Why do so many people believe in God.

yes people believe for reasons like Hope and Moral...

and thats what its truly all about. Not about worring about am i in control, but how this world is shaped by the things of this world. I embrace other religions right or wrong. Many are peacefull and I see great things from it. If a man has hope to live tomarrow. If a man has a reason to not commit that crime then there is life...and thats what this is all about...our lives.
camphips: have you ever read the arabian nights, and easops fables,they are full of hope and morality, just like the bible.
People believe as a residual effect from the practicality of belief for productivity of the tribe. Skepticism in a tribal context is bad. You doubt the leader and you create ruccus. The beauty of it is that god is completely intangible, so there is no immediate negative feedback for having the belief. The belief(s) provides a mechanism for the bonding of the tribe.

Basically the smartest cavedude walked out one day and looked around. "What is this?" He thought... "where did it come from?" So he just started making shit up that seemed to fit his experience. He must have thought "Okay there must be some invisible shit happening that makes stuff do stuff."

Blah blah blah, you get some gods. Since he's the smart one, the people of his tribe look to him for solutions. Now they have some. The tribe continues as such. It turns out that these beliefs define them. As they develop the ideas a bond forms from the endeavor. They were the first explorers into the abstract realm.

Eventually they encounter other tribes who have done the same thing except developed different answers. The beliefs they established in their abstract exploration are for the first time tested, and it turned out they add a cohesion to the group. The shared experience allows them to relate to one another, which gives weight to a preference of whom they associate with (rather than the people they don't know). Turns out this association extends to all walks of life. As trade and politics develops, this fundamental belief in their gods aligns demonstrates their allegiance to other tribe members, preferential treatment and such.

Only in recent years has the general population been educated well enough, and their environment predictable enough that this superficial bond can be questioned without serious risk to the tribe.

So I think in general, people believe in god because people they love have expected it of them and encouraged that belief, all of this out of an ancient basis for power that was inevitable for humans (being capable of abstraction and recall) to undertake. Finally, the cobwebs incurred from this inevitabilty are starting to clear.... but not without much havock.
People believe in god because that is what they have been taught. This combined with a natural fear of death and a lack of skepticism. Pretty simple actually.
I believe in God in the same way I believe in fairness, or happiness, or any concept that can't be explained logically. Whether or not this God is a creator, or all powerful, or even a being at all is just logical exercise.
I see a goodness in the world, and that is what it boils down to. That is not to say that it is the same for others! It isn't, we all have our own unique self/perspectives.

Atheism, Agnosticism, Monotheism, etc. - they're all sides in an egocentric shouting match. I'd like not to join it at this point.
I did not every say the bible was the only source of hope. People find their meaning in many forms. They must choose for themselves what they need to do. Whatever their reason. For humanity or for spiritual hope, dont matter really.
Well, it cannot be denied that the Bible clearly says that there is God. Personally, I believe there is God by way of experience. I have not in my mind to try the existence of God inasmuch as I do know that this God I am worshipping is an Invisible God. It would somehow make foolishness of me if I will be like other people who pursue insistence. They require physical evidence of invisibleness.What a shock! :D
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wesmorris said:
People believe as a residual effect from the practicality of belief for productivity of the tribe. Skepticism in a tribal context is bad. You doubt the leader and you create ruccus. The beauty of it is that god is completely intangible, so there is no immediate negative feedback for having the belief. The belief(s) provides a mechanism for the bonding of the tribe.

Basically the smartest cavedude walked out one day and looked around. "What is this?" He thought... "where did it come from?" So he just started making shit up that seemed to fit his experience. He must have thought "Okay there must be some invisible shit happening that makes stuff do stuff."

Blah blah blah, you get some gods. Since he's the smart one, the people of his tribe look to him for solutions. Now they have some. The tribe continues as such. It turns out that these beliefs define them. As they develop the ideas a bond forms from the endeavor. They were the first explorers into the abstract realm.

Eventually they encounter other tribes who have done the same thing except developed different answers. The beliefs they established in their abstract exploration are for the first time tested, and it turned out they add a cohesion to the group. The shared experience allows them to relate to one another, which gives weight to a preference of whom they associate with (rather than the people they don't know). Turns out this association extends to all walks of life. As trade and politics develops, this fundamental belief in their gods aligns demonstrates their allegiance to other tribe members, preferential treatment and such.

Only in recent years has the general population been educated well enough, and their environment predictable enough that this superficial bond can be questioned without serious risk to the tribe.

So I think in general, people believe in god because people they love have expected it of them and encouraged that belief, all of this out of an ancient basis for power that was inevitable for humans (being capable of abstraction and recall) to undertake. Finally, the cobwebs incurred from this inevitabilty are starting to clear.... but not without much havock.

I do know that this God I am worshipping is an Invisible God.

The invisible and the non-existent are one and the same.
(Q) said:
I do know that this God I am worshipping is an Invisible God.

The invisible and the non-existent are one and the same.
I remember of this:
" I and my Father are one." John 10:30
What do you think - one or two?
Eton you claim that you've read the bible, but yet fail to understand it. If you did understand the damn thing, you would come to the conclusion a god of the bible is imposible, because of self contradiction of the bible. :rolleyes:

Examine for yourself here:
Does The Biblegod Exist?

If the bible be the word of god, it's self contradictory, thus the bible was written by men, inspired only to fool the gullible and manipulate the ingnorance of the masses.

The witch hunts are over, the crusades are no more, give it up, no one here will believe your bull shit!. :bugeye:

Godless said:
If the bible be the word of god, it's self contradictory,
Your hypothetical erroneous question is irrelevant. I have never said throughout this forum that the Bible is the word of god or God. The Bible is a compilation of books, therefore the Bible is a complete library.

Godless said:
thus the bible was written by men, inspired only to fool the gullible and manipulate the ingnorance of the masses.
Who else wrote the Bible? Can wind write in a scroll? Now how do you know about this "inspired" thing?
*Who else wrote the Bible? Can wind write in a scroll? Now how do you know about this "inspired" thing?

Because I've done my leg work Eton, I've studie religions more so than you, I've understood religion more so than you, I've perhaps even been atheist longer than you've lived, and I'm not waisting my time writing to you what I do know of the origins of christianity the bible, and all fundamentalists, no you've got to do your own leg work, I suppose that's why you are here. Why else would a fundi, come to a sciece forum knowing full well that most there would be atheist?.

Quote enton:
"therefore the Bible is a complete library"

* Nope, even Christian scholars would disagree with you here. Granted, I assume you are speaking from faith in the sense that the Bible is complete regarding the basis for your beliefs, but the Nag Hammadi and Qumran texts provide evidence that the Bible is anything but a complete Library. Also Catholic and Protestant Bibles differ.
mustafhakofi said:
Because humans are stupid, crude, gullible, violent, and idiotic creatures who succumb to peer pressure incredibly easily, especially in times of economic and political crisis and ruin (dark ages, crisis of the 3rd century).
stretched said:
Quote enton:
"therefore the Bible is a complete library"

* Nope, even Christian scholars would disagree with you here. Granted, I assume you are speaking from faith in the sense that the Bible is complete regarding the basis for your beliefs, but the Nag Hammadi and Qumran texts provide evidence that the Bible is anything but a complete Library. Also Catholic and Protestant Bibles differ.

Christian scholars? No, they're just mere scholars (school-ers).
And am I talking to all people? The Bible is a complete library for a christian. We (christians) regard the Bible as authentic scientifically, historically, archaeologically and even medically.
enton said:
Well, it cannot be denied that the Bible clearly says that there is God. Personally, I believe there is God by way of experience. I have not in my mind to try the existence of God inasmuch as I do know that this God I am worshipping is an Invisible God. It would somehow make foolishness of me if I will be like other people who pursue insistence. They require physical evidence of invisibleness.What a shock! :D
firstly the bible is just a book, using that logic you could say that dragons and orcs, elves, hobbits, or even tarzan, are real. secondly you could have had an hallucination but not an experience, an experience is something you gain from your objective surroundings, not your imaginings, and as you say you god is invisible. and thirdly I/we dont want evidence of invisblity, that stupid, what I/we want is for you to prove your god exists.