Why do you follow a genocidal God?

People can be convinced about anything. You just need the right person to do the talking and they will convince many many people to do their bidding whether right or wrong. That's why wars start many times because people are lead to believe that the war must be done to insure that people are protected from one thing or another. Same with religions, their leaders convince their followers to "believe" in what they are told without questioning or doubting what is being told to them.
GOD: THE NON ROLE MODEL ‘Tis lucky for us that God doesn’t exist, for in breaking the rules he’d ever persist. Even his own Commandments wouldn’t be sacred since he’d murder his own forms created. Well, this would be goof, big time—a mistake, so then a joyous rainbow he might make, to show he’d no more make a worldly lake, but, he could still destroy us all by Earthquake!

He’d slay by flame and flood excruciate; he’d entrap; he’d blame us for his mistake; he’d hold grudges for our ancestors’ sins; he’d throw tantrums and fits—his name, God’s sake! Other loves would not allowed by this jealous one, for he’d want to be the only one to enjoy the fun. For his low esteem our adoration would be required, this request being much like singing to the choir.

Would he have to sleep or rest on the 7th day, after working 24-6 on making the universal hay? Or would he have boundless energy reserves, such that he could do it all through an instant blurb? Would God’s last name be known as ‘Dammit’, with ‘Harold’ his name on Earth’s planet, and would He be ‘Art’ named—when up in Heaven? Would we swearest in vain these names never taken?

We’d have to be really lazy on the Sabbath day, not even lifting up a finger or even wave a bug away, keeping holy and wholly the laundry on Sunday, even avoiding football, as the Pope might say. Cripes, he’d have been in the right place at the right time, not ever having been made, not even costing a dime. What luck to be unborn with so much talent; never having earned his spot with any effort spent. Well, we’d still humour our dear parents, not telling them where we’d been apparent: honoring her offer, on her and off her; yet, we’d soon learn what’s what, via human nature.

If this non God we’d emulate, we could kill those who solicitate—with our free will, even time, spouses, bugs, microbes and other swill, and, of course, outlaws, and, especially, in-laws. Ah, but the concept of reward and punishment handed out by this omnipotent, omniscient God, is but derivative of family experience—the child and parent—a conception of our world.

So, if God’s a good role model, a leader, someone that we would follow, imitate, emulate, be like, adore, or follow, then what else would his fine example allow? We could jail people for the sins of their ancestors, exterminate humanity, allow known evil to exist and tempt, and devise devious entrapment plans. We could have temper tantrums and outbursts, envy, or not permit competitors, grant free will only it matched our own, and covet worship, adoration, and praise. The Christian God is vengeful, demands of, and tortures us with threats of hellish shove. Well, if I were a God and ruled above, you could remove all my powers but love.

Now, back to the Commandments sultry: yes, we should surely admit adultery. But, why banish all thoughts impure, those that are simply our human nature? Now, if he’d wanted us not to be naked, say, then surely we’d have been born that way! as for padding, that would false witness be, so, please, please keep a breast of reality. And no loving thy neighbors much too much, by coveting their Heavenly bodies such, but, thy own ass do covet—as it’s not free; follow Moses, by always tying it to a tree. There are stealers about, another shalt not, who take office supplies home a lot, and take various and sundry restaurant items, as well as keeping every pen, never buying them. Now, really, always do one to others, too, before they can do the same to you, and never lie in court; no, not you—just let your lawyer do it for you!

Now, walking on water is very much out, unless there is solid ice—winter, no doubt, and never know that sin is fun’s evil twin, and ever enter that evil sin-a-God. So, what more would this invented God be, the one with neither paternity nor maternity? Would we then be made so specially that we’d be rewarded for all eternity? If we’d worship him from fear of Hell, then he’d rightly cast us into it; if we’d worship him from a desire for paradise, then he’d deny us entrance into it. He’d say to Adam and Eve in Eden: “Do what you like, but don’t eat the apple”. Well, we know that when you tell children not to touch something, they certainly will! Only a fool would blame his own creations for the flaws therein, for his poor craftsmanship, so rejoice, there’s no maker of man—these ‘flaws’ provide for many, interesting character types!

Well, He’s still on prozac, so they say, for he works in mysterious [insane] ways. The free will to us given is ever free, unless it doesn’t match his own entirely. So, we’d still think that sins, or ills, of a mental nature are caused by the Devil, an evil tempting spirit; however, now we know of brain chemistry gone astray. He’d still detest evil so totally completely, that he’d allow the Devil to tempt us mercilessly. And sins, even the most horrible ones, well, no big deal; we’d just repent them to avoid Hell.

Rigged & jigged, God’s perfect plans would be done, but he’d long for some surprises yet to come, so he might even roll the dice, it being random; “Darn!” he’d say, I already knew the outcome!” One-night stands with engaged young virgins would be OK, but those are not good urgin’s; and no fighting, especially if you are weak; so, when one kisses your ass, turn the other cheek! Thus, a God-who-is-a-being would, like us, be dependent on, and exist after, the ground of ultimate reality, and so could not, in himself, be his own cause. The Diviner would just sit around, with nothing else to do, his mind already full with what would become as new. He couldn’t play dice, scrambling the forecast, For he would know all of which the die was cast.

Now, hail the real all and the one, omnipresent, for it’s eternal, too, and can neither be created nor destroyed, being its own cause, and the ground of all—it’s positive/negative energy!
People can be convinced about anything. You just need the right person to do the talking and they will convince many many people to do their bidding whether right or wrong. That's why wars start many times because people are lead to believe that the war must be done to insure that people are protected from one thing or another. Same with religions, their leaders convince their followers to "believe" in what they are told without questioning or doubting what is being told to them.

True, and without doubt, gullibility runs rampant.
Thank God, so to speak, that our younger generations are less gullible than their parents and are bringing the death or literalist and fundamental religions that much closer.
Pedophile seems to be doing it's fair share of damage as well.
The rest is to those who will not let religionists wallow in their delusions.

Why do you follow a genocidal God?

Bible God, the un-knowable one, has been described in scriptures by someone claiming to know much of the un-knowable God. How the un-knowable can be know has yet to shown. On reading scriptures, some have concluded that Bible God is quite immoral.

I tend to agree based on moral reasons and would like to keep the discussion on morality without going into whether God is real or not. Something that we cannot prove. We can prove though whether we think Bible God acted morally or not.

The first followers of Bible God, the Jews, also seem to agree with Dawkins and myself.


Genocide, or attempted genocide is considered by most to be a low moral position.

Followers of a Hitler or Stalin, who would try to justify their genocidal actions, would not be well received by most of us.

Why then do you think that we should join you in following a God who takes the moral low ground of genocide instead of doing the right moral thing and curing instead of killing those he thinks defective?

As a religionist myself, I can understand seeking God but why would we want to seek, or follow a genocidal one?

What attracts you to a genocidal God?
Is it just that might makes right?

We are to emulate God.
Does that mean that you too would use genocide as a form of what most believers think of as good justice?


your posts tend to generally be a combination of applying issues of morality pertinent to humans (who don't have the ability to create life for example) to god (who clearly is in a different category).

You also tend to rationalize such misplaced assumptions on the notion that humans have it within their capability to become god (... yet another error of falsely assigning categories)

I'm on board with Jehovah being a genocidal maniac.
It's not that I don't believe in him, I just think he lies...

An all powerful deity can't really take sides.
That's why most polytheistic religions leave the top gods, the creators, alone, and have always spent more time lobbying the lesser deities, you see. Very sensible.
Christianity evolved from Judaism, which evolved from a polytheism. Monotheism seems to have been a rather recent and unpleasant invention. If what I read about it (and my memory of same) serves me correctly, it came about during a time of social and ecologic upheaval for the jews and for the middle east in general...and out of pastoralists.
Not a fan of monotheism, I just find it harsh.
Is their any greater an act of Evil ....then creating a place to torture beings for eternity :eek:

How could such a being be worthy of worship
Is their any greater an act of Evil ....then creating a place to torture beings for eternity :eek:

How could such a being be worthy of worship

Torture is a state of existence that results from aspects of human nature, and some humans worship those aspects instead of god.
Is their any greater an act of Evil ....then creating a place to torture beings for eternity :eek:

How could such a being be worthy of worship

if your mom told you not to touch the burner or you will get burnt, and you touch it and get burnt, do you blame your mom for burning you?
if your mom told you not to touch the burner or you will get burnt, and you touch it and get burnt, do you blame your mom for burning you?

and if your mom tortures you for enternity for making some mistakes
Your mom is a evil monster
if your mom told you not to touch the burner or you will get burnt, and you touch it and get burnt, do you blame your mom for burning you?

But he knows his mother, sees her, hears her, he can touch her, he is not confused about her identity, there exists a mutual relationship between them.

None of which can be said for God.
and if your mom tortures you for enternity for making some mistakes
Your mom is a evil monster

God doesn't torture..satan does

But he knows his mother, sees her, hears her, he can touch her, he is not confused about her identity, there exists a mutual relationship between them.

None of which can be said for God.
um..i know (familiarity) God, I can see Gods work, Lori can hear God ;), i am not confused about his identity, AND there exists a mutual relationship between me and God..
your posts tend to generally be a combination of applying issues of morality pertinent to humans (who don't have the ability to create life for example) to god (who clearly is in a different category).

That is not true till proven.
That is what is said by man but we have nothing to prove it.

You also tend to rationalize such misplaced assumptions on the notion that humans have it within their capability to become god (... yet another error of falsely assigning categories)


You, it seems to me, are the one assuming things of the un-knowable God.

As to becoming as God's, God himself in Eden showed that we can.
Step up. Gnostics have the right idea. God is within, not without.


I follow myself, and that lead me to God.

I did as you did and found a different Godhead.
Do you have an explanation for that or are we both delusional?
If we were right, would we not have found the same thing?

Just how did your apotheosis happen. Details please.

Is their any greater an act of Evil ....then creating a place to torture beings for eternity :eek:

How could such a being be worthy of worship

He would not be.

A real God would not set up a system where he could possibly be seen as loosing any of his perfect souls.

Deuteronomy 32:4
He is the Rock, his work is perfect:

and if your mom tortures you for enternity for making some mistakes
Your mom is a evil monster

i repeat...

Torture is a state of existence that results from aspects of human nature, and some humans worship those aspects instead of god.

and add...

some people worship those aspects forever.

so stop whining.