Why does evolution select against atheists?

And your point is? its a fact that American society is becoming more and more areligious. The Americanisation of Indian society is a case in point on the destructive effects of pervasive atheism.

90+ % of Americans consider the word atheism to be a curse. 90% believe in some kind of invisible entity. An openly atheistic politician has no chance to be elected, all constitution be damned, an open gay politician could have a shot. Is that a sufficient proof of pervasiveness of atheism?

Please, don't try that circular logic thing. I know there are no bad Christians, there are only true and untrue Christians. That's nice but it's little bit presumptuous, you got to prove that atheism destroys nuclear families and Southern baptism keep them together.

In the West, extended families were destroyed hundreds years ago under purely economical and social pressures. India is catching up just now. Does it mean that hordes of atheists were roaming English countryside circa 1520?
Life in Our Anti-Christian America, it's an old piece but NOTHING has changed since then. If that's not enough of religiosity for ya what else do you want? Burnings at stake, stoning 95% of American women according to the Bible wishes? What else?


Life In Our Anti-Christian America
Robby Berry

# During the 1988 election campaign, George Bush said that Christians should not be considered patriots or real American citizens.
# Bill Clinton steadfastly refuses to give any speeches at local churches.
# Both major political parties are dominated by anti-Christians. The Republican party, for example, gave us such hardcore Atheists as Pat Buchanan, Dan Quayle, Phyllis Schlafly and Ronald Reagan. And the Democrats have given us such personalities as the Rev. Martin Luther King and the Rev. Jesse Jackson--both noted for their vicious attacks on all forms of Christianity.
# Let's talk about the media. On Sunday mornings, nearly all major television channels broadcast pro-Atheist shows; it is nearly impossible to find religious programming during that time period. Further, Madalyn Murray O'Hair has her own cable TV channel, while Pat Robertson has been unable to obtain one for himself.
# Most major newspapers run a special weekly section devoted to atheism. There are no equivalent sections for religious news.
# Anti-Christian shows such as the American Atheist Forum are broadcast by major national networks. Meanwhile, Billy Graham is only able to get on the air through public access TV, which is watched by few people.
# On news programs and "reality" TV shows such as Rescue 911, nobody is ever shown giving thanks to god after surviving a disaster.
# It is almost impossible to find a shopping mall with a Christian Armory book store, while Atheist Book Centers are featured prominently on every corner.
# While Atheists couples who marry rarely have any difficulty finding a place to do so, it is nearly impossible for Christian couples to find a church where they can marry.
# For that matter, churches themselves are extremely rare, while Atheist meeting centers can be found every few blocks.
# Recently, several Atheists have shot and killed Christian priests as they were going to work in their churches. Similarly, Atheists are well known for blockading churches on Sunday mornings.
# Nearly all of our elected public officials are Atheists; they even have to swear on a copy of Darwin's "Origin of Species" in order to take office.
# In a similar vein, jurors must take an oath upon a copy of the Skeptical Inquirer before they can serve. There have even been court cases thrown out because one of the jury members was a Christian who insisted on swearing on a bible.
# And of course, people are free to wear pentagram jewelry, but those trying to wear cross-shaped earrings or pendants to work will be politely told to remove the jewelry or lose their job.
# Speaking of the workplace, Christians often find it nearly impossible to get time off work for religious holidays such as Christmas.
# Even our language reflects the radical anti-Christian bias that pervades our society. For example, when somebody sneezes, most people say "Darwin bless you." Similarly, "Voltaire dammit!" is a common cussword.
# All of our money has the Atheistic slogan "We do not trust in god" printed on it. (Contributed by Mike Hurben)
# In school, our children are made to recite the pledge, "One nation, anti-god, indivisible...." (Contributed by Mike Hurben)
# One cannot rent a hotel room without finding a copy of Nietzsche's The Anti-Christ in the room. (Contributed by Mike Hurben)
# Organizations such as the Boy Scouts deny membership to Christians. (Contributed by Mike Hurben)
# In the military, it is nearly impossible to obtain Conscientious Objector status for religious reasons, even though those with philosophical reasons can obtain C.O. status relatively easily. (Contributed anonymously)
# Christian churches are forced to pay exorbitant taxes. (Contributed by Rick Gillespie)
# You can't drive anywhere without seeing a Darwin fish or a "Jesus Was A Fraud" bumper sticker stuck to a car. (Contributed by Rick Gillespie)
# Georgia recently passed a new law requiring schools to have a "moment of noise" during which children are encouraged to degrade Christianity. (Contributed by Rick Gillespie)
# College campuses usually have dozens of Atheist organizations, but few if any for Christians. (Contributed by Mark Anstrom)
# There are several well-known Atheist campus preachers who lecture on college campuses on the virtues of atheism. (Contributed by Mark Anstrom)
# Also common on college campuses are groups of students handing out copies of Betrand Russell's "Why I Am Not A Christian"; some even force people who don't want these books to take them. (Contributed by Mark Anstrom)
# Campus newspapers often print editorials extolling the virtues of atheism. (Contributed by Mark Anstrom)
# People look at you funny and wonder if there's something wrong upstairs if you admit to being a Christian in public. (Contributed by Mark Anstrom)
# Many Christians are afraid to admit their Christianity to their parents and friends, for fear their kin will consider them immoral Christian scum and want nothing to do with them. (Contributed by Mark Anstrom)
# At presidential inauguration ceremonies, Madalyn Murray O'Hair (that well-known friend of several presidents) gives a short pro-atheism speech. (Contributed by Matt Barry)
# For decades, high school and college commencement ceremonies have included brief speeches at the beginning and end of the ceremony in which atheism is praised and Christians deemed irrational. Christians who object to the practice, or who ask for an opening prayer instead, are regarded as cranks at best and subversives at worst. (Contributed by Matt Barry)
# Not only do commencement ceremonies feature pro-Atheist speeches, there's usually an entire two-hour ceremony the day before graduation dedicated to upholding the Atheist foundation of our educational system. (Contributed by Jed Hartman)
# "There are no Christians in foxholes" is a popular slogan in our society.
# Most hospitals are full of Atheist symbols, and many prominently feature statues of Nietszche, Darwin, and so forth. (Contributed by Bill Pursell).
# Communities set up Atheist brainwashing facilities, and apply social pressure to citizens to report to these facilities every Sunday morning. Furthermore, attendees are expected to contribute money to support these facilities, and to build others through "outreach" programs. (Contributed by "me")
# Most parents in America indoctrinate their children at an early age to be Atheists by forcing them to attend these brainwashing sessions, whether they want to or not. (Contributed by "me")
# While Atheists hold huge rallies in 25,000-seat amphitheaters, Christians are so few in number that they can only dream of holding such rallies. (Contributed by Payton Chung)
# At baseball games, you can often spot people carrying signs that read "Origin Of Species, page 34."
# Hospital waiting rooms usually come equipped with children's copies of Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History Of Time," complete with order forms so that parents can send off for their own copy. (Contributed by Payton Chung)
# Atheist magazines such as "Atheism Today," "Today's Atheist Woman," "Atheist Homeschooler," "The Atheist Century," "Atheist Ministry," "The Atheist Archeological Review," "Atheist Parenting Today" and "The Atheist Science Monitor" are featured prominently in newsstands across the country. (Contributed by Payton Chung. Additional magazine names contributed by Dave Chapman)
Maybe you should look up the new statistics. I'm living in the US since four years and I've never seen a less religious people. I come from India and I've lived in Saudi Arabia, so I know a religious person, believe me
Maybe you should look up the new statistics. I'm living in the US since four years and I've never seen a less religious people. I come from India and I've lived in Saudi Arabia, so I know a religious person, believe me

If you decide at some point to read all the points Of "Life in our anti Chrisian America", 100% of those point are STILL, 20 years later, 100% true. If all that all permeating religion BS doesn't satisfy Christians and they want even more, they will have to fuck themselves. What's your standard of religiosity, Afghan village mullah, Pakistani stoning or Indian burnings etc.? What's religious enough for ya?
Even the religious find their religion unsuitable

S.A.M. said:

Buddhism, Jainism, Carvakas, Rome, Greece.

Buddhism is its own curious mix. Jainism is atheistic in the way Christianity was 2,000 years ago—it looks at God in a context unfamiliar to others, who thus presume it denies God. Carvaka is a critical philosophy.

Rome and Greece as atheistic? I might point out that Rome was Christian when it fell.

In the longer run, what separates Buddhism and Jainism from more conventional theism is that it doesn't fear God. Lacking this fear, its members are not compelled to greed on behalf of God.

If evolution selects against atheists, it is because atheism in and of itself does not seek to force itself on others. Many have blasted atheism for horrors like Stalin, but that sort of outlook is fundamentally dishonest. Stalin's purges, for instance, were a political issue. Fitna occurs in a melded context in which politics and religion are difficult, if not impossible to separate. The Inquisitions were religious.

The common element in all, of course, is greed. Redemptive monotheism is the dominating religious and sociopolitical influence on the planet. Between the Abramists, we can find the basic roots of the largest problems on the face of the planet.

The evolutionary advantage, as such, of redemptive monotheism is that it is bloodthirsty and, ultimately, ruthless. The irony, however, is that redemptive monotheism is determined to lead humanity to its end: both Christianity and Islam, for instance, look forward to the end of the world.

As the virtues of genuinely rational thought emerge and grow stronger, the attraction to suicidal and genocidal religion will wane. And perhaps it will be fanatics in Pakistan, or maybe the Israelis, and it is not impossible that it will be Americans pursuing their dying Christian myth, but faith in God is what will bring the nuclear fire.

Of course, you get to feel good about it, because after religious people bring about the end of the world, there will nobody left to wonder why evolution selects against religion.

Sorry, I disagree. For all the reasons that madant has so eloquently given. Atheism is of no use to the society, it is the luxury of the diletante individual.

What Madanthonywayne is overlooking is motive. The advice might be very good, but redemptive religions like Islam and Christianity compel the faithful to follow the advice in order to earn a divine reward; they're like a bunch of dogs whimpering and begging for a biscuit.

Good advice should be followed because it is good advice, not because you hope God will notice and let you into Heaven. People should do the right thing because it is the right thing to do, but apparently Christians and Muslims, at least, have to be cajoled into doing the right things with faery-tale promises of eternal life and the satisfaction of seeing God smite anyone who ever disagreed with them. All in all, it's greedy, dishonest, and dangerous.

Even atheists will not live in an atheist society.

Even the religious find their religion unsuitable.
Good advice should be followed because it is good advice, not because you hope God will notice and let you into Heaven. People should do the right thing because it is the right thing to do, but apparently Christians and Muslims, at least, have to be cajoled into doing the right things with faery-tale promises of eternal life and the satisfaction of seeing God smite anyone who ever disagreed with them. All in all, it's greedy, dishonest, and dangerous.

And yet, these are the societies that survive. The alternative, a society of atheists, has always led to worse atrocities, a dismantled and destroyed society and a need to return to religion. The Carvakas established themselves around the same time as Islam, yet you'd be hard put to find many atheists who had even heard of them.
The alternative, a society of atheists, has always led to worse atrocities, a dismantled and destroyed society and a need to return to religion.

Care to give a few examples justifying your use of the phrase "has always led". It's sciforums, it's not mantra reading club, you got to reason, repetition alone will not cut it.
Sure, see all societies where atheists come to power and the extent of their atrocities.

I've given the example of Buddhists in a separate thread, but you just need to look at state atheism in this century.
Sure, see all societies where atheists come to power and the extent of their atrocities.

I've given the example of Buddhists in a separate thread, but you just need to look at state atheism in this century.

Examples of states atheism, examples of what happened after "state atheism" no more, paradise, nirvana. Please, use some kind of factoids. If you imply USSR, it's way way worse moralwise now than it was during "state atheism" times, way, way, worse. Even though most states turned around 180 and actively promote religion.
Of course it is. The society is still run by atheists, same for China. It took a Christian like Gorbachev to make the Russians stop their cycle of futility, but it will take them many generations to recover from the damage to their social institutions.

Other examples of State Atheism

Of course it is. The society is still run by atheists, same for China. It took a Christian like Gorbachev to make the Russians stop their cycle of futility, but it will take them many generations to recover from the damage to their social institutions.

Other examples of State Atheism


Well, man if you call a party boss Gorbachev a Christian, well, further argumentation is kinda pointless. What social institution were damaged and need recover with help of Church? Most of post USSR countries are ruled by men openly showing off their devotion to religion, some of those men are genuinely fucked up in their head like Ukrainian president, for example, yet Ukraine is rolling straight into degradation pit unseen during state atheism times.

In two words, simple repetition of "religion is nigh" is not sufficient for an argument. I will repeat "all religions are crap, all man made Gods are crock of BS" to support my point. My repetition should be as good as yours, shouldn't it?
You think social institutions can be automatically repaired simply because one Christian prescribed glasnost?

The Soviet Union broke up as a society and it will be many generations before it will heal.
You think social institutions can be automatically repaired simply because one Christian prescribed glasnost?

The Soviet Union broke up as a society and it will be many generations before it will heal.

I just wonder where your are getting those things, Gorby, Christian, what in the hell social institution you are talking about? Gorby destroyed coutry, he was career party boss, definitely not Christian at the time of destruction.

I cannot argue with circularity - Religion is good, everything good comes from religion, if it's bad, it's not true religion.

So, I'll finish my posts with my own circularity, NONbelief is good, everything good comes from nonbelief, if it's bad, it's not true nonbelief, only good things come out of true nonbelief, trust me :)

OK, man, good luck in pursuing whatever religious carrots you are pursuing, as long as it makes you happy and as long as you don't try to make me happy :)
Gorby, as you call him, came out as a Christian.

Mikhail Gorbachev, the last Communist leader of the Soviet Union, has acknowledged his Christian faith for the first time, paying a surprise visit to pray at the tomb of St Francis of Assisi.

Accompanied by his daughter Irina, Mr Gorbachev spent half an hour on his knees in silent prayer at the tomb.

His arrival in Assisi was described as "spiritual perestroika" by La Stampa, the Italian newspaper.

"St Francis is, for me, the alter Christus, the other Christ," said Mr Gorbachev. "His story fascinates me and has played a fundamental role in my life," he added.

Mr Gorbachev's surprise visit confirmed decades of rumours that, although he was forced to publicly pronounce himself an atheist, he was in fact a Christian, and casts a meeting with Pope John Paul II in 1989 in a new light.

Nonbelief is for the brainless.
Gorby, as you call him, came out as a Christian.

Get your facts straight, belief damages brain quite a lot but even a believer should be able to use google, unless it's advanced kind of belief.

Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev made clear this past weekend that he is an atheist after European news agencies last week claimed that he had confirmed his Christian faith during a visit to the tomb of St. Francis of Assisi in Italy.

Gorbachev, the last communist leader of the Soviet Union, confronted speculations that he had been a closeted Christian during an interview with the Russian news agency Interfax.

"Over the last few days some media have been disseminating fantasies – I can't use any other word – about my secret Catholicism, citing my visit to the Sacro Convento friary, where the remains of St. Francis of Assisi lie," Gorbachev said, according to an Interfax article posted Friday.

"To sum up and avoid any misunderstandings, let me say that I have been and remain an atheist,” he stated.
Nonbelief is for the brainless.

Of course. And belief in a mythical being is obviously for the intelligent individuals, such as yourself.:rolleyes:

Really good Sam. Well done.

Are you going to tell us that were are feral, savage beasts who are incapable of living and participating in society again? It's only been a few hours? Or is it less? I tuned out after the 5th or such about Atheists (like me).

You should macro it so that you do not expend your energy in typing it out each time. I'm serious. It must be tiring typing out the same old thing over and over again.
Get your facts straight, belief damages brain quite a lot but even a believer should be able to use google, unless it's advanced kind of belief.

Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev made clear this past weekend that he is an atheist after European news agencies last week claimed that he had confirmed his Christian faith during a visit to the tomb of St. Francis of Assisi in Italy.

Gorbachev, the last communist leader of the Soviet Union, confronted speculations that he had been a closeted Christian during an interview with the Russian news agency Interfax.

"Over the last few days some media have been disseminating fantasies – I can't use any other word – about my secret Catholicism, citing my visit to the Sacro Convento friary, where the remains of St. Francis of Assisi lie," Gorbachev said, according to an Interfax article posted Friday.

"To sum up and avoid any misunderstandings, let me say that I have been and remain an atheist,” he stated.

Guess he can't come out after all. :rolleyes:
Of course. And belief in a mythical being is obviously for the intelligent individuals, such as yourself.:rolleyes:

Really good Sam. Well done.

Are you going to tell us that were are feral, savage beasts who are incapable of living and participating in society again? It's only been a few hours? Or is it less? I tuned out after the 5th or such about Atheists (like me).

You should macro it so that you do not expend your energy in typing it out each time. I'm serious. It must be tiring typing out the same old thing over and over again.

Already addressed the belief bit earlier.:confused:

Apparently typing it several times still does not guarantee it will be read?
Guess he can't come out after all. :rolleyes:

Help him, SAM, you have so much of faith, wisdom, knowledge of innerworking and love, you would walk him out from the darkness into the light of Christianity. Satan tests you, don't leave your brother Gorby alone, help him, earn your heaven points, he is YOUR brother, don't betray him as Judas betrayed Christ. You will have no excuses in the hell, I told ya, I was a medium for Jesus, the wage of sin is death, remember.