Why does evolution select against atheists?

The idea that anything supernatural is not subject to explanation by natural laws is a pointless one to me. Unless you mean its only supernatural if one cannot find a natural explanation. But if one does it ceases to be? If you hear voices, it could be magic, mushrooms or schizophrenia. You'd at least attempt to find a natural explanation before deciding its supernatural.

Why did you ignore my post in which I explained to you what 'supernatural' means ?


supernatural (adj.) Look up supernatural at Dictionary.com
c.1450 (implied in supernaturally), "above nature, transcending nature, belonging to a higher realm," from M.L. supernaturalis "above or beyond nature," from L. super "above" (see super-) + natura "nature" (see nature). Originally with more of a religious sense; association with ghosts, etc., has predominated since c.1799. The noun is attested from 1587.

I think I'll go with the Nobel laureate in Physics.

Like the Nobel Laureate for lobotomy?:D

Why did you ignore my post in which I explained to you what 'supernatural' means ?


supernatural (adj.) Look up supernatural at Dictionary.com
c.1450 (implied in supernaturally), "above nature, transcending nature, belonging to a higher realm," from M.L. supernaturalis "above or beyond nature," from L. super "above" (see super-) + natura "nature" (see nature). Originally with more of a religious sense; association with ghosts, etc., has predominated since c.1799. The noun is attested from 1587.


That at least is better than "not subject to blah blah" Although I prefer "attributed to forces that appear to violate natural laws" with appear being the significant term.
That at least is better than "not subject to blah blah" Although I prefer "attributed to forces that appear to violate natural laws" with appear being the significant term.

Then you are ignoring the true meaning of the word for your own purposes.
The idea that anything supernatural is not subject to explanation by natural laws is a pointless one to me.

Sam, anything that doesn't agree with your book of myth and superstitions is pointless to you.

Unless you mean its only supernatural if one cannot find a natural explanation. But if one does it ceases to be? If you hear voices, it could be magic, mushrooms or schizophrenia. You'd at least attempt to find a natural explanation before deciding its supernatural.

Those divisions are already cut in stone, according to theists, hence the reason why they are not subject to explanation. Do you get it now, Sam?
Ok, fair enough. Can you try to describe what you mean by supernatural ?
probably not without a long winded description that would make tiassa proud.
to be honest the more i think about this, the messier it gets.
Anyhow, am I correct in assuming that your version of 'supernatural' is "something not yet explained, or known, by science" ?
more than likely, yes.
although it may never be discovered or maybe can never be discovered.

the shortest possible answer i can give you for "supernatural" is a separate state of physics.
everyone is looking for the GUT and maybe it also lies in this separate state of physics.
Then you are ignoring the true meaning of the word for your own purposes.

Okay, you hear a disembodied voice

You think:

1. That must be the radio
2. I'm hearing things
3. Mum, is that you [mum is dearly departed]
4. God is speaking to me!
5. Did I miss my meds today?

Which one is the supernatural explanation?
Okay, you hear a disembodied voice

First of all, how often do you hear disembodied voices? What do the voices say? These and other questions must be asked first.

You think:

1. That must be the radio
2. I'm hearing things
3. Mum, is that you [mum is dearly departed]
4. God is speaking to me!
5. Did I miss my meds today?

Which one is the supernatural explanation?

4. You have already been indoctrinated to believe a god exists, hence your claim that god is speaking to you is a supernatural claim, it is not subject to natural explanations.
Yup, so unless you're the kind of person who immediately thinks its Mum or God when you hear voices, you'll likely first look for the rational explanations. I've had some vivid dreams where, in my dream I was convinced I was awake and felt disoriented on waking up.

I think supernatural means you could not find a rational explanation for it. Its like being in a vivid dream convinced you're awake. When you wake up, ie find a rational explanation then the dream is over.
I think supernatural means you could not find a rational explanation for it.

No, it isn't. Clearly, you are once again ignoring that which is tediously being explained to you or you're incredibly stupid.
Maybe its because I grew up in a culture where the supernatural is treated naturally.
Supernatural is more than not being able to find a rational explanation for it. It is giving up the attempt to find rational explanations. It is faith without evidence.
Maybe its because I grew up in a culture where the supernatural is treated naturally.

No, you grew up in a culture that has indoctrinated you to believe the claims of your cult are not subject to natural explanation.
Okay, you hear a disembodied voice

You think:

1. That must be the radio
2. I'm hearing things
3. Mum, is that you [mum is dearly departed]
4. God is speaking to me!
5. Did I miss my meds today?

Which one is the supernatural explanation?

Strictly seen none. If you can hear it (or perceive it via any other method or sense), it's not supernatural.
But you are looking for 3 & 4.
Maybe its because I grew up in a culture where the supernatural is treated naturally.

Now THAT is nonsense.
1. You can't treat something supernatural. If you can, it's not supernatural.
2. It's a contradiction in terms.
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Supernatural is more than not being able to find a rational explanation for it. It is giving up the attempt to find rational explanations. It is faith without evidence.

It's more than that and has little to do with attempting or even offering a natural explanation. The claim is considered true, and no natural explanations are even required. The explanations are moot.