Why do we need so many religions

Got any similar pictures of god? :rolleyes:

Nope. And WTF is "Kim Kardashian"?

In other words, you can't answer the question.

All atheist do is question, when I have said over and over the questions you want answers to can not be answered.. because you are undeserving of the answer. Why would God reveal himself to a world that allows Jay Z to happen.
I have said over and over the questions you want answers to can not be answered.
Really? Where?

because you are undeserving of the answer.
In your opinion.

Why would God reveal himself to a world that allows Jay Z to happen.
You mean the world god (supposedly) created according to his own plan?

You can go on saying everything is okay, but that won't make things okay.
I could, if that's what I were saying. Have you considered taking reading lessons?

No in my original words, the truth about the lies the civilized world has always been told.
Yup, a repeated claim with no substance to it.
Well done. :rolleyes:
We need so many religions because there is no limit to the silliness that people will believe.
Really? Where?

In your opinion.

You mean the world god (supposedly) created according to his own plan?

I could, if that's what I were saying. Have you considered taking reading lessons?

Yup, a repeated claim with no substance to it.
Well done. :rolleyes:

I won't tell you what to believe, unless you tell me everything okay. At the end you will make your choice of what side your on.
I won't tell you what to believe
Why would I want you to tell me what to believe?

unless you tell me everything okay.
Er, right. One minute you're complaining that I'm saying everything is okay (which I wasn't) and now you want me to say that. :shrug:

At the end you will make your choice of what side your on.
I didn't know there were sides.

Still can't substantiate your claim I note.
Since there is Only one God and we the theists acknowledge Him do we have to bicker among our self on who is wrong and who is wright .

Hindus say there are many gods. Buddhists say there are no gods. Many religions have many gods or spirits.

In my trip to China I visited several Buddhist temples , the devoted believers burn candles to the statue of Buddha, the put flower and fruits before the state of Buddha. Why do the do that ? if is not for religious purposes

It is for religious purposes. The Buddha was not a god, however.
Hi Arauca,

I don't know if you are some kinda atheist that was looking for someone to convince him about believing in God. Perhaps it would help a lot if you have a Catholic or Christian background becuase I dont really need to start from the beggining. From Atheist to Christian (eliminating all other religions) , From Christian to Catholic christian (eliminating all other christian forms of belief).


I urge you to post this as a new thread.

You Christians should get your disputes out into the open, instead of taking them out vicariously on atheists and agnostics.
The good thing about religion is that it keeps people living in hope and good faith.

The simplest way I can explain theism to people is that there is power in the world. When you believe that power is corruptible, it is frightening to see power intensify (such as when nuclear technology was unveiled). However, when you have faith that power is ultimately prone to goodness (which is the premise of there being a good-God), then you have faith in good triumphing over evil in the end, etc. So limiting growth assumes that left unchecked growth will result in detriment instead of benefit. Faith makes people optimistic.

Attention Moderator: This should be a whole new thread, but I was not able to start new one. However, I can post responses. It displayed just a blank screen. Can you split this to other topic as it is interesting as a standalone discussion topic? Thanks!
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I guess all the religious people are fucked too then.

Religion won't save you. It gives you answers, but if you don't do the good it says, what good is the practice? Christians think their spot in Heaven is saved.. a spot in Heaven is saved for no man.
Why would I want you to tell me what to believe?

Er, right. One minute you're complaining that I'm saying everything is okay (which I wasn't) and now you want me to say that. :shrug:

I didn't know there were sides.

Still can't substantiate your claim I note.

You seem like a smart fellow. Familiarize yourself with Revelation.
If there is a "land" of eternal torment after death, and if belief in the creator is the only way(or one part of the way) to be saved from this(leaving aside what it actually means to be saved) then a moral god must reveal itself. If A and B are true, then we can deduce that god is immoral and evil(and thus not worthy of worship). Of course, if A and/or B aren't true then the majority of the world's religions are completely false(including the three largest religions in the world).

Take your pick.
There are at least as many religions as there are cultures.
That isn't really surprising, religions exist because cultures exist.

We can't function without myths, according to someone who I suppose, should know, namely Joseph Campbell. Even trying to live without myths requires a mythical belief, which would be: "myths do not exist". That's like believing dreams don't exist, and really is only the substitution of one set of myths for another.

Mythical thinking is important to any culture--it's one (perhaps the only) reason the US landed men on the moon, for example.
Whether or not you accept/believe a particular myth (say, the one about going to hell because you "deserve to"), you can't discount the existence of mythologies, they're just too important to us, we probably will always have them.
I can't live without myths only because we coexist in the same world. However I would continue to exist even if myths ceased to exist. Arfa you have asserted that myths are vitally important to us, would you care to support that with some evidence or are you content to just let shit slide out of your mouth unsupported?