Why Do You Believe?


Rest in peace Kurt...
Registered Senior Member
Here's a question I'd like to ask the religious folk in this forum. Not just the Christians, but Jews, Muslims, etc.

Do you believe what you believe because you personally feel that that is the truth, or because you've been taught that that is the truth?

Please answer truthfully. Thanks in advance. Peace, health, and happiness to all. :)

- :cool: Âðelwulf
I don´t think you´ll get many answers, I also asked this question, and the results were meager at best.
You can't be taught truth, you can only be shown where to find it, and which path those who found it has walked thus far. If the path and the truth doesn't coincide, they should be seriously reconsidered before following them.

If they do coincide, they should be tested. We trust our ability to know the truth to decide where to go anyway. That ability is our compass. It points to a question that won't be answered until you're there. So it either leads to death (where no questions are answered), or life (where all are answered). To follow either one requires faith. Faith that it should be your destination.

I have tested my faith against the road I'm on, and found the road wanting, not the faith. I've found that love never goes wrong, so I follow that. I find that the only way love leads to is life, so I aim to reach it. I found that the only faith that promises life is Christ, so I follow him on that road, as my parents did, and their parents, and theirs. As Abraham did, as Noah did. I have stumbled, I have fallen, but I have no doubt that I'm on the right road because of that.
The truth is self attesting.

Therefore there is no excuse for not acknowledging what is manifest.
manifest it over here so we can all see it.
oh I know it only manifests at night in the dark in a cupboard wearing black
baa baa you do say some stupid things.
I accept that my enviroment has had a profound impact on what I believe but I do not believe something that I don't feel is true. What exactly feeling means can be somewhat relative.
the preacher said:
manifest it over here so we can all see it.
oh I know it only manifests at night in the dark in a cupboard wearing black
baa baa you do say some stupid things.

How can one "manifest" something that is already manifest??? :confused:

"baa baa you do say some stupid things."
I was raised a christian, and got sick of hearing babbling preachers and everyone telling me to fear someone who i am supposed to love and be comfortable with. No offence christians!

I turned to wicca recently, and have never felt better. People respect me, i get more in return for my actions (and my actions are now more respectable than before).

I guess i beleive in what i beleive in because i searched for what felt the most "correct", and i am glad i found Wicca.
Oops. I just noticed that I did not even answered the question myself...

I am an atheist, why? Because I always felt a deep distaste for christianity. As an addition, I also do not care if there is a god or not, I do what I want and will deal with the consequences when I have to.
There is just no reason or proof why god should exist.
Dreamwalker: "I am an atheist, why? Because I always felt a deep distaste for christianity."
M*W: Good for you! (Pay attention SourStar). I have a deep distaste for christianity, too, but I'm not an atheist, yet! I just don't believe in the christian concept of their god or their dying demigod savior.
Dreamwalker: As an addition, I also do not care if there is a god or not, I do what I want and will deal with the consequences when I have to. There is just no reason or proof why god should exist.
M*W: It doesn't matter if there was or is a god. Humanity is here now, and we are god. Science cannot prove what IS. Science can only prove what ISN'T.
Jenyar said:
You can't be taught truth, you can only be shown where to find it, . . .

Here's my thinking behind the idea of "being taught the truth". Hopefully, this will clear up some misunderstanding.

Consider, for example, a person who grows up being told by his parents that African Americans are evil. Most likely, that person is gonna believe his parents, and grow up to be racist against Blacks. That person will come to the conclusion that if his parents say Blacks are evil, they must be evil.

I have figured that this could happen with religion as well. What do you think?

- Peace, Love, Health, and Happiness to all. Âðelwulf
I also do not care if there is a god or not, I do what I want and will deal with the consequences when I have to.

That is precisely how I stand when it comes to all those issues of religions.

I believe whatever my intuition tells me is right. However, when I see that my belief contradicts experience, I cast it aside.
i feel Islam is the truth
i have no doubt that Islam is truth.

Many reasons for that:

Islam is the religion of Past , Present and Future.

and has no Myth in it.

Political events.

Current events (religious events)

Promises by prophetm, where large part happened , others waiting.

Islam touches you soul

I have all the answers (why i live , why i die, etc...)

I don't feel empty form inside, where such moments could destroy the person live by killing himself ..etc..

many reasons....indeed.
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Well, why do you believe that? EDIT: Also, why do you believe particularly this thing, particularly Islam, and no other thing? Other people have their questions answered and empty holes filled in other ways.

I guess beliefs depend on personal appeal, tradition, and upbringing.
whitewolf said:
Well, why do you believe that? EDIT: Also, why do you believe particularly this thing, particularly Islam, and no other thing? Other people have their questions answered and empty holes filled in other ways.

I guess beliefs depend on personal appeal, tradition, and upbringing.

from what i see in fornt of me....

I told you many reasons, take for example the political and historical one.

we knew 1400 years that Israel are coming back to our land Pleastine.
we knew 1400 years that we are hoing to destry the persian empire and roman one.
we knew 1400 years that we will capture the city of "Qustanin" which is part of Istanbul, turkey now
we know 1400 years that we will never have peace with Jews.
we knew that we will be so weak at an interval of time which is now.
we know that palestine is coming back and jews will leave.
we know...etc..

whitewolf said:
Can you point to the Quran (I assume this is where it's all written)?

Not all mentioned in Quran, some by prophet.

For example the way is it going to end, the Israel propblem with Muslims, in mentioned in quran at Soura Israa but Prophet gave more details.

He located the place of the battle, which will be at the Jordan river.....but when that ? I don't know....... but i feel it is soon due what is happining in Iraq.

I don't have translations right now, but i can bring you later.
also this part of histroy mentioned in quarn

i took it from other forum from a thread written by a 14 years old chrestian boy.

In the Quran , ALLAH had said that jews will never have peace with muslims … till judjment day …, jews can prove that the Quran is wrong just by simply stop the war and treat muslims like any other group of people…..but till now …for like 100 years and more they just didt…….does this prove anything..?? This story is mostly like the story of ABU LAHAB when god had said he would die as a kafir ( he wont enter islam), ABU LAHAB had 10 years to prove that the QURAN is not the words of ALLAH but he just didn’t….
Translation of Hadith (prophet words)

God’s Messenger also gave the glad tidings of the conquest of Istanbul, saying: Certainly, Constantinople will be conquered. How good is the commander who will conquer it and how good his army!

Hoping to be the object of the Prophet‘s praise, Muslim rulers and commanders, from the time of Mu‘awiya, attempted many times to conquer Constantinople (Istanbul). It was in one of those campaigns that Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, the noble Companion of God’s Messenger, was martyred and buried in the vicinity of the city walls.

Istanbul was conquered by the Ottoman ruler, Mehmed, the Conqueror. Besides this great commander and statesman, his two school friends, Hasan of Ulubat and Qadi Khidr Calabi, as well as his tutor Ak Shamsaddin, were also symbols of this conquest, one in the army, the others in the departments of religious and scientific education. The prayer and praise of God’s Messenger encompasses all of them.

Look how Precisethe words are...

How good is the commander who will conquer it and how good his army

if you go back to hstroy books and read how the battle happened, you would say amazing.......it was amazing battle and amazing trick by the commander.

last things this hadith is 1400 years old.
caffeine_fubar said:
I turned to wicca recently, and have never felt better.

You do know that Wicca was invented in the 40's/50's by a guy named Gerald Gardner who plagiarised portions of Crowley and Leland and just mixed it together, right?