Why do people join the occult?

People that join the occult think they receive supernatural power (answer all that ap

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Why do you think people join the occult?

***NOTE: You are allowed to make multiple selections in the Poll

Here is an occult web site. It is really bizarre, especially in the area of ceremonial magic. If you find this subject offensive then please don't go there.

Occult Web Site
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Dear Woody,

What are you talking about? Do you honestly think there is some Monolithic Organization out there is that is called "The Occult"? "The Occult" seems simply to be an insulting and derogatory term used by Protestants to refer to all Non-Christian Faiths, with which Protestants have very little acquaintence. I can see that by the super-silly questions you ask.

What do you think Paulist Christianity looks like to THEM? You people believe that you can sin all you want and go to Heaven because some other Religion had murdered its Promised Messiah. Now, how is that REALLY supposed to work? You ask whether they have any Powers, but what does Protestantism have to show for any of its monstrous and outrageous claims? You can't show that the first Protestant has ever been saved from Death by the Jews having had Murdered Jesus of Nazareth. You know, I think it would have made the newspapers the first time any dead protestant suddenly got up out of his coffin.

Trying to inject your paranoid obsession with Paul, protestants, and god murders, into every thread is becoming really more than tiresome. Why not back off a bit. It isn't relevant in this thread.

As for the occult and related folklore - this subject pre-dates Christianity by a long way and covers some fascinating mythology far richer and more interesting than the rather primitive and puerile stuff of Christianity.
Leo said:

What are you talking about? Do you honestly think there is some Monolithic Organization out there is that is called "The Occult"? "The Occult" seems simply to be an insulting and derogatory term used by Protestants to refer to all Non-Christian Faiths, with which Protestants have very little acquaintence. I can see that by the super-silly questions you ask.

What do you think Paulist Christianity looks like to THEM? You people believe that you can sin all you want and go to Heaven because some other Religion had murdered its Promised Messiah. Now, how is that REALLY supposed to work? You ask whether they have any Powers, but what does Protestantism have to show for any of its monstrous and outrageous claims? You can't show that the first Protestant has ever been saved from Death by the Jews having had Murdered Jesus of Nazareth. You know, I think it would have made the newspapers the first time any dead protestant suddenly got up out of his coffin.

You are looking for a definition of the term "occult", might I present the one in the Wilkepedia:

Occultism is the study of supposed occult or hidden wisdom. It is a 'grey' area, perhaps larger than any other in the realm of religion. It can deal with subjects ranging from talismans, magic (alternatively spelt and defined as magick), sorcery, and voudou, to ESP, astrology, numerology, and lucid dreams. It is all encompassing in that most everything that isn't claimed by any of the major religions is included in the realm of the occult. Even qabalah has been considered an occult study, perhaps because of its popularity amongst magi and Wiccans.

Direct insight into or perception of the occult is said not to consist of access to physically measurable facts, but to be arrived at through the mind or the spirit. The term can refer to mental, psychological or spiritual training. An oft-cited means of gaining insight into the occult is the use of a focus. A focus may be a physical object, a ritualistic action (for example, meditation or chanting), or a medium in which one becomes wholly immersed.

The beliefs and practices of those who consider their activities "occult" or part of "the occult" in the more usual western interpretation 'hidden knowledge' (ceremonial magicians, Satanists, and so on) are generally far from being secret or hidden, being found very easily in print or on the Internet. This ready availability is historically recent and corresponds to a reduced interest in traditional religion and the promulgation by occultists of the perception of the occult as a broad term for a radical alternative to orthodoxy.
Audible said:
anyway to answer you question
“ Originally Posted by Woody
Why do you think people join the occult? ”

to be near you.

Wow! I didn't realize I was this popular. Millions and Millions of people would like to be near me. Awww shucks that's so thoughtful of you. ;)

still promoting your occult web site woody.
must be a dozen times now.

I'd say it's on subject for a religion forum, besides their avatars are much better than your devil mask thingee. Perhaps your avatar could use one of these "facelifts":

A very nasty clown:

Michael Jackson look:


Flying Dragon:

Alien Predator:

Led Zeppelin's Wizard:
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Cris said:

Trying to inject your paranoid obsession with Paul, protestants, and god murders, into every thread is becoming really more than tiresome. Why not back off a bit. It isn't relevant in this thread.


It is also funny that this woody guy/kid is obssessed with occult/satanism (hence be saved as christian tactic) and posted links to crap forums in several threads. So i find this thread as another stupid promotion compaign by woody, the psudeo-evangelist-cum-secret-occult-admirer.
It's worth asking why Woody has turned out to be such a failure under god. god's specific orders were to kill these kind of people, and yet he spends his time promoting them instead of stoning them as ordered to by his boss. I can only imagine the chat they'll have when he dies:

'god': Tell me Woody, have you ever actually bothered reading the book I got printed for your benefit?

'Woody': Yes I did.

'god': Ok, and what did I tell you to do to witches, fortune tellers and the like?

'Woody': Advertise their forums for them?

'god': I'll let satan know you're on your way down.
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It is also funny that this woody guy/kid is obssessed with occult/satanism (hence be saved as christian tactic) and posted links to crap forums in several threads. So i find this thread as another stupid promotion compaign by woody, the psudeo-evangelist-cum-secret-occult-admirer.

If you want to see who I am why don't you just click on my member name next to my avatar, or read my testimony link I provided for Leo. Here are some of my web sites I have designed. Perhaps they will clear up any misunderstanding about who I am:

Woody The Barbecue Guru

Woody the Musician

And last but not least. Woody the Christian in the attached testimony file

Cheers :cool:
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It's worth asking why Woody has turned out to be such a failure under god.

Believers say the opposite. My testimony is stellar. So I must consider the source that tells me I'm a failure. The devil tells me that too.

god's specific orders were to kill these kind of people, and yet he spends his time promoting them instead of stoning them as ordered to by his boss.

The only one I know I'm making mad is the devil. He hates it when people point him out. Ever wondered why his name is called the accuser of the brethren? He's trying to take the attention off of his own faults. Hey, but you'll cover for him won't you? ;)

I can only imagine the chat they'll have when he dies:

You don't believe in an afterlife, so I can only assume "they" means people here on earth. Hence, I say I don't give a rip what the world has to say about me. I really don't give a rip right now.

Tell me Woody, have you ever actually bothered reading the book I got printed for your benefit?

Yes I did.

Funny, you don't sound like God.

Ok, and what did I tell you to do to witches, fortune tellers and the like?

Advertise their forums for them?

He said don't participate in their sordid practices. He didn't say I couldn't look at what others are doing, and the danger it presents to the sheep of his fold. Dave Benoit's ministry is specifically targeting this area, and the devil targets him. We're stepping on his turf, and he doesn't like us spying on him. Neither do you like it. You and the devil seem to have some things in common.

I'll let satan know you're on your way down.

See what I mean? I thought you and him were pretty tight. You don't have to let him know anything. He knows a threat when he sees one. Tisk Tisk
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Believers say the opposite.

Since when did anything matter about what believers say? They are not god, they don't decide the rules. Your god, the one you worship has made it very clear that part of your earthly duties are to stone witches to death. As you are not doing this, but instead giving them free advertising, you are a failure with concerns to keeping god's laws.

The devil tells me that too.

Does he? I ask myself why a religious man is being spoken to by the devil, when even an evil atheist like myself has never heard him. What do you two chat about?

The only one I know I'm making mad is the devil.

How are you making the devil mad? By promoting his followers?

He hates it when people point him out.

You know, you can date a woman for years, but it is only when you move in together that you find out about each others pet peeves, their likes and dislikes.

You probably wont understand the relevance of what I've just said. Think about it.

Ever wondered why his name is called the accuser of the brethren?

Who calls him that? Where I'm from we just call him non existant.

He's trying to take the attention off of his own faults.

What faults are those?

Hey, but you'll cover for him won't you?

Well according to the statistics you got from that bible thumpers website, he's doing well enough without my help. So much so that you actually fear him more than you fear god - which is ironic given that the devil never asked anyone to fear him, whereas that's exactly what god seeks.

god really just can't get things going his way. I feel sorry for him.

You don't believe in an afterlife, so I can only assume "they" means people here on earth.

No, it means you and god.

Funny, you don't sound like God.

Oh? What does god sound like?

He said don't participate in their sordid practices. He didn't say I couldn't look at what others are doing, and the danger it presents to the sheep of his fold.

He said, several times, that you are to stone them to death. You're not paying enough attention to his rules, or the book he gave for you to pay attention to.

We're stepping on his turf, and he doesn't like us spying on him. Neither do you like it. You and the devil seem to have some things in common.

Oh, we're both non existant? Other than that I can't see anything we'd have in common. Please, do go on.. Since when did I say I don't like you 'stepping on my turf' or 'spying on me'. I'm used to having halfwitted christians hanging round the area. One more wouldn't make a difference.

See what I mean? I thought you and him were pretty tight. You don't have to let him know anything.

That was god's speech. Unfortunately I had done the names in < > so they didn't show up. Still, It's fixed now.

Still, out of non existant beings, he is no worse than most of the others - and unlike god has not annihilated every living thing on the planet. The only thing he's actually responsible for is changing you from an animal to a human, (although in your case it's hard to tell whether it worked). I guess you don't like having morals? I guess you don't like knowing the difference between good and evil? But then, as that's obviously the case, without his help you wouldn't even know he was bad.

Well Woody?
Mind you, the term "occult" can be applied to extensive studies of Christianity as well.

Witchery does not necessarily have anything to do with Christians. Though, yes, those devil-worshipers are still Christian, as their idea of an evil spirit is based on Christianity.

What a sad, sad world we live in, the one that is so centered around a single idea! Aren't you people bored with it yet?

Since when did anything matter about what believers say? They are not god

Neither are you.

Your god, the one you worship has made it very clear that part of your earthly duties are to stone witches to death.

The bible also says the jews should stone a man to death for gathering sticks in the wilderness on the sabbath Numbers 15:32-35. The sabbath is on saturday, so if I see somebody making a campfire at the campground over at our local national forest that means I'm supposed to kill them -- right Snake Lord? Geez - all they want to do is roast a couple of marshmellows. Things sure have changed a lot since Moses and Aaron led the Children of Israel out of the wilderness, haven't they?

Here's another one -- stone a son that dishonors his jewish father or mother, but then we wouldn't have any children left now would we? Or stone a woman caught in adultery. We don't have enough stones around here. Y'all have some stones to spare in your neck of the woods? I wonder why they don't stone men for adultery too?

Concerning the devil:

Does he? I ask myself why a religious man is being spoken to by the devil, when even an evil atheist like myself has never heard him. What do you two chat about?

He told me to kill myself when I was feeling quite depressed. Things were not going well after I called off a marriage with my first fiance. The voice was audible. He said "Go ahead, Do it!" I was driving in my car. It's the only time in my life I have ever heard an audible voice from a spirit. My radio was not turned on. He wanted me to run off the interstate and land on a road below a bridge. Odviously I did not take his advice. I never do.

How are you making the devil mad? By promoting his followers?

I think his followers are sadly deluded. They can not be trusted when they convert to christianity. The devil gets mad because he hates being brought into the light for examination. He is quite embarrassed.

You know, you can date a woman for years, but it is only when you move in together that you find out about each others pet peeves, their likes and dislikes.

You probably wont understand the relevance of what I've just said. Think about it.

I used to live with the Devil when I was into sorcery. I left his camp when I became a christian and he really hates that. He hates all christians.

about the accuser of the brethren:

Who calls him that? Where I'm from we just call him non existant.

It is mentioned in the book of Job and also the new testament.

What faults are those?

He had everything and lost it because it wasn't enough for him. He wanted to be God, and God gave him the boot. Now he wants to proove God is wrong with the same kinds of arguments you make. He thinks God is an "asshole" as you put it. He hates being wrong, just like you. It's his pride. Unlike you, there is no level low enough for him. Anything you can think of that is totally gross he really enjoys -- sex with the dead, any kind of sex, any kind of intoxication, all forms of violence. Anything that destroys the image of god he loves doing that, because he hates god and god's image (mankind). He wants all of mankind dead. He thinks we are squatters on planet earth. This is his world and we are tresspassers. He even wants his own worshippers dead. He has allegiance to nobody except himself -- the totality of selfish, self-centered, ruthless ambition. He still wants to be the king.

which is ironic given that the devil never asked anyone to fear him, whereas that's exactly what god seeks.

The word "fear" is an old english word that has changed in meaning in its modern day useage. The correct word in modern vernacular is the word "respect." Every father wants respect, I do, you do, and so does any other that is worthy of the name father. The Father in heaven also wants respect. There is no fear in love, you should know that.

No, it means you and god.

“ Funny, you don't sound like God. ”

Oh? What does god sound like?

“ He said don't participate in their sordid practices. He didn't say I couldn't look at what others are doing, and the danger it presents to the sheep of his fold. ”

He said, several times, that you are to stone them to death. You're not paying enough attention to his rules, or the book he gave for you to pay attention to.

I think I covered these already. Anybody for a good campfire stoning? I don't want to go to jail anyway. What if I did go around stoning people? What would you think of me then? As I said before, I am not a jew wandering in the wilderness with Moses and Aaron leading me around in a dangerous land with nothing to eat and nothing to drink, but only what God provides directly from heaven (manna). I've never tasted manna. That's what they were supposed to eat. I guess I'm supposed to starve until he sends manna my way, right?

I'm used to having halfwitted christians hanging round the area.

What area might this be, the loony bin where you work?

That was god's speech. Unfortunately I had done the names in < > so they didn't show up. Still, It's fixed now.

As I said before, you don't sound like God. Might I quote what God says.

God speaking about you:
But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you.

God speaking about me:
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

Yep, that's the voice of my God alright, and I will continue to follow His voice, not yours.

Still, out of non existant beings, he is no worse than most of the others - and unlike god has not annihilated every living thing on the planet. The only thing he's actually responsible for is changing you from an animal to a human, (although in your case it's hard to tell whether it worked). I guess you don't like having morals? I guess you don't like knowing the difference between good and evil? But then, as that's obviously the case, without his help you wouldn't even know he was bad.

Well Woody?

God changed me from a worm to a child of God. I see you admit that there was a change. It's odvious to anyone that knew me before I changed.

Morals are a consequence of the change that was made, I already had some pretty good morals -- I would never, for example kill, someone. But I had my flaws the same as any other person.
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Woody said:
The voice was audible. He said "Go ahead, Do it!" I was driving in my car. It's the only time in my life I have ever heard an audible voice from a spirit.
can you be sure this was not god? he may have wanted you closer to him

Woody said:
I think his followers are sadly deluded.
many people will make the same judgment of you woody
Woody said:
Concerning the devil:

He told me to kill myself when I was feeling quite depressed.
Things were not going well after I called off a marriage with my first fiance.
The voice was audible. He said "Go ahead, Do it!" I was driving in my car. It's the only time in my life I have ever heard an audible voice from a spirit. My radio was not turned on. He wanted me to run off the interstate and land on a road below a bridge. Odviously I did not take his advice. I never do.
Why did you not take his advice ?

I think his followers are sadly deluded.
I think some of the ex-followers are also equally deluded.
They can not be trusted when they convert to christianity. The devil gets mad because he hates being brought into the light for examination. He is quite embarrassed.
You seem to know much about your ex-buddy.
I used to live with the Devil when I was into sorcery. I left his camp when I became a christian and he really hates that. He hates all christians.
Why did you leave home ?
He had everything and lost it because it wasn't enough for him. He wanted to be God, and God gave him the boot. Now he wants to proove God is wrong with the same kinds of arguments you make. He thinks God is an "asshole" as you put it. He hates being wrong, just like you. It's his pride. Unlike you, there is no level low enough for him. Anything you can think of that is totally gross he really enjoys -- sex with the dead, any kind of sex, any kind of intoxication, all forms of violence. Anything that destroys the image of god he loves doing that, because he hates god and god's image (mankind). He wants all of mankind dead. He thinks we are squatters on planet earth. This is his world and we are tresspassers. He even wants his own worshippers dead. He has allegiance to nobody except himself -- the totality of selfish, self-centered, ruthless ambition. He still wants to be the king.

Why does God still leave satan to have a free run and recruit for hell's population ?

1. Is God not capable of finsihing him off ?
2. Is God waiting for maximum number of hell goers ?
3. Is satan a proxy of God to do nasty work ?
4. Is a 'powerful satan' a must for evangelization ?
5. Is satan a beta tester of God's free will experiment on humans ?

Thos who seek (or once sought like yourself) satanic power have already challenged power of the Holy Spirit. As an ex-sorccerer do you think you are really saved from such 'sin against the Holy Spirit' ?
Did Jesus talk to you ?
Did Jesus told you that you are saved from such an unforgivable sin ?
Why Satan does not talk to righteous atheists/non-christians ?

Finally, do you think the educated members of this forums really fall for your fear psychosis created against satan and become christians ?

Yep, that's the voice of my God alright, and I will continue to follow His voice, not yours.
You were delusional when you heard devil's voice; you are a delusional now to hear God's voice.

God changed me from a worm to a child of God. I see you admit that there was a change.
I don't know how you were when you were a 'worm'.
I presume not much imporvement from your posts as a child of God.

You know, when Jesus said 'go away' to satan, it is a total discarding of satan altogether. But you are still dwellig on satan legacy mentally. Satan must be quite satisfied with you.
everneo said,

You seem to know much about your ex-buddy

He was never my buddy. He was also in charge of my dad's physical (non-sexual) abuse when I was a child. He said that project was really coming along nicely, and he was quite proud of my father for doing it. My father was manic depressive. I am not manic depressive, and I still love my father greatly, though he died this last year.


I wouldn't discount that possibility. He can speak inside the mind and I suppose it could project as a hallucination. I'll give you one on that.

I'm glad you have some real human empathy. You could probably imagine how miserable I was. I was also a christian at the time. I wanted to marry her, but I couldn't because of our differences. That is a personal subject.

Why did you not take his advice ?

The advice was very well timed. I had very little time to think about it, and it seemed like the easy way out of my problems. I recognized the voice. It was not God's. I could tell this voice was taking great pleasure in my misery -- this is not God.

I think some of the ex-followers are also equally deluded.

You are entitled to your opinion. I am also entitiled to mine. I think atheists are sadly deluded. The devil has them right where he wants them. His line of thinking is: you can believe anything you want and this is ok, as long as it is not God that you believe. This identifies you with satan, you are telling God that satan is right, and it makes satan very happy. Satan (the devil) tells God that faith will not work. I recommend you read the first couple of chapters of Job. Satan is badly embarresed when God's people are obedient -- because he had it all as a spirit and he fell. We (christians) have little to nothing as mortals and we rise. It's like saying a lower primate is better than you. This deeply offends his pride.

Why did you leave home ?

Home was no home at all, and he (satan) was never my buddy. I wasn't aware I was serving him, just like you aren't aware that you are serving him.

Why does God still leave satan to have a free run and recruit for hell's population ?

satan doesn't have to recruit. He already has them.

1. Is God not capable of finsihing him off ?


2. Is God waiting for maximum number of hell goers ?

No, he is waiting for the maximum number of heaven goers

3. Is satan a proxy of God to do nasty work ?

The devil asks permission of God so the devil do the devil's nasty work. The devil argues his case to God against God's believers, and God considers the case. Again, I suggest you read the first couple of chapters of Job. The devil would like to destroy all of humanity but God won't let him. Otherwise satan is free to do what he wants with his own.

4. Is a 'powerful satan' a must for evangelization ?

No, a weak satan or no satan at all is much more conducive. The relative strength of satan during evangelism is determined by what the nonbeliever allows in his own heart.

5. Is satan a beta tester of God's free will experiment on humans ?

No, God already knows the outcome.

Thos who seek (or once sought like yourself) satanic power have already challenged power of the Holy Spirit. As an ex-sorccerer do you think you are really saved from such 'sin against the Holy Spirit' ?

Yes, the bible makes it clear that all forms of sinner are saved. "and such were some of you." (1st Corinthians 10:9-11)

I was not a sorcerer. I was only dabbling with the occult. I could never go through with the things that give you the strongest power. They violate my conscience.

Did Jesus talk to you ?
He does in my mind.
Did Jesus told you that you are saved from such an unforgivable sin ?
I never believed that Jesus is evil -- this is the unforgivable sin.

Why Satan does not talk to righteous atheists/non-christians ?

He doesn't have to. He likes them just like they are. He would prefer that they be left in their comfort zone. He doesn't like me or anyone else to take you out of your comfort zone.

Finally, do you think the educated members of this forums really fall for your fear psychosis created against satan and become christians ?

Perhaps it will shake you out of your comfort zone. I don't know. Perhaps it will give you a different perspective on the universe I don't know. Our collective education did not get us here, yet you believe it can explain how we got here. I find that remarkable. The logical side of the brain is made for a god-given reason but you have made it your god.

I don't know how you were when you were a 'worm'.
I presume not much imporvement from your posts as a child of God.

I am only a sinner saved by grace. That is the only difference between me and you that matters.

You know, when Jesus said 'go away' to satan, it is a total discarding of satan altogether. But you are still dwellig on satan legacy mentally. Satan must be quite satisfied with you.

Actually satan is quite satisfied with you just like you are.

Actually it pisses him off when I tell on him. This is pretty easy to do. Anyone that's a christian walks in satan's crosshairs. We know this, and this is why we are told to wear armour. Our greatest piece or armor is the helmet of salvation.
Woody said:
I wouldn't discount that possibility. He can speak inside the mind and I suppose it could project as a hallucination. I'll give you one on that.
That goes for the voice of God also.
I think atheists are sadly deluded. The devil has them right where he wants them. His line of thinking is: you can believe anything you want and this is ok, as long as it is not God that you believe. This identifies you with satan, you are telling God that satan is right, and it makes satan very happy. Satan (the devil) tells God that faith will not work. I recommend you read the first couple of chapters of Job. Satan is badly embarresed when God's people are obedient -- because he had it all as a spirit and he fell. We (christians) have little to nothing as mortals and we rise. It's like saying a lower primate is better than you. This deeply offends his pride.
If devil is for 'real', then atheists/non-christians altogether discard his existence/importance, that would be more offending for him, from the mortals.

Home was no home at all, and he (satan) was never my buddy. I wasn't aware I was serving him, just like you aren't aware that you are serving him.
It is not me, it is you who said to be dabbling with sorcery/occult. If God is actually satan then i am not aware that i am serving 'him'.

No, he is waiting for the maximum number of heaven goers
In the process God is ready to send more people to hell than heaven ?
What is the current ratio of heaven and hell goers?!!

The devil asks permission of God so the devil do the devil's nasty work. The devil argues his case to God against God's believers, and God considers the case.
So, God knowingly unleashed devil on humanity ? Who is responsible for the consequences ? God or satan or poor humans ??

No, a weak satan or no satan at all is much more conducive. The relative strength of satan during evangelism is determined by what the nonbeliever allows in his own heart.

A weak satan or no satan will not be helpful to project a only saviour, especially for evangelists.

No, God already knows the outcome.
That makes God all the more crooked.

I never believed that Jesus is evil -- this is the unforgivable sin.
Who said Jesus is evil ?

He doesn't have to. He likes them just like they are. He would prefer that they be left in their comfort zone. He doesn't like me or anyone else to take you out of your comfort zone.

If satan left alone some people then God has no case against them.

Perhaps it will shake you out of your comfort zone.

When you think your comfort zone is better than my comfort zone you need a threat (devil, damnation etc) that my comfort zone is not safe. You have nothing positive to show your comfort zone is better than mine.

I am only a sinner saved by grace. That is the only difference between me and you that matters.
I am doubly saved than yourself. Thats what 'my God' says. :p

Actually satan is quite satisfied with you just like you are.
There is no reason why should he be satisfied with me. I don't promote any of his 'enterprises' anyway.

Actually it pisses him off when I tell on him. This is pretty easy to do. Anyone that's a christian walks in satan's crosshairs. We know this, and this is why we are told to wear armour. Our greatest piece or armor is the helmet of salvation.
..leaving the rest of the body exposed? heh.. your helmet seems to be too heavy and do the job what satan exactly wants to do.. why should he waste a bullet ?
Neither are you.

Yes I am. Prove me wrong Woody. But then again why bother with proof? I thought it was all about faith with you weirdos?

The bible also says the jews should stone a man to death for gathering sticks in the wilderness on the sabbath Numbers 15:32-35. The sabbath is on saturday, so if I see somebody making a campfire at the campground over at our local national forest that means I'm supposed to kill them -- right Snake Lord?

Yes. If you don't like it, argue the case with the guy who set those rules for you to obey and uphold. I didn't tell you to kill anyone, god did. Remember that. What's your excuse going to be? "Sorry god I couldn't obey your laws because I was more worried about human laws"?

Things sure have changed a lot since Moses and Aaron led the Children of Israel out of the wilderness, haven't they?

Sure they have, but as the bible says: god never changes, and as jesus says: not one dot, not one stroke will be removed from the law, and that you are to follow all of them.

I can see you have a distinct problem with that, but the fact remains you're failing to obide by god's laws. Get to work Woody before it's too late and you join the masses on intelligent people down in hell.

Here's another one -- stone a son that dishonors his jewish father or mother, but then we wouldn't have any children left now would we?

Sure we would. My daugher has never dishonoured me in any way whatsoever. If others have, it's a parenting problem.

Or stone a woman caught in adultery. We don't have enough stones around here.

My wife has never cheated. If others have, it's a partner problem.

Y'all have some stones to spare in your neck of the woods?

Plenty. I'm sure there are more stones on the planet than people.

I wonder why they don't stone men for adultery too?

Because guys are the masters of women, so sayeth the bible, and as a result can do whatever they want.

He told me to kill myself when I was feeling quite depressed. Things were not going well after I called off a marriage with my first fiance. The voice was audible. He said "Go ahead, Do it!" I was driving in my car. It's the only time in my life I have ever heard an audible voice from a spirit. My radio was not turned on. He wanted me to run off the interstate and land on a road below a bridge. Odviously I did not take his advice. I never do.

An interesting story, that provides quite some insight into your frame of mind. But I would like to ask how you knew the voice belonged to the devil.

I think his followers are sadly deluded.

Perhaps, but no more than anyone else who believes in sky beings and other non existant entities.

The devil gets mad because he hates being brought into the light for examination. He is quite embarrassed.

Here's the thing: According to the bible the devil has been locked up, and wont be released for a while. If he's locked up, how does he still manage to get upto naughty business?

I used to live with the Devil when I was into sorcery. I left his camp when I became a christian and he really hates that.

Question: When you were into 'sorcery', did you actually make any successful spells?

He had everything and lost it because it wasn't enough for him. He wanted to be God, and God gave him the boot. Now he wants to proove God is wrong with the same kinds of arguments you make.

god and the devil also debate on forums? Impressive. If not, how do you find out about the details of their arguments?

He hates being wrong, just like you.

Well, that's a pretty worthless assumption. I don't mind being wrong at all, it aids you in being right the next time round. Of course, to be 'wrong', one must be shown details concerning how they're wrong. I've never seen a christian manage that to any suitable degree.

He wants all of mankind dead.

If he wanted that, he could easily do so. All he would need do is possess the 60% of humanity that aren't priests or virgins and get them to sacrifice everyone else and then each other. Hardly a problem.

He thinks we are squatters on planet earth.

But we are. As god informs us:

Leviticus 25:23 "The land must not be sold permanently, because the land is mine and you are but aliens and my tenants."

We're aliens, we're uninvited guests. We don't belong on this land.

By saying he's wrong, you're disagreeing with god.

He has allegiance to nobody except himself -- the totality of selfish, self-centered, ruthless ambition.

So does god.

The word "fear" is an old english word that has changed in meaning in its modern day useage. The correct word in modern vernacular is the word "respect." Every father wants respect, I do, you do, and so does any other that is worthy of the name father. The Father in heaven also wants respect. There is no fear in love, you should know that.

You're disagreeing with god once again. And in my profession I can tell you there's a lot of fear in love: Fear that the person will leave you, fear that the person will die, fear that you're not good enough for them, etc etc etc.

It is insanely common for fear to walk alongside love.

I think I covered these already. Anybody for a good campfire stoning? I don't want to go to jail anyway.

Thank you for proving my point. You're more worried and concerned about the rules set by man as opposed to the rules set by god. Putting man before god.. tut tut.

What if I did go around stoning people? What would you think of me then?

Since when did what I would think about it matter? It's not what I think, it's what god says and thinks thats important. No?

As I said before, I am not a jew wandering in the wilderness with Moses and Aaron leading me around in a dangerous land with nothing to eat and nothing to drink, but only what God provides directly from heaven (manna). I've never tasted manna.

Oh I see. So when you get to the pearly gates you'll tell the god of the jews that: "Hey man, I'm not a jew, why should I listen to you"?

I guess I'm supposed to starve until he sends manna my way, right?

If that's what god asks of you, then yes. Ye of no faith. As jesus says: don't store food away but have faith in god to keep you fed. Like the bird.. it doesn't store it's food, and yet god provides for it.

What area might this be, the loony bin where you work?

I'm sorry, weren't you the one whinging at me about having no empathy for those with mental problems etc? Isn't it derogatory to imply that they're loonies? Hypocrite?

Yep, that's the voice of my God alright, and I will continue to follow His voice, not yours.

Of course you will. You'll follow along like a good old sheep until the time comes when you fall off the cliff.

God changed me from a worm to a child of God. I see you admit that there was a change. It's odvious to anyone that knew me before I changed.

Morals are a consequence of the change that was made, I already had some pretty good morals -- I would never, for example kill, someone. But I had my flaws the same as any other person.

This is unfortunately irrelevant to what I said. Your morals, your ability to understand good and evil - came from the serpent - against god's wishes. god wanted you to remain without morals, without understanding of good and evil. The serpent went against him, and thus the only one you can thank for being turned from a worm is the serpent.