Why do you believe in God?

People believe in a God because they are scared. Scared that they are not the most important race in the universe, and scared that they really do mean nothing.

I will quote from the Life of Brian, "We came from nothing, we are going to nothing, so what did we loose? Nothing!"
People believe in a God because they are scared. Scared that they are not the most important race in the universe, and scared that they really do mean nothing.

I will quote from the Life of Brian, "We came from nothing, we are going to nothing, so what did we loose? Nothing!"

absolutely but god said you were a mistake anyways how can god love a mistake well the mess needs to be cleaned up if it was was not for the mistake god made you would of never have existed and since god does not make mistakes you dont exist this is your eternal confinement of non existence
your are truly nothing
but you do know there is only one nothing like terms baby
mathematics is the language of the truth
the truth is the simplest and only equation of any value
Seriously? You don't know the difference between an emergent property and self-existent reality?

Guess not. I suppose I would do by now if you had have answered the question I've asked twice.

God hasn't been thought of as an emergent property in centuries.

That's really interesting but isn't an answer. Try again.

Don't you think it would be wise to learn about a topic before discussing it?

Certainly, which is why i am waiting for you to teach me. What better person is there?

Now, once you're done with all the nonsense, how about you answer the question? Cheers.
I am appalled but not surprised at the incoherent responses. One even asked the difference between an emergent property and something that is self-existent. It’s enough to make me think atheists have some kind of mental disorder in common.

Not one addressed the problem of sufficient cause.

I dont suppose you will comprehend, but it is of course an idiosyncrasy of the mentally ill to see themselves as the sane one and everyone else as insane.:rolleyes:
M*W: What does god's voice sound like? Where do you hear this voice? Can you hear your own voice? How does one differentiate from one's own thoughts and the voice of god? What does god's voice tell you? Does the voice of god say something like, "don't forget to pick-up the laundry." Or, does god's voice say things like, "you will be come a leader of great nations," for example?

Kendall: I did not hear gods voice but I have seen it throughout history. I can hear my own voice. One's own thoughts are corrupt, god speaks for all people. God says stuff like beware of those who say there is no god, they will do no good!
I believe in God because its just something I've arrived at personally....my sister and dad are both atheistic...
I did not hear gods voice but I have seen it throughout history.

So you believe it through hearsay! :rolleyes:

One's own thoughts are corrupt, god speaks for all people.

How exactly does god speak, when you claim you don't hear his "voice"?

Is it through scripture, that you claim "god speaks?" or is it just your imagination, that your own voice is the sound judgement that god speaks to you? Which is it?

God says stuff like beware of those who say there is no god, they will do no good!

Let's let Zak tell you about atheists!

So all the people Zak brought up, did no good? :confused:
I believe in God because its just something I've arrived at personally....my sister and dad are both atheistic...

Something must of happened in the gene pool, brains just didn't apply to you! :p

Just kidding! Well maybe not! LOL...hehehe...
What definition of God are you operating under?

Finally... :rolleyes:

God in my mind would simply be totality in the sense of consciousness.
All those of a certain philosophy will adhere to certain ethics, beliefs, etc. which make up a "God", so there are many Gods under my definition (because I believe that people are Gods since God is made in our image). Not everyone within a certain philosophy will believe everything about a prescribed doctrine or methodology (existentialism), which make up the imperfections of God in the traditional sense (Why should God have no form or form at all? Why should he have human qualities and emotions?).

When a person dies, he returns to this total consciousness from which he ultimately born once again - all those facets that make us human (his personality, morality, etc.) ultimately create him and dissolve him.
I believe in god, first because I was told. Down the road I need it.

M*W: If you came to believe in god because you "were told," you really didn't need a god before that. I think it is pointless to need someone/something you didn't need before the time you "were told." As I see it, you believed what you "were told," so "down the road," you were programmed to expect your need for a god.
M*W: What does god's voice sound like? Where do you hear this voice? Can you hear your own voice? How does one differentiate from one's own thoughts and the voice of god? What does god's voice tell you? Does the voice of god say something like, "don't forget to pick-up the laundry." Or, does god's voice say things like, "you will be come a leader of great nations," for example?

Kendall: I did not hear gods voice but I have seen it throughout history. I can hear my own voice. One's own thoughts are corrupt, god speaks for all people. God says stuff like beware of those who say there is no god, they will do no good!

M*W: Okay, then, I thought you said you "heard god's voice." Then, please explain in detail how you "have seen god's voice throughout history." Please clarify how the sound of a voice can be visualized. Also, what evidence do you have that "one's own throughts are corrupt?"

You are wrong when you say "god speaks for all people." All people don't believe in a god. Seventy-five percent of the world's population don't believe in your god, so your god does not "speak for all people."

Can you provide documentation (extra-biblical evidence) where "god says stuff like 'beware of those who say there is no god, they will do no good." I take it that you are not familiar with ideologies and philosophies other than christianity.

Are you also aware that christianity is dying worldwide? Even christian congresses are concerned and have publically addressed the declining number of adherents.

Just to let you know, but no god anywhere, now or ever, speaks for me, not even when I was a christian (or thought I was). I look forward to your referenced reply.