Why does evolution select against atheists?

It does take away. Atheism undermines social institutions and brings about social collapse.
In all of which atheism has nothing to give to society.

I don't mind you taking a shot now and then. It only proves to me that atheism has some effect. I don't expect you to become an atheist overnite. In fact I don't ever expect to see you become an atheist. Evolution takes time, little inroads that may appear as failures to you could actually be the salvation of mankind but who knows what direction the evolution is taking.

We can't see it happen, just like evolutionary theory. We can test it. How would you test this natural selection against atheism you propose?
You can test it in two ways. One: retroactively or two: prospectively.

I prefer trends as an indication towards where society moves. From what I have seen, living in societies as diverse as India, Saudi Arabia and the US, the categorical defect in atheism is the breakdown of the family structure. Atheism is an individual belief and literally tears the individual out of the family unit. Over time, the family unit becomes obsolete and the products of the family more and more damaged. They then turn to religion.
You can test it in two ways. One: retroactively or two: prospectively.

I prefer trends as an indication towards where society moves. From what I have seen, living in societies as diverse as India, Saudi Arabia and the US, the categorical defect in atheism is the breakdown of the family structure. Atheism is an individual belief and literally tears the individual out of the family unit. Over time, the family unit becomes obsolete and the products of the family more and more damaged. They then turn to religion.

Or atheism is strong and theism is weak in the individual. However numbers are still strong enough to overpower atheism.
Not entirely. When you reverse the numbers, more atheist less theist, you still end up with a dead end society that eventually reverts back to theism e.g. Buddhism.
Not entirely. When you reverse the numbers, more atheist less theist, you still end up with a dead end society that eventually reverts back to theism e.g. Buddhism.

Nice of you to equate dead end with theism. I don't doubt you for a second on that one.
Thats another problem with atheists. They don't recognise a dead end when they embrace it.
Thats another problem with atheists. They don't recognise a dead end when they embrace it.

That's why they became atheists.:D

Look SAM... you & I are not going to change things individually. However what we write is available to the whole world. Now neither one of us can contend with one side voicing their opinions and then remaining mute on the subject. We are in fact...the society you speak of.
Sure, but you can be an atheist in a theist society. There is no atheist society.
It would seem that atheistic societies are self limiting, they shrink, do not replace their populations, then are overwhelmed by theistic societies.

What makes atheistic societies self limiting?

An atheistic society? How would a society be based on not accepting the assertion "god exists" as truth?
You're correct. I should have said, a society where atheism is dominant.
In entire human history only USSR tried to substitute religion with worship of party and its leaders in lieu of religion. Atheism was encouraged but not enforced in earnest. I wonder what would happen to religious mindset if rulers of human world tried to spread atheism for the past 10,000 years instead of whatever silly Gods they were promoting at the time? Power elites love religion(s) it keeps slaves docile in this world by giving them a carrot of "life after death", it calls unseen powers to justify all the things a particular ruler wishes to do.

Here is The Moral Code of the Builder of Communism (as reported on Wikisource):

1. Devotion to the cause of Communism, love of the socialist Motherland and of the socialist countries.

2. Conscientious labor for the good of society: he who does not work, neither shall he eat.

3. Concern on the part of everyone for the preservation and growth of public property.

4. High sense of public duty; intolerance of actions harmful to the public interest.

5. Collectivism and comradely mutual assistance: one for all and all for one.

6. Humane relations and mutual respect between individuals: man is to man a friend, a comrade, and a brother.

7. Honesty and truthfulness, moral purity, unpretentiousness and modesty in social and private life.

8. Mutual respect in the family, concern for the upbringing of children.

9. Irreconcilability towards injustice, parasitism, dishonesty, careerism, and profiteering.

10. Friendship and brotherhood among all peoples of the USSR, intolerance of national and racial hatred.

11. Intolerance towards the enemies of communism, peace, and freedom of nations.

12. Fraternal solidarity with the working people of all countries, and with all peoples.

Ten commandments are vicious barbarity compared :) As a result of thousands of years of cultural indoctrination some people wish for an invisible boogie man granting their wishes and answering their prayers for a larger piece of pie (here and there). Act of existence is selfish and lonely, if not for that particular boogie man many people would have nobody to care. Until people will not realize that they have just each other in this world, we are doomed.
Sure, but you can be an atheist in a theist society. There is no atheist society.

The whole world is an atheistic society, only contaminated by theism. Some of us escaped indoctrination or were smart enough to figure it out. Sorry about your luck, I really am. Nobody deserves theism's trappings.
You can test it in two ways. One: retroactively or two: prospectively.

I prefer trends as an indication towards where society moves. From what I have seen, living in societies as diverse as India, Saudi Arabia and the US, the categorical defect in atheism is the breakdown of the family structure. Atheism is an individual belief and literally tears the individual out of the family unit. Over time, the family unit becomes obsolete and the products of the family more and more damaged. They then turn to religion.

That makes no sense. If religion is the only thing keeping your family together, then your family has some issues to work out. There is probably at least one if not more atheists in every family whether they admit it or not. Being atheist doesn't mean you reject all values of religion, it just means you don't believe in God's existence, other than that atheist have no real common ground. In the US, I doubt there is any difference between religious people who get divorces and atheists who do, proportionally speaking of course.
You're speaking of individuals. I'm speaking of societies. Atheism has no society. It creates no social institutions.
the categorical defect in atheism is the breakdown of the family structure.

If so, please explain, how the most Christian industrial? nation is simultaneously populated by the most promiscuous people ( except yet undiscovered tribes in Amazonian basin)? What about one of the highest divorce rates in the world? What about disintegration of social and family ties? TWENTY FIVE percent of Americans do NOT have a SINGLE close friend. That's why shrinks, pawn shops, credit card companies and all kind of advise and self-help gurus thrive here. Atomization and commodification it drives people crazy and isolated.

Americanization hits India too. There was BBC series on Indian family which goes through transformations as we speak. Transformation under pressures of mass wage labor involves destruction of extended family and literally dumping older geezer to fend for themselves on streets the best they can.

It's not so much about religion and atheism, it's about modern society which is intensely insane and depressing regardless of your religious believes.
And your point is? its a fact that American society is becoming more and more areligious. The Americanisation of Indian society is a case in point on the destructive effects of pervasive atheism.
In the US, I doubt there is any difference between religious people who get divorces and atheists who do

Actually, there is a difference, small but significant, "Born agains" tend to have higher divorce rate :). It's not surprising, I've seen quite a few holier than thoughs picking a Church to attend, a smallest difference on preaching, Church management, attire may send adamant believers searching for another Church. The discrepancies could be really, really small, but the line between heaven and hell is even smaller:) Those people are nuts, I doubt they treat their spouses much differently than their Churches. One always can hear appropriate voices in his head justifying whatever one wants to do anyway.
You're speaking of individuals. I'm speaking of societies. Atheism has no society. It creates no social institutions.

That's because it's not anything. Theism has sets of rules and standards to abide by in order to be considered a part of that religion. Atheism has nothing. It would just be a society where no one talked about God. Everything else would be the same.