Why do you follow a genocidal God?

I contend that we first learn about God from people, not from God directly.
most learn from others,some directly..

Such "taking responsibility" would be an act of meta-religion. Meta-religion is at odds with religion.
why would taking responsibility for your own beliefs be a meta-religion?
(i believe what i believe because I believe it,not because someone told me to believe it..)

Secondly, what you seem to mean by "taking responsibility for one's beliefs" is tantamount to making things up.
i think at this point you are reaching..

If one's beliefs about God are not in line with an authoritative theistic tradition, then one is quite likely making things up.
so they (religion) would have you believe..
How do you know that it is indeed from God, and not a delusion of yours?

well firstly, because i'm not a fucking idiot.


You're an extreme epistemic egoist.

are you saying that you don't think god could "handle" being able to identify himself to me?

It's about whether you could know God without first learning who God is from other people.

I am sure that God can "identify" Himself to people.
I am not so sure people can identify God - at least not without reference to some existing theistic tradition.

are you saying that you go around questioning EVERYTHING you experience as to whether it's a delusion or not?

I find that a degree of questioning is necessary.

You only have your ideas of me.
Which are only conditionally "yours", as they are largely defined by your specific cultural background.

what planet are you on? seriously? my ideas of you are a direct result of what you express here on this forum. why do you think that's so complicated?

I can only repeat:
You only have your ideas of me.
Which are only conditionally "yours", as they are largely defined by your specific cultural background.

It appears things look so simple for you because you have never seriously ventured beyond your Christian upbringing.

who are you talking to? you need to feed that bullshit to someone who doesn't know cause honey, i've actually lived this life of mine.

Did you ever try being a Muslim? A Hindu?

first of all, you're over-generalizing what i meant by that. secondly, most so called christians would mock my idea as well. who cares?

I guess an extreme epistemic egoist does not care about such things.

You're an extreme epistemic egoist.

and apparently, you're a fucking idiot. ha!

It's about whether you could know God without first learning who God is from other people.

I am sure that God can "identify" Himself to people.
I am not so sure people can identify God - at least not without reference to some existing theistic tradition.

that's because you've never met god. i have, so i'm sure.

I find that a degree of questioning is necessary.

god's answers are very clear. i think you'd rather spend your time questioning than ever attain any actual knowledge. what do you think about that?

I can only repeat:
You only have your ideas of me.
Which are only conditionally "yours", as they are largely defined by your specific cultural background.

and i can only repeat, my ideas of you come from what you write on this forum.

Did you ever try being a Muslim? A Hindu?

lol. no. i never tried being a christian. faith isn't something you try; it's something you have or you don't.

I guess an extreme epistemic egoist does not care about such things.

and i guess idiots do.
No, you should have answered without looking at the image code or looking up the picture elsewhere.

You should have also recognized Him as God.

i couldn't help but look at the image code; it became apparent when i hit the quote button to respond to your post, silly.

and why would i recognize that as god? why would i recognize any image as god? i've never seen god's face. i've never seen god in any apparent physical form except that part of creation i'm familiar with. none of the artistic depictions of christ are even correct, and he was a human.

you don't make a lot of sense most of the time signal. you should consider that.
Not even the god of money?

Bro, that's really kind of sad.

Homage to the gods of sorrow, monetary policy, and, pharmaceutical antidepressants.

""You know why they call it the 'American Dream' don't you... because you have to be asleep to believe it." -George Carlin
Muslims, for example, would mock your idea of "communicating with God", and so would many Hindus. And they are both theists. And per you, both of them are just "slapping different labels on the same thing".

Ironically, the only person here mocking that idea is you.
And you have graduated from logical fallacies, yes? :rolleyes:

and what do you know about logic? if you know anything about it at all, you surely don't put it to use on this forum...ever.
Of course she does present good logic, but others emotions can block it.

prove it. i have never known signal to present any logic, good or bad. signal is an evasive, dishonest troll who talks out both sides of his/her mouth. the only emotion signal ever incites is frustration because he/she never makes any sense. and speaking of emotion, the very reason signal is a troll is because he/she is jaded and having some martyr's pity party about the sad results of their own desires and actions. signal does nothing but look for someone to blame. signal is pathetic.