Why do you need for there to be a hell and Satan?

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Why do you need for there to be a hell and Satan?

Statistics show that quite a few Christians and Catholics and Muslims believe in a Satan and a hell.

Does this explains why you demand that a burning torturous hell exist?

I though that it was just your love of hating the others that will not join your tribe but it may go to a deeper psychological need for your own exoneration of guilt.



Better to shovel coal in hell than to spend eternity watching friends, neighbors and our children in torture and flame forever.
Only a sick mind would conceive of such a situation or wish it upon anyone. That is why God would not do such because then, heaven would be hell.
If those in heaven did not go insane then they could not have once been human or good.

You should think of hell just a bit and recognize that God would not create such an immoral construct. Lose your barbaric tribal mentality. We are in 2011, not 111.






If the first link is not true, then what is your reason for ignoring all the good and moral reason that hell must not and should not exist?

Why would you have your God send, or allow, if you actually believe that we choose hell over God, to send souls to a hell?

Please do not give the B S reason of free will. Sending or allowing someone to go to hell eliminates free will in whatever scenario you can create.

Why do you need for there to be a hell and Satan?

it's a result, not a need.

it's kind of like what i'm sure those in the areas surrounding and a the fukushima power plant are experiencing right now, or people in libya, or all over the world really, and we always have. i don't understand people who can live in this world and think the idea of hell is such a stretch.
it's a result, not a need.

it's kind of like what i'm sure those in the areas surrounding and a the fukushima power plant are experiencing right now, or people in libya, or all over the world really, and we always have. i don't understand people who can live in this world and think the idea of hell is such a stretch.

If it's not such a stretch, then where is it?
If it's not such a stretch, then where is it?

i don't know. rumor has it you have to be dead to go there. i don't remember ever being dead so... :shrug:

BUT i do see and experience what might be a metaphorical rendition of it every day right here. all i have to do is extrapolate from the rendition a wee bit and i'm there.
That might be "the stretch" right there.

perhaps. perhaps it doesn't matter. i believe in a spiritual afterlife, but i don't see a reason why desire and consequence would have any different effect on environment there as it does here. from what "they" say it seems the effect may be more intense.

"they" being the experts on what happens to us after we die that is.
perhaps. perhaps it doesn't matter. i believe in a spiritual afterlife, but i don't see a reason why desire and consequence would have any different effect on environment there as it does here. from what "they" say it seems the effect may be more intense.

"they" being the experts on what happens to us after we die that is.
There is no evidence there even is an afterlife, not to mention of what it would be like.
it's a result, not a need.

it's kind of like what i'm sure those in the areas surrounding and a the fukushima power plant are experiencing right now, or people in libya, or all over the world really, and we always have. i don't understand people who can live in this world and think the idea of hell is such a stretch.

That is because most will demand that God have morals and not create immoral constructs the way you demand it.

So your omnipotent all knowing God knew that the vast majority would end in a hell as a consequence of his actions an went ahead anyway without a revision of his, LOL, perfect plan.

That is insane when he could just find a better way.

I guess that that Bishop did not phase your twisted beliefs at all then?
Your thinking is above his?

Why do you need to ask?

Only because of the fact that Christians are supposed to be all about forgiveness yet they have created a system where there is none for even the smallest sinner for all of eternity in a place of torture.
That is rather sick and I am trying to understand their sickness.

Satan is an adults version of a childs monster under the bed belief or fear!

Exactly. The old carrot and stick.

Parents learned the value of not using the stick on their children but some Christians are not quite there yet.

From the Church POV, there is nothing like a bit of fear to loosen those purse strings.

Salvation for sale. Get your red hot salvation here. Just bring $$$.

Yes the church uses Sunday school to make sure that th imaginary concepts that children have of monsters is transferred to the ultimate monster, Satan. Get em young while their reasoning skills are not developed yet and feed em the fairy tale! Nothing more than exploitation if you ask me! Mo believers, mo money, mo churches and business is booming.
Why do you need for there to be a hell and Satan?

Statistics show that quite a few Christians and Catholics and Muslims believe in a Satan and a hell.

Does this explains why you demand that a burning torturous hell exist?

I though that it was just your love of hating the others that will not join your tribe but it may go to a deeper psychological need for your own exoneration of guilt.



Better to shovel coal in hell than to spend eternity watching friends, neighbors and our children in torture and flame forever.
Only a sick mind would conceive of such a situation or wish it upon anyone. That is why God would not do such because then, heaven would be hell.
If those in heaven did not go insane then they could not have once been human or good.

You should think of hell just a bit and recognize that God would not create such an immoral construct. Lose your barbaric tribal mentality. We are in 2011, not 111.






If the first link is not true, then what is your reason for ignoring all the good and moral reason that hell must not and should not exist?

Why would you have your God send, or allow, if you actually believe that we choose hell over God, to send souls to a hell?

Please do not give the B S reason of free will. Sending or allowing someone to go to hell eliminates free will in whatever scenario you can create.

Why do you need for there to be a hell and Satan?


I'll answer with my opinion here when I watch all the videos, but until then... Love YouTube much? lol
That is because most will demand that God have morals and not create immoral constructs the way you demand it.

So your omnipotent all knowing God knew that the vast majority would end in a hell as a consequence of his actions an went ahead anyway without a revision of his, LOL, perfect plan.

That is insane when he could just find a better way.

I guess that that Bishop did not phase your twisted beliefs at all then?
Your thinking is above his?


i didn't watch your videos.

what better way? aren't you the one who's so thankful to A&E for enlightenment?
It's a need for entertainment. What else would the saved do in heaven besides enjoy the tortures of the damned?
I'm Jewish and as far as I know Judaism has no concept of hell.

That sort of disproves hell. If Jesus was Jewish then he would not have believed in hell nor Satan. Which as far as I know, every single one of Jesus's encounters with Satan or hell has been when he was alone.

If he were alone then how in the world did the writers, whom wrote the gospels years after his death know what happened?

By opinion was that Jesus did not believe in hell, that hell was created by the writers and the church to scare everyone into converting.

That's also one of the reasons the Jews don't really like Christianity. Christians tout around Jesus as the hero that saved us all from a firery torment in hell. But to Jews hell never has and never will exist, and at best it did not exist before christ. So from that perspective Jesus was a fraud that saved people from something that never actually existed.
It's a need for entertainment. What else would the saved do in heaven besides enjoy the tortures of the damned?

heaven couldn't exist without hell. it's a duality, just like everything else in creation.
I'm Jewish and as far as I know Judaism has no concept of hell.

That sort of disproves hell. If Jesus was Jewish then he would not have believed in hell nor Satan. Which as far as I know, every single one of Jesus's encounters with Satan or hell has been when he was alone.

If he were alone then how in the world did the writers, whom wrote the gospels years after his death know what happened?

By opinion was that Jesus did not believe in hell, that hell was created by the writers and the church to scare everyone into converting.

That's also one of the reasons the Jews don't really like Christianity. Christians tout around Jesus as the hero that saved us all from a firery torment in hell. But to Jews hell never has and never will exist, and at best it did not exist before christ. So from that perspective Jesus was a fraud that saved people from something that never actually existed.

So hell is not a concept from the old testament? Wow news to me!