Why do people believe in God? - results

Q25 said:
very interesting philosophy,but,
if we are god, why do we have to worship god ? :rolleyes:
M*W: Q25, I wanted to put my 2 cents in if I may. If all there is is God, and all creation is God, then humanity is also God. Therefore, worshipping a god that is "somewhere OUT THERE," defeats the purpose of our worship. The "kingdom of God is WITHIN," so we should worship "God's temple" and everything in it. That means worshipping our BODY, our MIND and our SPIRIT in everything we think, say and do. Further, we must worship the BODY, MIND and SPIRIT that dwells within of all creation.

The most powerful gift we have is the gift of FORGIVENESS. When we pray for forgiveness for everyone who may have hurt us or neglected us in some way, we cleanse our soul. This IS where the POWER comes from.

I don't worship God, so to speak. I am searching to find the Godhood I possess.


I disagree. God, us, Satan all come from the same source, therefore we are (IMO) One with that source.
Awake said:

I don't worship God, so to speak. I am searching to find the Godhood I possess.


I disagree. God, us, Satan all come from the same source, therefore we are (IMO) One with that source.

My name is Jonathan by the way, How are you doing? In the ninth grade of my Highschool career I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart while taking communion with bread and grape juice, pretty cool huh? Because someone had the love and committment in their hearts to follow Christ I was able to experience the heart of Jesus that night up at place called Forrest Home. It's in Big Bear Mt. Cali. Beautiful place, the trees are lovely and the mountians are great. You say you are searching for the Godhood you possess, well I found the Godhood I possess in Jesus Christ. Think about it, who better? You know that there is something in you, well God created that in you there is no doubt about it. He set eternity in your heart, He knows your heart, even if you have burried it under miles of debris which is just what the enemy and the world wants. You are looking and that is so awesome, you have a willing heart to search, even better. Let me tell you a qoute, "The enemy has come to steal, kill, and destroy, but I have come to give life and that to the fullest"
-Jesus of Nazereth
Your heart is longing to go back to the very thing it knows it needs. Follow your heart. Love in Christ
Medicine Woman said:
The most powerful gift we have is the gift of FORGIVENESS. When we pray for forgiveness for everyone who may have hurt us or neglected us in some way, we cleanse our soul. This IS where the POWER comes from.
I dont believe in souls/spirits.
never seen one!
this place explains the origions of soul beliefs nicely;www.atheists.org

forgivenes,easy to say,hard to do,especialy if you or someone you like is the victim.
would you forgive a serial killer,?murderer?child molester?

imo anyone who commits crime three times is beyond help and rehabilitation,anyone can make a mistake once,maybe twice,but after that,
you're out!
Payment Coupon said:
My name is Jonathan by the way, How are you doing? In the ninth grade of my Highschool career I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart

. Let me tell you a qoute, "The enemy has come to steal, kill, and destroy, but I have come to give life and that to the fullest"
-Jesus of Nazereth
however didnt Jesus also said something like this:
have no doubt,I came not to bring peace into the world but a sword!

you tend to concentrate on the good parts of the bible,if you read it all,you might start to question its validity and beauty.
check these "bible quotes" at www.thewaronfaith.com
or the contradictions,atrocities,etc
at www.skepticsannotatedbible.com
Awake said:

I don't worship God, so to speak. I am searching to find the Godhood I possess.
M*W: (I inadvertently deleted your statement to Payment prior to this point) "...therefore we are (IMO) One with that source.

I understand your not worshipping "God, so to speak." I have trouble identifying our interconnectedness to someone/something named "God." I just don't see a "father image" in "God." A father image seems unnatural next to a mother image. A mother image would be loving and nurturing, but a father image would be the disciplinarian-type.

You are correct when you said "we are one with that source." The idea of Humanity is ONE BODY, ONE MIND, AND ONE SPIRIT. We're not there just yet, but we are well on our way. You are on the right track because you are searching for the God in You. I have no doubt you already see the God in You, you're just needing comfirmation. This is how I see God, too. Why else was humanity created? For absolutely NO OTHER REASON that to be the vehicle for God on Earth. WE ARE ONE.
Medicine Woman:

Interesting how we try to mold things to our own experiences. I had to smile as I read the following:

A father image seems unnatural next to a mother image. A mother image would be loving and nurturing, but a father image would be the disciplinarian-type.

Both my grandmothers were the strong ones in the families. Both my grandfathers were seemingly more peaceable, (I say passive, but not aggressive). My stepfather was similar, and my mother was one to watch, less you get your face smacked, or worse. My aunts were strong women, and only one of my uncles was also strong. As my mother came from a family of 9 children, and my father from a family of 5, that is rather impressive in light of what seems to have been your experience. Not that my family matters; I just thought it was interesting. Not that you care.

I always enjoy reading your posts. PMT
P. M. Thorne said:
Medicine Woman:

Interesting how we try to mold things to our own experiences. I had to smile as I read the following:

A father image seems unnatural next to a mother image. A mother image would be loving and nurturing, but a father image would be the disciplinarian-type.

Both my grandmothers were the strong ones in the families. Both my grandfathers were seemingly more peaceable, (I say passive, but not aggressive). My stepfather was similar, and my mother was one to watch, less you get your face smacked, or worse. My aunts were strong women, and only one of my uncles was also strong. As my mother came from a family of 9 children, and my father from a family of 5, that is rather impressive in light of what seems to have been your experience. Not that my family matters; I just thought it was interesting. Not that you care.

I always enjoy reading your posts. PMT
M*W: Well PM, I guess I should thank you for your enjoyment of my posts. If our experiences is all we know, then that's the basis of what we know. My grandmothers, too, were the strong ones. I was an only child which gave me a lot of time to ponder the universe. I come from a long line of strong women and men who knew the value of justice and fairness. Although I had a small family growing up, I had a large family myself. It's the only child syndrome. I gave birth to my brothers and sisters as it were. Fortunately, they didn't end up with too much emotional trauma. We're still really good friends! They are wonderful as are their children who I idolize, of course.
M.W. wrote;
However didnt Jesus also said something like this:
have no doubt,I came not to bring peace into the world but a sword!

you tend to concentrate on the good parts of the bible,if you read it all,you might start to question its validity and beauty.


Yes he said; "I come not to bring peace , but a sword"..........
But that's a good thing, not bad....here's why;
The sword He is talking about is the Sword of the Spirit .
The Word of God comes to seperate truth from error, what a father believes from that of a son, brother from sister, ect......

Elijah told the 400 prophets of Baal, who had infested Israel because of Jezzebel;
"How long halt ye between two opinions, either the Lord is God, or Baal."
And He broght them to a showdown to prove who was right. After God consumed the sacrifice with fire, Elijah slaughtered all 400 of them with the sword.

Their is today another showdown in progress, and the prophets of Baal this day are false "Jezzebel" religious organizations that claim to be "Christian" and go by the name of the Lord.
There is a great slaughter coming too, just as then...The Word of God seperates the "Wheat" from the "Chaff", and the false Churches that made a mockery of God's Word and gave place for athests, and skeptics to scoff.....they will soon be dealt with by God Himself.
Read in Rev. when all the fowls of heaven are called to the "feast"
The judgement of the "Great Harlot" Babylon, who is guilt of the blood of the saints and the prophets.
Each verse, every word is true, and has either happened, is happening, or will happen.
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Hmm. I too am an only child, who had a lot of alone time, in between homes.
Many of the homes were of my mother's sisters. What a good bunch of women!

My father's mother got into a disagreement with a bull, in her fifties. She grabbed hold of the ring in the bull's nose, and the combination of her determination and the little bull terrior who kept barking and distracting the bull thusly, as well as biting his flanks (is that the right word), gave the bull a bad enough time that she survived the ordeal. Of course, there were injuries, but she did okay. I stayed at her home for a little over four months when I was seven, and I sometimes thought she was going to kill me. She was German, and a lot of European women seem to be tough. My maternal grandmother was Indian and Irish. Yes, I minded both of them. Cheers, and thanks for sharing. PMT
P. M. Thorne said:
Medicine Woman:

Interesting how we try to mold things to our own experiences. I had to smile as I read the following:

A father image seems unnatural next to a mother image. A mother image would be loving and nurturing, but a father image would be the disciplinarian-type.

Both my grandmothers were the strong ones in the families. Both my grandfathers were seemingly more peaceable, (I say passive, but not aggressive). My stepfather was similar, and my mother was one to watch, less you get your face smacked, or worse. My aunts were strong women, and only one of my uncles was also strong. As my mother came from a family of 9 children, and my father from a family of 5, that is rather impressive in light of what seems to have been your experience. Not that my family matters; I just thought it was interesting. Not that you care.

I always enjoy reading your posts. PMT
M*W: PMT, please don't think I do not care. Our humanity is a wonderful thing, a gift from God. Humanity is God, but I know you don't believe that. We are all unique in our personalities and faith, but we are still a small portion of the Whole. When we start to see each other in that light, we become one. That's what is wrong with this world. Our humanity is still diverse in body, mind and spirit. When these differences converge inward (inverge?), we will become one body, mind and spirit. That's why it is necessary for world peace to get to know each other and respect each other as individuals yet care for each other as one body.

I know you care; otherwise you would not put so much energy into your writings. You said: Humanity is God, but I know you don't believe that.

Well, I am not so sure about that. I believe this: The closer we get to each other, the closer we get to God; the closer we get to God, the closer we get to each other. And, "Thy Kingdom come," coupled with "The Kingdom of God is within you, rather spells it out that the hope of the world is within us. We cry for peace, when it has already come. We look for it here and there, but the hope for peace is right where the peace can be found; that is, within us. We ask how can God let this or that happen, when we ought to be asking, how can we let this or that happen. We can carry on about how much better one train of thought is than another, but what we think changes none of the plan. It does change us, however. Yet most humans are not as excited about the inward work as they are about changing the external.

I read recently, intended to be funny. "Religious folks want to serve God, but most want only advisory positions." It is too true to be very funny.

I find the possibilities exciting. We can be so much more than we were ever told. There is so much more than we know that waits for us to get our ...... together, huh? PMT
P. M. Thorne said:

I know you care; otherwise you would not put so much energy into your writings. You said: Humanity is God, but I know you don't believe that.
M*W: I enjoyed reading your post. I agree with everything you said, and I do believe that God is Humanity, and Humanity is God. God is all creation, but humanity is our greatest creation. We are co-creators with God. I really believe you are on the right track. It may just be semantics that seem so diverse.
TheVisitor said:
Yes he said; "I come not to bring peace , but a sword"..........
But that's a good thing, not bad....here's why;
The sword He is talking about is the Sword of the Spirit .
interpreting the bible again,arent you? :rolleyes:
Hiya :) ,this is my first post. sorry invisible one I have to disagree. the fact that there is a diference in social class, and the the fact that some people have more money than others, is simply because we have organised our existance into one giant society, so there will always be different social classes, because the society as a whole would not work work if we didn't have leaders, or organisations to keep control then society would just not be able to function. As for money, that was brought in to show who is in which class, otherwise anyone could pass themselves off as being wealthy, and then declare themselves in charge of another human being. I don't like to disagree, but I really had to say something when I saw it! :cool:
M*W: I enjoyed reading your post. I agree with everything you said, and I do believe that God is Humanity, and Humanity is God. God is all creation, but humanity is our greatest creation. We are co-creators with God. I really believe you are on the right track. It may just be semantics that seem so diverse.

Yeah, you know it is okay to disagree, this does not give me an impression that I know more, I just try to be entirely honest about what my heart, my mind, my experiences have told me, and I am sure that you do too. We probably differ on some things, but I agree with you that we doubtless agree on more than we realize.

Sorry I took so long to answer this, I thought I had. Take care, and I look forward to enjoying more from you. PMT
I have been around a mere 40 or so years and I have been thinking about the 'Is there a God?' question since about age 8. From then to now I have arrived upon and discarded hundreds of answers, but I have managed to keep a few. One of the fundamental reasons that I believe in God (an ultimate self aware and all powereful creator) is because I cannot believe in "nothing". "Nothing" is the only concept I cannot wrap my mind around. Nothing - no matter, no space, no time, no blackness, no whiteness, no thought. Puzzling this I have come to believe that "nothing" can not exist. It is the one impossibility, even for God.

I have had some conversations regarding holy creation vs. scientific creation (not mutually exclusive to my way of thinking but VERY mutually exclusive to most) with a few self-proclaimed atheists (who tend to be as rabid on the subject as the most fundamentalist born-again). The big-bang theory always comes up. It is patiently explained to me and I patiently listen. Then I ask this 3 part question, "So where did the matter come from before it exploded, where did the space come from to accomodate the expansion of the expanding universe, and finally where did the time come from in which this process occurs?" I have gotten many careful answers to these questions, in a nutshell the answer is usually that these three necessary elements all came to "be" as a direct result of one another (space was created when the matter exploded, time was created when the matter exploded, the matter was created from the intersect of space and time). All of these answers seem to me simply to beg the question. What was there before any of those three elements? The answer, invariably - nothing, in which I cannot believe.

Hence, since there can not be nothing, there must be something and something must have always been and always will be, outside of time, space, and matter. That "something", since it incorporates (literally in-corp-orates) all things, you and me included, it must at the very least be cognizant since you and I are (if I am not being too presumptuous) cognizant. Beyond this fundamental, I can only guess at the nature and scope of this "something". I do know that if I talk to "it" and I listen carefully not with my ears but with a deeper sense, this "something" always answers me. This "voice" seems to come from outside and from within myself all at the same time. It is not always kind, not always what I want to hear, but it does have an alpha omega ozzie and harriett God the mother/father feel to it. I choose to call "it" God. But that is my personal take.

I am always open minded and open eared about these thoughts of mine. I don't know the etiquette here as I am new at this. I don't want to start a new thread as I have never done such a thing before and don't intend to now. James has done a thorough job already. But I do like to hear other's thoughts on the matter...

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joshalden said:
I have been around a mere 40 or so years and I have been thinking about the 'Is there a God?' question since about age 8
Hence, since there can not be nothing, there must be something and something must have always been and always will be, outside of time, space, and matter.
my thought exactly cant make something from nothing!
since matter/energy (the stuff everything in the universe is made of)cannot be destroyed or created only changed,its my guess that Universe has always existed in some form or shape,its eternal it just keeps changing all the time.
no need for some imaginary gods at all.
occams razor;
universe just is.