Why do you follow a genocidal God?

stop passing the buck signal! your relationship with god is not squirrel's responsibility; it's yours.

You are either in complete denial about where and how you got your knowledge of God from;
or you are ignorant about where and how you got your knowledge of God from;
or you have divine status.

If the former two, you have no say here.

And if the latter, it shouldn't be so hard to declare it, should it?
Originally Posted by Lori_7
stop passing the buck signal! your relationship with god is not squirrel's responsibility; it's yours.
You are either in complete denial about where and how you got your knowledge of God from;
or you are ignorant about where and how you got your knowledge of God from;
or you have divine status.

If the former two, you have no say here.

And if the latter, it shouldn't be so hard to declare it, should it?

hehe..what a way to dismiss your responsibility..
what does that have to do with what she said?
hehe..what a way to dismiss your responsibility..
what does that have to do with what she said?

Why is it so hard for you to acknowledge that what you presume to know about God, you get from people?

To believe it is "my responsibility" to "have a relationship with God" is to believe that I can just make it all up, free style, as I see fit, like a deliberate delusion, loosely tied to the Bible - or the Koran or the Vedas or whichever.

Why is it so hard for you to acknowledge that what you presume to know about God, you get from people?
why is it so hard for you to acknowledge there is more to God than any person can communicate?
there is what i know about God and what i think i know about God.(the latter qualifies for your presumption)

To believe it is "my responsibility" to "have a relationship with God" is to believe that I can just make it all up, free style, as I see fit, like a deliberate delusion, loosely tied to the Bible - or the Koran or the Vedas or whichever.


sure..go ahead and make stuff up..then take responsibility for it.
don't blame the church leaders,the parishioners,your friends,or other believers for your take on God as it was you who made it up..

apparently you have no clue how one takes responsibility for ones own beliefs, with this line of arguing,you are saying (if you were to be a believer) that you are more than willing to 'do as your told' when it comes to God.
(in fact that is exactly what you are arguing with the 'your knowledge of God comes from other ppl')
Why is it so hard for you to acknowledge that what you presume to know about God, you get from people?

To believe it is "my responsibility" to "have a relationship with God" is to believe that I can just make it all up, free style, as I see fit, like a deliberate delusion, loosely tied to the Bible - or the Koran or the Vedas or whichever.


people build god. All the people. They minister to god . Do you think that God would listen ? What would you have god to do? Every body has an opinion . Which ones would god rule out? Would it be better to bring the whole flock. O.K. political time as religion is political by its roots . You think if the 3rd. world does not become first world that the 3rd. world would be resentful and drag the 3rd world into its world ? You getting what I am saying . What if the 3rd world was given the advantages of the 1st. world ? Then what ? How can that happen ? Corporation is shopping you know . Yeah for the cheapest labor. China is having a problem with escalating labor prices , did you know that . Anyway that it self will keep the world pinned to its knees .

Do you get my point ? The lost sheep will keep the flock from moving to greener pastures. It is the age old problem . It is the reason there is so many laws . You think that the laws of Moses are anymore ridicules than E.P.A. laws of environmental concern . The future will not think so . You can just about count on that . Human activity is on the verge of discovery is why . Exponential growth in information . Your personal bombardment is a testament to that
You are either in complete denial about where and how you got your knowledge of God from;
or you are ignorant about where and how you got your knowledge of God from;
or you have divine status.

If the former two, you have no say here.

And if the latter, it shouldn't be so hard to declare it, should it?

i got my knowledge of god from god. just like i got my knowledge of you from you. it doesn't get any more straight forward than that. one does not have to be "divine" to receive knowledge of god. sorry, you're argument is bullshit. give it up already.
Why is it so hard for you to acknowledge that what you presume to know about God, you get from people?

To believe it is "my responsibility" to "have a relationship with God" is to believe that I can just make it all up, free style, as I see fit, like a deliberate delusion, loosely tied to the Bible - or the Koran or the Vedas or whichever.


am i making you up? are you a delusion? do i get my knowledge of you from other people? or are you an entity that actually exists and interacts with me, thereby exhibiting characteristics that can be observed?
Anything that lasts forever is boring and torturous. Things need a beginning and end in order to be meaningful. Also, it seems like it would be too clean.

Indeed. The whole thing sounds rather questionable to me.
Praising genocide or arse kissing isn't my thing. :/

If deities do exists and my good conduct towards my fellow humans isn't enough I'd still have no regrets.
why is it so hard for you to acknowledge there is more to God than any person can communicate?

I never said there wasn't more to God than any person can communicate.

I contend that we first learn about God from people, not from God directly.

sure..go ahead and make stuff up..then take responsibility for it.
don't blame the church leaders,the parishioners,your friends,or other believers for your take on God as it was you who made it up..

This is teeming with logical fallacies.

apparently you have no clue how one takes responsibility for ones own beliefs

Such "taking responsibility" would be an act of meta-religion. Meta-religion is at odds with religion.

Secondly, what you seem to mean by "taking responsibility for one's beliefs" is tantamount to making things up.
If one's beliefs about God are not in line with an authoritative theistic tradition, then one is quite likely making things up.
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i got my knowledge of god from god.

How do you know that it is indeed from God, and not a delusion of yours?

just like i got my knowledge of you from you.

So to you, "communicating with God" seems as real as communicating with me?

it doesn't get any more straight forward than that. one does not have to be "divine" to receive knowledge of god.

How do you know that the knowledge you presume to be from and of God, indeed is from and of God - and not your delusion, a socially accepted and propagated lie?

sorry, you're argument is bullshit. give it up already.

How wonderfully Christian of you.

am i making you up? are you a delusion? do i get my knowledge of you from other people? or are you an entity that actually exists and interacts with me, thereby exhibiting characteristics that can be observed?

You only have your ideas of me.
Which are only conditionally "yours", as they are largely defined by your specific cultural background.

It appears things look so simple for you because you have never seriously ventured beyond your Christian upbringing.

Muslims, for example, would mock your idea of "communicating with God", and so would many Hindus. And they are both theists. And per you, both of them are just "slapping different labels on the same thing".
Lori -

Who or what is this:


Why do you follow a genocidal God?
I don't follow any Gods, but you can see why the myth-soaked hordes might:

Lots of free stuff, maybe some slaves, or even virgins to keep


Plus, it gives the murderous loons some fresh air and exercise!

Can't fault the homicidal l'il rascals for that...

"Gee, what a terrific party. Later on we'll get some fluid and embalm each other." - Neil Simon
How do you know that it is indeed from God, and not a delusion of yours?

well firstly, because i'm not a fucking idiot. and secondly, because this is god we're talking about, responding to a request on my part. are you saying that you don't think god could "handle" being able to identify himself to me? are you saying that you go around questioning EVERYTHING you experience as to whether it's a delusion or not? is this conversation a delusion of yours? perhaps your entire life and your own existence is a delusion of yours and you're not really here. perhaps your dinner last night was a delusion. perhaps your mom is a delusion. :m:

So to you, "communicating with God" seems as real as communicating with me?

actually much more real. god isn't an evasive, lying troll like you are. :)

How do you know that the knowledge you presume to be from and of God, indeed is from and of God - and not your delusion, a socially accepted and propagated lie?

i've already addressed the delusion speculation above. in addition, almost nothing god has taught me is socially accepted (lol), and through personal experience i have found it all to be 100% true.

How wonderfully Christian of you.

yes, it's called honesty. i know you're not a fan.

You only have your ideas of me.
Which are only conditionally "yours", as they are largely defined by your specific cultural background.

what planet are you on? seriously? my ideas of you are a direct result of what you express here on this forum. why do you think that's so complicated?

It appears things look so simple for you because you have never seriously ventured beyond your Christian upbringing.

who are you talking to? you need to feed that bullshit to someone who doesn't know cause honey, i've actually lived this life of mine.

Muslims, for example, would mock your idea of "communicating with God", and so would many Hindus. And they are both theists. And per you, both of them are just "slapping different labels on the same thing".

first of all, you're over-generalizing what i meant by that. secondly, most so called christians would mock my idea as well. who cares?