Why do you follow a genocidal God?

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Why do you follow a genocidal God?

Bible God, the un-knowable one, has been described in scriptures by someone claiming to know much of the un-knowable God. How the un-knowable can be know has yet to shown. On reading scriptures, some have concluded that Bible God is quite immoral.

I tend to agree based on moral reasons and would like to keep the discussion on morality without going into whether God is real or not. Something that we cannot prove. We can prove though whether we think Bible God acted morally or not.

The first followers of Bible God, the Jews, also seem to agree with Dawkins and myself.


Genocide, or attempted genocide is considered by most to be a low moral position.

Followers of a Hitler or Stalin, who would try to justify their genocidal actions, would not be well received by most of us.

Why then do you think that we should join you in following a God who takes the moral low ground of genocide instead of doing the right moral thing and curing instead of killing those he thinks defective?

As a religionist myself, I can understand seeking God but why would we want to seek, or follow a genocidal one?

What attracts you to a genocidal God?
Is it just that might makes right?

We are to emulate God.
Does that mean that you too would use genocide as a form of what most believers think of as good justice?

might doesn't make right; perfect knowledge makes right. the difference between you and i and hitler and stalin and god is, god is our creator; the creator of the universe and the law. what attracts me to a genocidal god is knowledge of god, knowledge of suffering, faith in an eternal existence above and beyond this physical realm, and faith that myself and others have learned what we were supposed to learn in this life. i absolutely reject the corruption that is inherent within all of us and the very foundation of our society, and i absolutely reject anyone who doesn't reject this corruption with me.

everybody dies in this world.

as a matter of fact i polled sciforums once as to whether or not people would choose to live forever in this world, if it were possible, and the overwhelming response was "hell no."
Agree with SG here. Regardless of whether I've been there or not I wouldn't want to live forever anywhere. If it was even possible everything about us would change. Immortals wouldn't behave in the same way as mortals.
Well pelpole follow a God due to they are not able to cope with the reality of what the world really is a very drak and scary place that is full of all kinds of nasties. People follow a God due to weak mindedness and a sense of there has to be something better then what they currently have. There is no other reason to follow a God other then you are not happy with what you are and what you have and when you die because you will you want to have a feeling of well this is not so bad I will be in a better place rather then just roting away and being dead.
how do you know that if you've never been there (that you remember anyway)?

Anything that lasts forever is boring and torturous. Things need a beginning and end in order to be meaningful. Also, it seems like it would be too clean.
Why do you follow a genocidal God?

Bible God, the un-knowable one, has been described in scriptures by someone claiming to know much of the un-knowable God. How the un-knowable can be know has yet to shown. On reading scriptures, some have concluded that Bible God is quite immoral.
you say God is unknowable then describe him with definitive terms like 'genocidal' and 'immoral'..
so how can you 'know' that God is genocidal if God is unknowable?

doesn't that raise the red flag?

We are to emulate God.
nope..we are supposed to emulate Jesus.
might doesn't make right; perfect knowledge makes right. the difference between you and i and hitler and stalin and god is, god is our creator; the creator of the universe and the law. what attracts me to a genocidal god is knowledge of god, knowledge of suffering, faith in an eternal existence above and beyond this physical realm, and faith that myself and others have learned what we were supposed to learn in this life. i absolutely reject the corruption that is inherent within all of us and the very foundation of our society, and i absolutely reject anyone who doesn't reject this corruption with me.

everybody dies in this world.

as a matter of fact i polled sciforums once as to whether or not people would choose to live forever in this world, if it were possible, and the overwhelming response was "hell no."

And for that, you sold your soul to a genocidal maniac.


Anything that lasts forever is boring and torturous. Things need a beginning and end in order to be meaningful. Also, it seems like it would be too clean.

according to scripture your spirit lasts forever. time isn't a constant anyway; it's just a function of how we experience things here in our current state (physical and relatively ignorant). for all we know, on some level, everything is happening at once. that doesn't sound boring.
I can only answer as myself, not as some theoretical transcendent timeless being. Anyway, heaven is something we work to re-create here on Earth. It's just nature before we ruined it with our efforts to improve things.
I can only answer as myself, not as some theoretical transcendent timeless being. Anyway, heaven is something we work to re-create here on Earth. It's just nature before we ruined it with our efforts to improve things.

i like this perspective.
I can only answer as myself, not as some theoretical transcendent timeless being. Anyway, heaven is something we work to re-create here on Earth. It's just nature before we ruined it with our efforts to improve things.

How far back do you want to go? I don't think pre-fire man necessarily had heaven, even thought that's probably about as natural as you can get.

I'm all for re-examining how we use our technology to do things, but I kinda like progress. The grass is always greener...but grass is also a domesticated weed, and wouldn't be green at all without our help.
How far back do you want to go? I don't think pre-fire man necessarily had heaven, even thought that's probably about as natural as you can get.

I agree here because man, an evolving creature, will always either cooperate or compete. That is the only two options we can enjoy.
The ancients knew this, I think, as they indicated that all of mankind had the ability to do evil as well as good.
In volutionary terms, evil is competing and cooperating is good.
Good and evil in man naturally. Imagine that.

I'm all for re-examining how we use our technology to do things, but I kinda like progress. The grass is always greener...but grass is also a domesticated weed, and wouldn't be green at all without our help.

When the earth and man reach the limit to our numbers, we will either go to war or find a peaceful way to stabilize the population and resourses. I think it will go to peace.

hehe..Jesus is God as person, sent to show us how to be.

mental......God (father)
emotional..Jesus (son)
physical....the church(believers)
spiritual....holy spirit

Made a trinity into four I see.
Making up your own theology.

Sure. Sent by an immoral God who thinks fathers should bury sons.
A moral God would have stepped up himself.
After all, he set the conditions for the need that his son self aggrandize by suicide for his glory. Idiotic glory. Throw a grenade and then have to fall on it himself.

In following your God, who would die? You or your son?
Would you be as immoral as your God?

Made a trinity into four I see.
Making up your own theology.
making more out of what i said i see..
but seriously..the trinity means nothing without the believer.

and the rest i ain't gonna argue with because the argument against it is an atheist argument..(how do you 'know'? how can you have a definitive definition for God?)
making more out of what i said i see..
but seriously..the trinity means nothing without the believer.

and the rest i ain't gonna argue with because the argument against it is an atheist argument..(how do you 'know'? how can you have a definitive definition for God?)

The silly Trinity concept is garbage because Constantine forced it down Christianities throat.
