Why does evolution select against atheists?

Well if you can't even be bothered to read, no point in my wasting time explaining.
If you can hear it (or perceive it via any other method or sense), it's not supernatural.

Maybe its because I grew up in a culture where the supernatural is treated naturally.

You are contradicting yourself.

I find it interesting that you agreed.
What things do you consider supernatural ?

Anything that can't be explained. Yet.

If something truly supernatural existed it cannot be explained and there would be no need for it, because we wouldn't be aware of it ever.
But, of course, the if is complete nonsense. Supernatural means 'beyond nature', which is self-inconsistent.

Beyond (in this context):
- outside the understanding, limits, or reach of; past.

Nature (in this context):
- the universe, with all its phenomena.
- the sum total of the forces at work throughout the universe.


So anything that is considered to be supernatural is, in fact, natural (if it exists at all), and can be explained.
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I didn't ask you to explain anything. I asked you to give an example of something that you think is supernatural.

I think it supernatural that at its very basis, all matter is composed of quarks.

I think its supernatural that we go from such basic matter to life

Something like this:

I think it supernatural that at its very basis, all matter is composed of quarks.

I think its supernatural that we go from such basic matter to life

Something like this:


Didn't you just agree that the supernatural doesn't exist ?

So anything that is considered to be supernatural is, in fact, natural (if it exists at all), and can be explained.

Ya, it can be explained. Just not yet.
Because we have no natural explanation for it as yet.


HOW does that make it supernatural (nonexistent) ??

Let me ask you this:
Is a car supernatural to someone that lays eyes on it for the first time and never heard of anything like it before ?
Enmos (to sam) said:
Do you consider Allah to be supernatural ?
although "god" is a possibility in this equation i find the prospect unlikely.

i define "god" as an all powerful, righteous supernatural being full of love and compassion for humanity.

i know this, if there is a god then i didn't ask to be a part of his test.