to individual struggles unless they happen to fit in with his larger plan, and who knows what that is, I'd assume it's a good thing. Obviously he plays by different rules than he would have us observe.

The things of God are plain to the eye. Read the testimony of Jesus to see His heart.


Crunchy Cat said:
c20H25N3o, question. Can you move mountains?

A mountain in the context you speak of refers to huge obstacles in a man's life. What is impossible for man is possible for God because God is love. In other words a man can ask in prayer for God to move the mountain and God will put the love in a man's heart because he has humbly asked his Creator for help. The love in a man's heart can move mountains for sure but where does that love come from when the man is at the end of his strength? He must ask for help to move the mountain. God made mountains for man to climb but what of those who do not have the strength to climb? Do they not have the ability to ask that the mountain be taken away? Is God not merciful to those who ask? I can move mountains with God's help.


c20H25N3o said:
A mountain in the context you speak of refers to huge obstacles in a man's life. What is impossible for man is possible for God because God is love. In other words a man can ask in prayer for God to move the mountain and God will put the love in a man's heart because he has humbly asked his Creator for help. The love in a man's heart can move mountains for sure but where does that love come from when the man is at the end of his strength? He must ask for help to move the mountain. God made mountains for man to climb but what of those who do not have the strength to climb? Do they not have the ability to ask that the mountain be taken away? Is God not merciful to those who ask? I can move mountains with God's help.



There is no statement in this excerpt:

"...if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move..."

that even remotely implies the 'mountain' is anything but a literal hunk of
rock; however, the statement does exemplify an 'important' concept. A
tiny bit of faith will allow someone to effortlessly do the impossible. Let
me ask the question again. Can you move mountains (the considerable
elevation of earth's surface kind)?
Crunchy Cat said:
There is no statement in this excerpt:

"...if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move..."

that even remotely implies the 'mountain' is anything but a literal hunk of
rock; however, the statement does exemplify an 'important' concept. A
tiny bit of faith will allow someone to effortlessly do the impossible. Let
me ask the question again. Can you move mountains (the considerable
elevation of earth's surface kind)?

You misunderstand what Jesus was speaking of. Ask Jesus what He meant. If you ask in faith he will remove your mountain of unbelief. Are you not more important than the mountains of the earth surface kind? Is your unbelief not the mountain that must be moved?
Any man given an army and a bunch of diggers can move a physical mountain from one place to another. It would take a long time on his own strength. It would take a long time given an army but we are not talking of physical mountains. The mountains we are speaking of are a man's unbelief in the Son of God. Tell your own mountain to move.


crunchy cat:
I cant see you getting answer from c20, nobody else as managed.
as c20 is so fond of parables, this is a little fable you might like

Religions of Error

HEARING a sound of strife, a Christian in the Orient asked his
Dragoman the cause of it.

"The Buddhists are cutting Mohammedan throats," the Dragoman
replied, with oriental composure.

"I did not know," remarked the Christian, with renewed interest,
"that, that would make so much noise."

"The Mohammedans are cutting Buddhist throats, too," added the

"It is astonishing," mused the Christian, "how violent and how
general are religious animosities. Everywhere in the world the
devotees of each local faith abhor the devotees of every other, and
abstain from murder only so long as they dare not commit it. And
the strangest thing about it is that all religions are erroneous
and mischievous excepting mine. Mine, thank God, is true and

So saying he visibly smugged and went off to telegraph for a
brigade of cutthroats to protect Christian interests.

a fable by ambrose bierce

crunchy cat:c20 is a sick person.
How many born again Christians do you know The Preacher? How many of those that you know are into killing people because they do not believe in Jesus? I'll give you the answer "None" and I will tell you why.
Jesus carried on healing even when His death was imminent. No matter what we did to Him, He never returned our violence with violence. Jesus was the new covenant between God and man. Jesus was God's mercy made flesh. I have said many times that we see God's anger and God's mercy and that His mercy is greater than His anger. The old covenant and the Law of Moses brought death to the sinner because of God's great anger towards sin, but through Jesus Christ we have life because He forgives the sinner. Jesus said that it would be easier to fold up the heavens and the earth than to remove a single dot from the law. This is of course true. Mercy is merciful to that which has transgressed. In order for their to be transgression, one must have a law to transgress. In order for their to be forgiveness one must display love to the transgressor. In order for the transgressor to benefit from that forgiveness they must be contrite to that which they have transgressed against.
God does not want a whole great big list of the things you may or may not have done. He simply says "Believe in me. Look I would give my own Son unto you that you may have life through His body and His blood. Just as sin came through the first Adam, so redemption comes through Jesus."

“Because Christ also suffered for sins once, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God; being put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit; in which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison, that aforetime were disobedient, when the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls, were saved through water” (1 Pet. 3:18-20).
this is all your belief, not mine.
just because you think your devout, so did david koresh and the rev jimmy jones, does'nt stop you being a sick f@*#.
your preaching constantly falls on deaf ears.
why are you still here, your like a gnat. please do f@*# off.
I am still here because this is a public forum. If the owner of the website considers that my posts are out of context or are not appropriate then he may of course ask me to leave the site. I will respect any decision made by him and will leave without fuss.
In the mean time if it really is that tiresome, I suggest you use the ignore button. The programmers of this forum went to a lot of trouble to build in that functionality, I can only suggest you humour them by using it for the purposes it was intended for.


"If you had faith as big as a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree,
'Pull yourself up by the root and plant yourself in the sea', and it would obey you."

Jesus uses the mustard seed also in a parable of the kingdom of God: "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in his field; it is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it falls on prepared soil, it grows into a large plant and the birds of the sky come and make nests in its branches."

When we are born we are not good or evil, we are just a seed.
I have been following your threads pretty close because I am interested to hear Christians views on subjects. I have stayed away from the bashing and name-calling and "eternal damnation" stuff but one thing I notice about your posts that seem to bother me. To be a Christian means to be "Christ-Like" yet you are acting (in my opinion) anything but. Jesus(pbuh) never spoke of himself he only spoke of his "Father"

"Jesus answered them and said, "My doctrine is not Mine, but His
who sent Me." [John 7:16]


"You heard me say, `I am going away and I am coming back to you.' If you
loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I." [John 14:28]

Why arent you talking about God? like Jesus did? are Jesus(pbuh) and God really the same to you? if so then why would Jesus say:

"I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master,
nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him." [John 13:16]

is it because Jesus was God's only beggoten Son?(John 3:16) if so then why would King David(pbuh) say:(Psalms chapter 2)

7 I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.

I actually think that it is you who is crossing a thin line because Jesus(pbuh) said that he came to uphold the old laws yet you consistantly break the 1st commandment.............not because of anything he said but because of what someone said(paul) after Jesus(pbuh) was gone....if what Paul says is true then why didnt Jesus foretell his coming and the laws changing? Especially when the person coming to change the laws was a big murderer and persecuter of Jews at that time? Jesus(pbuh) instead foretold of "false Prophets" who would come and change his message....who do you think he was referring to? I am interested to hear your thoughts on this....peace to you :m:
I speak of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ because it is through Him that men are saved. I love Jesus and trust in Him. As He says "If I have seen Him, I have seen the Father". Whoever has the Son has the Father also for a father is not a father without a child. Jesus and I say "Our Father" because we are brothers. We love the same God. Jesus covers me, intercedes for me. His blood is my redemption. The price of His blood is something that I cannot fathom. It is the actuality of His suffering and His obedience to God in it which makes Him Lord. If He were not innocent then He would be another dead criminal but instead, God says of Jesus "I will put all things at your feet. The earth will be your footstool". That includes me and you kiddo.


c20H25N3o: The things of God are plain to the eye.
M*W: But, it is written that no one cn see God. So, how can the things of god be plain for the eyes to see?
c20: Read the testimony of Jesus to see His heart.
M*W: Jesus had no personal testimony, except for what I posted yesterday from the Gospel of MM, which you said was false doctrine. That means you believe Paul over Jesus. It was MM and few other disciples who heard Jesus speak to them in the flesh, and they wrote it down directly from him. That means YOU believe in false christianity.


c20H25N3o: You misunderstand what Jesus was speaking of.
M*W: NO! You misunderstand what Paul was speaking of!
c20: Ask Jesus what He meant.
M*W: Jesus NEVER wrote anything himself.
c20: If you ask in faith he will remove your mountain of unbelief.
M*W: You misunderstand. We're talking about real rocky mountains here, not mountains of 'disbelief.' Why do you constantly change the questions you've been asked and return to your roller coaster of circular reasoning?
c20: Are you not more important than the mountains of the earth surface kind? Is your unbelief not the mountain that must be moved?
M*W: Mountains do not equal disbelief. Stay on the subject -- hard rocky mountains on the Earth's surface. If you truly have the faith you say you have, then you can move Pike's Peak by your belief in Jesus alone. We're all waiting to hear the breaking news that you and Jesus have moved Pike's Peak. We're waiting. I guess that means that you really don't have the faith you said you have. Are we surprised -- NO!
c20: Any man given an army and a bunch of diggers can move a physical mountain from one place to another. It would take a long time on his own strength. It would take a long time given an army but we are not talking of physical mountains. The mountains we are speaking of are a man's unbelief in the Son of God. Tell your own mountain to move.
c20H25N3o said:
I speak of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ because it is through Him that men are saved. I love Jesus and trust in Him. As He says "If I have seen Him, I have seen the Father". Whoever has the Son has the Father also for a father is not a father without a child. Jesus and I say "Our Father" because we are brothers. We love the same God. Jesus covers me, intercedes for me. His blood is my redemption. The price of His blood is something that I cannot fathom. It is the actuality of His suffering and His obedience to God in it which makes Him Lord. If He were not innocent then He would be another dead criminal but instead, God says of Jesus "I will put all things at your feet. The earth will be your footstool". That includes me and you kiddo.



I hope I dont need to "bump" my previous post to get a direct answer to my questions from you......it shouldnt be hard if you believe what you say. Believe me I have taken my "shots" on these boards from people who dont like Islam yet I do answer their questions although they might not like my answers...Perhaps if you answred peoples questions and stopped being evasive then people would respect you and your opinion more....peace
Medicine Woman said:
c20H25N3o: The things of God are plain to the eye.
M*W: But, it is written that no one cn see God. So, how can the things of god be plain for the eyes to see?
c20: Read the testimony of Jesus to see His heart.
M*W: Jesus had no personal testimony, except for what I posted yesterday from the Gospel of MM, which you said was false doctrine. That means you believe Paul over Jesus. It was MM and few other disciples who heard Jesus speak to them in the flesh, and they wrote it down directly from him. That means YOU believe in false christianity.




So Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were all liars too I guess.
Give it up M*W. You know perfectly well that I call Jesus Lord. He is Lord. He came, sent by Our Father to pay the price for our sins, a spotless offering pleasing in the sight of God our Father. He came that we might believe in Him and be saved. Jesus was ressurected from the dead by God Himself and presented Himself to his friends in His ressurected body. Thomas did not believe until he had put his hand in Jesus' side and Jesus said to Him "You believe because you have seen but blessed are those who believe and have not seen"
Jesus said "I go now to prepare a place for you in my Father's house."
Jesus said "If I do not return to my Father the Holy Spirit will not come."
M*W, I called on the name of Jesus and I received the Holy Spirit. It is through this Spirit which I speak. I belong to the Christ. I am a part of the body of Christ. This is true faith and is the Christian faith. Praise be to God and the Lamb of God.
