Why do people believe in God? - results

since matter/energy (the stuff everything in the universe is made of) cannot be destroyed or created only changed
Who told you this.......? some atheist scienetist?
Consider the source.
In response to joshalden:

What a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Actually, I fail to see that Q25 agrees with you inasmuch as you obviously know there is a God.

Interesting that you said age eight. This was a significant age for me as well, at which time I began a more serious and self searching independent thinking. Everything you wrote spoke to me of your open-mindedness. With so many busy in attempting to discredit those who would claim to know their creator, I have to wonder why. (Just as they wonder I suppose.)

We have to be still, and empty ourselves, purge our files, if you will. Spinoza wrote that we should engage in nothing that distracts us from our purpose. (paraphrased) Sin, to me, is simply anything that does not serve us well.
Those things we should lay aside. And, trying to prove that God is, does not serve me well, I can only share what I know, which is little, and what I believe, which is much. I too am in a process and shall be until I leave this body.

Kindest regards, PMT
I agree with P.M.T., what a beautiful post Joshalden. I also find it curious that age 8 was a stand out time in my life. I have also read that the early thirties is another one. Being 34, I don't have the hindsight to be able to see it right now, but I am sure it is large growth and discovery time for me.

I wasn't ignoring your comments, just not able to reply (work). I appreciate your point of view. You, as I did then, seem to have a heart for God and organized religion. That is wonderful if it serves you well. As for me I didn't find that it served me well, so I reached out and started looking for answers. I've looked and studied on and off for about 15 years and have become more serious in the last 5. I don't try to dissuade anyones beliefs. I like to have constructive conversations. As far as the Bible goes....I agree with some of its basic concepts but in many ways I disagree. There have been too many "fingers in the pie" so to speak. Too many books left out, too many people changing things to agree with their motives.

I appreciate your posts as well. I don't think I am really looking for confirmation that "God" and I are one. I believe all is God. Good, bad, ugly doesn't matter. And yes for those who are about to type it even seriel killers and child molesters, even Hitler. God is beyond the duality of good and evil. It is our perception of things and how are society judges things that make it good or evil. Societies of cannibals don't think its bad or evil to eat people. It is a learned response. It's conceptually learned responses to what others have taught us.
8 for me too.
I mean I didn't become a hardcore atheist at age 8, still was a little worried about calling god a "motherfucker" in my head and would apologise when I did, but its when I started having doubts.
Its also the year I read the book "the trials of life" by david attenborough which had a huge affect on me.
Its odd that darwin too started having doubts of god when he learned about animals, which is all the "trials of life" is, a book about animal behaviour, never says anything about god, it just made me question what the bible says because the natural world happens to contradict it in many ways.
And today, the consistency i see in theists is that they don't pay attention to animals or really know anything about them.
Its a strange connection buts its definately there.
Dr Lou Natic said:
8 for me too.
M*W: Dr. Lou and Awake, I had my "knowing" at age 7, or at least that's when I started questioning Christianity. Seven is the "age of reason," or so they say. That's when I came to know that Jesus didn't die on a cross like what was being taught to us. I knew at that time, I was not going to accept the blame for his crucifixion. Unfortunately, I stood up in Sunday School and told them what I thought, and I got my face slapped. (Back in those days our teachers were not only permitted but expected to provide us with corporal punishment as they see fit). In this case, it was an old bat of a Sunday School teacher in a Primitive Baptist Church in the deep South (SC). I will never forget that slap. If anything, it made me hate Christianity. Of course, when I married and had children, I converted to Catholicism, but all I found there were even more lies. Hey, even Jesus allegedly said something about being like "children." There is that innocence from which we depart, but believing in Christianity is what takes our innocence away when they tell us we are no good sinners!
James R said:
Turning to the atheists themselves, we find another somewhat surprising result - that atheists are perhaps not as supremely rational as they would have us believe. It seems that many of the atheists responses on this forum, at least, are emotional rather than rational. They are not based purely on available evidence, but rather on a reaction against the idea of God. There may be many reasons for this. People can react against a religious upbringing, or point to the perceived ills that religion causes in the world.
My thoughts on the above comment are that my emotion is derived from a personality type that despises irrational thinking. It irks me to no end that so many believe blindly in a faith in its literal sense.
I think that religion had its place explaining the unexplainable of its time, just as many belief systems of the past like greek mythology.