Why do we need so many religions

If there is a "land" of eternal torment after death, and if belief in the creator is the only way(or one part of the way) to be saved from this(leaving aside what it actually means to be saved) then a moral god must reveal itself. If A and B are true, then we can deduce that god is immoral and evil(and thus not worthy of worship). Of course, if A and/or B aren't true then the majority of the world's religions are completely false(including the three largest religions in the world).

Take your pick.

And if this is just a test what good would the creator revealing him self do? Even the wicked and unfaithful would do what they can to get into Hevean if they saw God with their own eyes. No, you have to past the test of life. Heaven isn't for everyone.
Its not about your religion, its about the deeds you do onto others. It really is that simple.
If it's a test and we've not been given the knowledge or the ability to pass(in this case due to the fact that the creator has hidden literally every trace of it's existence) then the mere act of giving the test is immoral. Also, an infinite amount of punishment for a finite crime is immoral in and of itself. You're kind of up shit creek with this one.
If it's a test and we've not been given the knowledge or the ability to pass(in this case due to the fact that the creator has hidden literally every trace of it's existence) then the mere act of giving the test is immoral. Also, an infinite amount of punishment for a finite crime is immoral in and of itself. You're kind of up shit creek with this one.

Its not about your religion, its about the deeds you do onto others. It really is that simple.

You will be judged, and the judgment will be just.
If I am being judged for not believing when I was given absolutely no reason to believe at all then the judgement is by definition unjust. There's really no way out of this one.

And the "not religion but deeds" bit is irrelevant to the premise we started discussing, it's nothing more than a red herring.
If I am being judged for not believing when I was given absolutely no reason to believe at all then the judgement is by definition unjust. There's really no way out of this one.

And the "not religion but deeds" bit is irrelevant to the premise we started discussing, it's nothing more than a red herring.

Your lack of faith will be taken into account, but when you meet the trumpiters will you have faith then? Ansewer my question. Again, you will judged on the deeds you did onto others.
By definition no, I would not because then I would have evidence. Faith is defined as belief in the absence of evidence or in spite of evidence to the contrary. If I have evidence and I believe, then it is not faith by definition. However, this has absolutely no relevance, another red herring.

My postulate still stands, you've done nothing to refute it.
By definition no, I would not because then I would have evidence. Faith is defined as belief in the absence of evidence or in spite of evidence to the contrary. If I have evidence and I believe, then it is not faith by definition. However, this has absolutely no relevance, another red herring.

My postulate still stands, you've done nothing to refute it.

When you become immortal will you follows God's will or will you do as thou wilt?

He ask not for faith in his being, but faith in his word. Will you have faith in his word? Do you at this time have faith in his word?
Which word? We have hundreds of things which are claimed to be the "word of god". But again, you are asking me to have belief when there is literally no reason for it, without having some kind of evidence about which of god's words I should follow, or what god wills about anything, I have nothing to go on but my own moral judgment(which, if the various holy texts are to be believed, is infinitely better than that of god).
Which word? We have hundreds of things which are claimed to be the "word of god". But again, you are asking me to have belief when there is literally no reason for it, without having some kind of evidence about which of god's words I should follow, or what god wills about anything, I have nothing to go on but my own moral judgment(which, if the various holy texts are to be believed, is infinitely better than that of god).

If you are truely moral and just you have nothing to fear, just spread your good moral to your nieghbors, as it is likely they are not.
Arioch said:
Arfa you have asserted that myths are vitally important to us, would you care to support that with some evidence or are you content to just let shit slide out of your mouth unsupported?
What, and try to compete with your pile of shit? No way Jose.

But, if you can name a single human activity which is devoid of myth, do so. I guarantee there isn't one. You don't know who Joseph Campbell is, do you? Never read anything by him or his son, right?

Your claim that you live with myths only because they exist--I presume you mean other people have them but not you--is total bullshit. Just look at you trying to portray a myth--that your life wouldn't be any different without them. You don't even know what that means, do you?
Just came across this:

All theologies are straws His sun burns to dust;
Knowing takes you to the Threshold, but not through the Door.
Nothing can teach you if you don't unlearn everything
How learned I was, before Revelation made me dumb.

- Jalal-ud-Din Rumi
But Buddha isn't a god.

yeah reincarnates Spidey . He comes back on a regular basis . When the Dali Lama dies there will be another Dali Lama that takes his place if the monks can find the new Dali Lama . My friend One he is the same way . He is a past monk and he mimics naturally the monk he comes from . He is great Artist and is famous in China . Very young still too. Lives at Big Fork Montana . A tourist town , He is buddies with the Dali lama . sculptured him life size and bro you can't tell which one is the Dali Lama . The sculpture our the real person . You can not tell . Life like big time . One is a great artist . I am lucky to know him . He did some massive sculptures in China . Like I say he is well loved by his country men because of his great work. You should meet him Spidey . If you ever go through Big Fork on the west side of Flathead Lake stop and see him and his work . He won't disappoint . You can ask him his past life monk name too and I am sure he will tell you
If you are truely moral and just you have nothing to fear, just spread your good moral to your nieghbors, as it is likely they are not.

? Maybe it is you and not your neighbors? Moral and just .What is moral and just ? To have a clue what that is is a monumental task in its self . What may be moral too you may not be to someone else . Is it moral to pimp your wife out for extra cash? It is in some cultures . Are they less moral than you ? In there culture if they didn't do what was required are they being moral in there own culture ?
How bout black widows ? Are they Moral ? I mean they eat there mate after one time in the sack . How moral is that ? How bout the culture were the chief pops the virginity of all the young girls when they come to age .? Are they moral ? What about the people that participate in May Day Celebration by having sex with a different person during the week of celebration ? There are cultures that do that too . Are they Moral ?
Just came across this:

All theologies are straws His sun burns to dust;
Knowing takes you to the Threshold, but not through the Door.
Nothing can teach you if you don't unlearn everything
How learned I was, before Revelation made me dumb.

- Jalal-ud-Din Rumi

And how exactly does an outlook like that fit into the daily life of a believer?

Before they open the book of scripture for their daily reading, they think "Oh, but this is all for nothing?"
And how exactly does an outlook like that fit into the daily life of a believer?

Before they open the book of scripture for their daily reading, they think "Oh, but this is all for nothing?"

Which believer? I mean, is there a book of statutes for believers?

I wonder, how do you decide what you don't believe in? What makes something not fit for you?
? Maybe it is you and not your neighbors? Moral and just .What is moral and just ? To have a clue what that is is a monumental task in its self . What may be moral too you may not be to someone else . Is it moral to pimp your wife out for extra cash? It is in some cultures . Are they less moral than you ? In there culture if they didn't do what was required are they being moral in there own culture ?
How bout black widows ? Are they Moral ? I mean they eat there mate after one time in the sack . How moral is that ? How bout the culture were the chief pops the virginity of all the young girls when they come to age .? Are they moral ? What about the people that participate in May Day Celebration by having sex with a different person during the week of celebration ? There are cultures that do that too . Are they Moral ?

Use common sense.