Why do you love God?

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To all theists:

Why do you love God?
Why should I (or anyone) love God?
I mean, I'm not saying there isn't a reason out there to love God, I just can't figure it out. I've really tried.
I mean, I'm not saying there isn't a reason out there to love God, I just can't figure it out. I've really tried.

I have to admit I'm an atheist though.
I was just giving an answer a theist might come up with.
Yeah, I figured that after your second post. You're right they would give that as a reason. I'd love to hear a theist expand on that reason.
I mean, I'm not saying there isn't a reason out there to love God, I just can't figure it out. I've really tried.

Maybe think of it like this:

God is like the pizza delivery guy: always in the neighborhood (everywhere and anywhere), easy to call on when you're hungry (for faith or food) and brings tidings of love and joy (like pepperoni pizza, mmm)

Why not love God like you love the pizza delivery guy when he brings you that hot, steaming pie of melted cheese, tomato sauce, and extra toppings? C'mon, you know that the moment that pizza arrives, after you've been starving and waiting impatiently for the last thirty minutes, you love the pizza guy...just for a second :D

Or maybe you hate pizza...then you have a problem...

Or maybe just forget about loving God. Does it really matter?
I mean, I'm not saying there isn't a reason out there to love God, I just can't figure it out. I've really tried.

Out of gratitude for the blessings he has heaped upon you. For sending his only brgotten son to save wretches like you from the consequences of your sin.

And lastly, for giving us the Bible, which proves the above to be true.
Maybe think of it like this:

God is like the pizza delivery guy: always in the neighborhood (everywhere and anywhere), easy to call on when you're hungry (for faith or food) and brings tidings of love and joy (like pepperoni pizza, mmm)

Why not love God like you love the pizza delivery guy when he brings you that hot, steaming pie of melted cheese, tomato sauce, and extra toppings? C'mon, you know that the moment that pizza arrives, after you've been starving and waiting impatiently for the last thirty minutes, you love the pizza guy...just for a second :D

Or maybe you hate pizza...then you have a problem...

Or maybe just forget about loving God. Does it really matter?

You have raised an interesting point. Some biblical scholars claim that it was not manna but pizza that fell from heaven to feed the jews. See " The Testimony of Jeremiah" in which this question is dealt with at some length.
You have raised an interesting point. Some biblical scholars claim that it was not manna but pizza that fell from heaven to feed the jews. See " The Testimony of Jeremiah" in which this question is dealt with at some length.

All praise the holy pizza; giver of life, creator of joy!:D
Theists might not admit their true reasons for loving God because in reality they do it purely out of selfishness.

Other than Satanists, can one believe in God without loving Him?
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To all theists:

Why do you love God?
Why should I (or anyone) love God?
the forerunner to any sort of love is service or reciprocation.
IOW the act of reciprocation with another is that you come to know something of their name, form, qualities and it is from knowledge of these things (knowledge attained through the medium of service) that love arises.

So the question is not so much why you should love god (since that would be a bit ambitious for a person not rendering service) but rather why you should serve god.

And if you read scripture that is generally what you find - namely notions of reward/benefit that we will find appealing (kind of like sugar coating medicine), implications of how the material world is troublesome, appeals to sense of duty etc etc - all to bring one around to the point of service to god.
the forerunner to any sort of love is service or reciprocation.
IOW the act of reciprocation with another is that you come to know something of their name, form, qualities and it is from knowledge of these things (knowledge attained through the medium of service) that love arises.

So the question is not so much why you should love god (since that would be a bit ambitious for a person not rendering service) but rather why you should serve god.

And if you read scripture that is generally what you find - namely notions of reward/benefit that we will find appealing (kind of like sugar coating medicine), implications of how the material world is troublesome, appeals to sense of duty etc etc - all to bring one around to the point of service to god.

I don't agree. One can love plainly without service or reciprocation. How do you figure that one needs one of those two things to love? Why should one try to "serve" god over "loving" god...I don't get it. How do you "serve" god? And, in the end, does he really give a shit?
I don't agree. One can love plainly without service or reciprocation. How do you figure that one needs one of those two things to love?
the only sort of love I can conceive of that doesn't involve service or reciprocation is something like a teenage girl falling on love with a movie star and plastering her walls with his image .... and even then the girl is doing some sort of service (as evidenced by the walls of her bedroom). Of course such a love cannot prevail because there is no reciprocation
Why should one try to "serve" god over "loving" god...I don't get it. How do you "serve" god?
I guess the first aspect of service is obedience

And, in the end, does he really give a shit?
if you are talking about having some sort of relationship with something where the notion of trying to serve or reciprocate with it is absurd, I would argue that "love" is not the right word. I mean you can be in awe of the sky, be amazed by it or even fear it but you can't "love" it.
the only sort of love I can conceive of that doesn't involve service or reciprocation is something like a teenage girl falling on love with a movie star and plastering her walls with his image .... and even then the girl is doing some sort of service (as evidenced by the walls of her bedroom). Of course such a love cannot prevail because there is no reciprocation.

But you're trying to limit "love" to within the realms of your understanding...you are generalizing. Just because you can only concieve of love that endures only with reciprocation or service doesn't mean that it is so. What about God and what they say in the Christian religion? Does God not LOVE everyone, whether they love him, worship him, obey him, etc, or not? And as for the teenage-bedroom-wall thing, could you not argue that it is not love, but infatuation? One has to define love in order to understand it, but I would say love and its boundaries are indefinable. Love/obsession, Love/hate, Love/lust, Love/infatuation, Love/crush....ect, ect...just like trying to define evil....almost impossible because it is relative.